#This class tries to emulate a browser in Ruby without any visual stuff. Remember cookies, keep sessions alive, reset connections according to keep-alive rules and more. #===Examples # Http2.new(:host => "www.somedomain.com", :port => 80, :ssl => false, :debug => false) do |http| # res = http.get("index.rhtml?show=some_page") # html = res.body # print html # # res = res.post("index.rhtml?choice=login", {"username" => "John Doe", "password" => 123}) # print res.body # print "#{res.headers}" # end class Http2 #Autoloader for subclasses. def self.const_missing(name) require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../include/#{name.to_s.downcase}.rb" return Http2.const_get(name) end #Converts a URL to "is.gd"-short-URL. def self.isgdlink(url) Http2.new(:host => "is.gd") do |http| resp = http.get("/api.php?longurl=#{url}") return resp.body end end attr_reader :cookies, :args def initialize(args = {}) args = {:host => args} if args.is_a?(String) raise "Arguments wasnt a hash." if !args.is_a?(Hash) @args = args @cookies = {} @debug = @args[:debug] require "monitor" @mutex = Monitor.new if !@args[:port] if @args[:ssl] @args[:port] = 443 else @args[:port] = 80 end end if @args[:nl] @nl = @args[:nl] else @nl = "\r\n" end if @args[:user_agent] @uagent = @args[:user_agent] else @uagent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)" end raise "No host was given." if !@args[:host] self.reconnect if block_given? begin yield(self) ensure self.destroy end end end #Returns boolean based on the if the object is connected and the socket is working. #===Examples # puts "Socket is working." if http.socket_working? def socket_working? return false if !@sock or @sock.closed? if @keepalive_timeout and @request_last between = Time.now.to_i - @request_last.to_i if between >= @keepalive_timeout puts "Http2: We are over the keepalive-wait - returning false for socket_working?." if @debug return false end end return true end #Destroys the object unsetting all variables and closing all sockets. #===Examples # http.destroy def destroy @args = nil @cookies = nil @debug = nil @mutex = nil @uagent = nil @keepalive_timeout = nil @request_last = nil @sock.close if @sock and !@sock.closed? @sock = nil @sock_plain.close if @sock_plain and !@sock_plain.closed? @sock_plain = nil @sock_ssl.close if @sock_ssl and !@sock_ssl.closed? @sock_ssl = nil end #Reconnects to the host. def reconnect require "socket" puts "Http2: Reconnect." if @debug #Reset variables. @keepalive_max = nil @keepalive_timeout = nil @connection = nil @contenttype = nil @charset = nil #Open connection. if @args[:proxy] print "Http2: Initializing proxy stuff.\n" if @debug @sock_plain = TCPSocket.new(@args[:proxy][:host], @args[:proxy][:port]) @sock = @sock_plain @sock.write("CONNECT #{@args[:host]}:#{@args[:port]} HTTP/1.0#{@nl}") @sock.write("User-Agent: #{@uagent}#{@nl}") if @args[:proxy][:user] and @args[:proxy][:passwd] credential = ["#{@args[:proxy][:user]}:#{@args[:proxy][:passwd]}"].pack("m") credential.delete!("\r\n") @sock.write("Proxy-Authorization: Basic #{credential}#{@nl}") end @sock.write(@nl) res = @sock.gets raise res if res.to_s.downcase != "http/1.0 200 connection established#{@nl}" res_empty = @sock.gets raise "Empty res wasnt empty." if res_empty != @nl else print "Http2: Opening socket connection to '#{@args[:host]}:#{@args[:port]}'.\n" if @debug @sock_plain = TCPSocket.new(@args[:host], @args[:port].to_i) end if @args[:ssl] print "Http2: Initializing SSL.\n" if @debug require "openssl" ssl_context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new #ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER @sock_ssl = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(@sock_plain, ssl_context) @sock_ssl.sync_close = true @sock_ssl.connect @sock = @sock_ssl else @sock = @sock_plain end end #Forces various stuff into arguments-hash like URL from original arguments and enables single-string-shortcuts and more. def parse_args(*args) if args.length == 1 and args.first.is_a?(String) args = {:url => args.first} elsif args.length >= 2 raise "Couldnt parse arguments." elsif args.is_a?