# Re-ActionMailer ReactionMailer is designed to send real emails out using the files generated by [Inaction Mailer](https://github.com/cwninja/inaction_mailer/) It will even read emails served up by [PopThis](https://github.com/cwninja/popthis) Most of the time it is most useful to have a rails app in development not to send out any actual emails. However it is usefull to be able to send real emails for things like testing with [Litmus](http://litmus.com/). ## Installation Install it: $ gem install reaction_mailer ## Usage Usage: remail [options] file1 file2 ... -u, --username USERNAME Gmail Username -w, --password PASSWORD Gmail Password -t, --to EMAIL Send the email to who? -p, --pop Read the emails to send from popthis -h, --help Display this screen ## Examples Send an email to a given email address using a file $ remail -t test@emailtesting.com mail.0.txt Enter your gmail username: someone@gmail.com Enter your gmail password: ********* #, >, , , , , , Send this email? y Ok that email just got sent! Send emails from the pop server $remail -t test@emailtesting.com -u someone@gmail.com -p Enter your gmail password: ********* #, >, , , , , , Send this email? y Ok that email just got sent! ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request