(Array) and args.length == 1 args = args.first else raise "Invalid arguments: '#{args.class.name}'." end if !args.key?(:url) or !args[:url] raise "No URL given: '#{args[:url]}'." elsif args[:url].to_s.split("\n").length > 1 raise "Multiple lines given in URL: '#{args[:url]}'." end return args end #Returns a result-object based on the arguments. #===Examples # res = http.get("somepage.html") # print res.body #=> -object containing the HTML gotten. def get(args) args = self.parse_args(args) header_str = "GET /#{args[:url]} HTTP/1.1#{@nl}" header_str << self.header_str(self.default_headers(args), args) header_str << @nl @mutex.synchronize do print "Http2: Writing headers.\n" if @debug print "Header str: #{header_str}\n" if @debug self.write(header_str) print "Http2: Reading response.\n" if @debug resp = self.read_response(args) print "Http2: Done with get request.\n" if @debug return resp end end #Tries to write a string to the socket. If it fails it reconnects and tries again. def write(str) #Reset variables. @length = nil @encoding = nil self.reconnect if !self.socket_working? begin raise Errno::EPIPE, "The socket is closed." if !@sock or @sock.closed? self.sock_write(str) rescue Errno::EPIPE #this can also be thrown by puts. self.reconnect self.sock_write(str) end @request_last = Time.now end #Returns the default headers for a request. #===Examples # headers_hash = http.default_headers # print "#{headers_hash}" def default_headers(args = {}) return args[:default_headers] if args[:default_headers] headers = { "Connection" => "Keep-Alive", "User-Agent" => @uagent } #Possible to give custom host-argument. if args[:host] headers["Host"] = args[:host] else headers["Host"] = @args[:host] end if !@args.key?(:encoding_gzip) or @args[:encoding_gzip] headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip" else #headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "none" end if @args[:basic_auth] headers["Authorization"] = "Basic #{Base64.encode64("#{@args[:basic_auth][:user]}:#{@args[:basic_auth][:passwd]}")}" end return headers end #This is used to convert a hash to valid post-data recursivly. def self.post_convert_data(pdata, args = nil) praw = "" if pdata.is_a?(Hash) pdata.each do |key, val| praw << "&" if praw != "" if args and args[:orig_key] key = "#{args[:orig_key]}[#{key}]" end if val.is_a?(Hash) or val.is_a?(Array) praw << self.post_convert_data(val, {:orig_key => key}) else praw << "#{Http2::Utils.urlenc(key)}=#{Http2::Utils.urlenc(Http2.post_convert_data(val))}" end end elsif pdata.is_a?(Array) count = 0 pdata.each do |val| praw << "&" if praw != "" if args and args[:orig_key] key = "#{args[:orig_key]}[#{count}]" else key = count end if val.is_a?(Hash) or val.is_a?(Array) praw << self.post_convert_data(val, {:orig_key => key}) else praw << "#{Http2::Utils.urlenc(key)}=#{Http2::Utils.urlenc(Http2.post_convert_data(val))}" end count += 1 end else return pdata.to_s end return praw end #Posts to a certain page. #===Examples # res = http.post("login.php", {"username" => "John Doe", "password" => 123) def post(args) args = self.parse_args(args) @mutex.synchronize do print "Doing post.\n" if @debug praw = Http2.post_convert_data(args[:post]) header_str = "POST /#{args[:url]} HTTP/1.1#{@nl}" header_str << self.header_str(self.default_headers(args).merge("Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Content-Length" => praw.length), args) header_str << @nl header_str << praw header_str << @nl print "Header str: #{header_str}\n" if @debug self.write(header_str) return self.read_response(args) end end #Posts to a certain page using the multipart-method. #===Examples # res = http.post_multipart("upload.php", {"normal_value" => 123, "file" => Tempfile.new(?)}) def post_multipart(*args) args = self.parse_args(*args) #Generate random string. boundary = rand(36**50).to_s(36) #Use tempfile to store contents to avoid eating memory if posting something really big. require "tempfile" praw = Tempfile.open("http2_post_multipart_tmp_#{boundary}") args[:post].each do |key, val| praw << "--#{boundary}#{@nl}" if val.class.name.to_s == "Tempfile" and val.respond_to?(:original_filename) praw << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{key}\"; filename=\"#{val.original_filename}\";#{@nl}" praw << "Content-Length: #{val.to_s.bytesize}#{@nl}" elsif val.is_a?(Hash) and val[:filename] praw << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{key}\"; filename=\"#{val[:filename]}\";#{@nl}" if val[:content] praw << "Content-Length: #{val[:content].to_s.bytesize}#{@nl}" elsif val[:fpath] praw << "Content-Length: #{File.size(val[:fpath])}#{@nl}" else raise "Could not figure out where to get content from." end else praw << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{key}\";#{@nl}" praw << "Content-Length: #{val.to_s.bytesize}#{@nl}" end praw << "Content-Type: text/plain#{@nl}" praw << @nl if val.class.name.to_s == "StringIO" praw << val.read elsif val.is_a?(Hash) and val[:content] praw << val[:content].to_s elsif val.is_a?(Hash) and val[:fpath] File.open(val[:fpath], "r") do |fp| begin while data = fp.sysread(4096) praw << data end rescue EOFError #ignore. end end else praw << val.to_s end praw << @nl end praw << "--#{boundary}--" praw.close(false) #Generate header-string containing 'praw'-variable. header_str = "POST /#{args[:url]} HTTP/1.1#{@nl}" header_str << self.header_str(self.default_headers(args).merge( "Content-Type" => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{boundary}", "Content-Length" => praw.size ), args) header_str << @nl #Debug. print "Headerstr: #{header_str}\n" if @debug #Write and return. @mutex.synchronize do self.write(header_str) File.open(praw.path, "r") do |fp| begin while data = fp.sysread(4096) self.sock_write(data) end rescue EOFError #ignore. end end return self.read_response(args) end end def sock_write(str) str = str.to_s return nil if str.empty? count = @sock.write(str) raise "Couldnt write to socket: '#{count}', '#{str}'." if count <= 0 end def sock_puts(str) self.sock_write("#{str}#{@nl}") end #Returns a header-string which normally would be used for a request in the given state. def header_str(headers_hash, args = {}) if @cookies.length > 0 and (!args.key?(:cookies) or args[:cookies]) cstr = "" first = true @cookies.each do |cookie_name, cookie_data| cstr << "; " if !first first = false if first if cookie_data.is_a?(Hash) cstr << "#{Http2::Utils.urlenc(cookie_data["name"])}=#{Http2::Utils.urlenc(cookie_data["value"])}" else cstr << "#{Http2::Utils.urlenc(cookie_name)}=#{Http2::Utils.urlenc(cookie_data)}" end end headers_hash["Cookie"] = cstr end headers_str = "" headers_hash.each do |key, val| headers_str << "#{key}: #{val}#{@nl}" end return headers_str end def on_content_call(args, str) args[:on_content].call(str) if args.key?(:on_content) end #Reads the response after posting headers and data. #===Examples # res = http.read_response def read_response(args = {}) @mode = "headers" @resp = Http2::Response.new(:request_args => args) rec_count = 0 loop do begin if @length and @length > 0 and @mode == "body" line = @sock.read(@length) else line = @sock.gets end if line rec_count += line.length elsif !line and rec_count <= 0 @sock = nil raise Errno::ECONNABORTED, "Server closed the connection before being able to read anything (KeepAliveMax: '#{@keepalive_max}', Connection: '#{@connection}', PID: '#{Process.pid}')." end print "<#{@mode}>: '#{line}'\n" if @debug rescue Errno::ECONNRESET => e if rec_count > 0 print "Http2: The connection was reset while reading - breaking gently...\n" if @debug @sock = nil break else raise Errno::ECONNABORTED, "Server closed the connection before being able to read anything (KeepAliveMax: '#{@keepalive_max}', Connection: '#{@connection}', PID: '#{Process.pid}')." end end break if line.to_s == "" if @mode == "headers" and line == @nl print "Http2: Changing mode to body!\n" if @debug break if @length == 0 @mode = "body" self.on_content_call(args, @nl) next end if @mode == "headers" self.parse_header(line, args) elsif @mode == "body" stat = self.parse_body(line, args) break if stat == "break" next if stat == "next" end end #Check if we should reconnect based on keep-alive-max. if @keepalive_max == 1 or @connection == "close" @sock.close if !@sock.closed? @sock = nil end #Check if the content is gzip-encoded - if so: decode it! if @encoding == "gzip" require "zlib" require "iconv" require "stringio" io = StringIO.new(@resp.args[:body]) gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(io) untrusted_str = gz.read ic = Iconv.new("UTF-8//IGNORE", "UTF-8") valid_string = ic.iconv(untrusted_str + " ")[0..-2] @resp.args[:body] = valid_string end #Release variables. resp = @resp @resp = nil @mode = nil raise "No status-code was received from the server. Headers: '#{resp.headers}' Body: '#{resp.args[:body]}'." if !resp.args[:code] if resp.args[:code].to_s == "302" and resp.header?("location") and (!@args.key?(:follow_redirects) or @args[:follow_redirects]) require "uri" uri = URI.parse(resp.header("location")) url = uri.path url << "?#{uri.query}" if uri.query.to_s.length > 0 args = {:host => uri.host} args[:ssl] = true if uri.scheme == "https" args[:port] = uri.port if uri.port print "Redirecting from location-header to '#{url}'.\n" if @debug if !args[:host] or args[:host] == @args[:host] return self.get(url) else http = Http2.new(args) return http.get(url) end elsif resp.args[:code].to_s == "500" err = Http2::Errors::Internalserver.new(resp.body) err.response = resp raise err elsif resp.args[:code].to_s == "403" err = Http2::Errors::Noaccess.new(resp.body) err.response = resp raise err else return resp end end #Parse a header-line and saves it on the object. #===Examples # http.parse_header("Content-Type: text/html\r\n") def parse_header(line, args = {}) if match = line.match(/^(.+?):\s*(.+)#{@nl}$/) key = match[1].to_s.downcase if key == "set-cookie" Http2::Utils.parse_set_cookies(match[2]).each do |cookie_data| @cookies[cookie_data["name"]] = cookie_data end elsif key == "keep-alive" if ka_max = match[2].to_s.match(/max=(\d+)/) @keepalive_max = ka_max[1].to_i print "Http2: Keepalive-max set to: '#{@keepalive_max}'.\n" if @debug end if ka_timeout = match[2].to_s.match(/timeout=(\d+)/) @keepalive_timeout = ka_timeout[1].to_i print "Http2: Keepalive-timeout set to: '#{@keepalive_timeout}'.\n" if @debug end elsif key == "connection" @connection = match[2].to_s.downcase elsif key == "content-encoding" @encoding = match[2].to_s.downcase elsif key == "content-length" @length = match[2].to_i elsif key == "content-type" ctype = match[2].to_s if match_charset = ctype.match(/\s*;\s*charset=(.+)/i) @charset = match_charset[1].downcase @resp.args[:charset] = @charset ctype.gsub!(match_charset[0], "") end @ctype = ctype @resp.args[:contenttype] = @ctype end if key != "transfer-encoding" and key != "content-length" and key != "connection" and key != "keep-alive" self.on_content_call(args, line) end @resp.headers[key] = [] if !@resp.headers.key?(key) @resp.headers[key] << match[2] elsif match = line.match(/^HTTP\/([\d\.]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.+)$/) @resp.args[:code] = match[2] @resp.args[:http_version] = match[1] else raise "Could not understand header string: '#{line}'.\n\n#{@sock.read(409600)}" end end #Parses the body based on given headers and saves it to the result-object. # http.parse_body(str) def parse_body(line, args) if @resp.args[:http_version] = "1.1" return "break" if @length == 0 if @resp.header("transfer-encoding").to_s.downcase == "chunked" len = line.strip.hex if len > 0 read = @sock.read(len) return "break" if read == "" or read == @nl @resp.args[:body] << read self.on_content_call(args, read) end nl = @sock.gets if len == 0 if nl == @nl return "break" else raise "Dont know what to do :'-(" end end raise "Should have read newline but didnt: '#{nl}'." if nl != @nl else @resp.args[:body] << line.to_s self.on_content_call(args, line) return "break" if @resp.header?("content-length") and @resp.args[:body].length >= @resp.header("content-length").to_i end else raise "Dont know how to read HTTP version: '#{@resp.args[:http_version]}'." end end end