desc "Run test code." do |t| # Rake::Task["log:clear"].invoke t.libs << "test" t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' t.verbose = true end namespace :test do desc "Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) from the application. Requires the rcov gem." task :stats do |t| x = `rcov test/**/*_test.rb -T --no-html -x Rakefile,config\/` @print = false x.each do |line| puts line if @print unless @print if line.match(/\d+ tests, \d+ assertions, \d+ failures, \d+ errors/) @print = true end end end end desc "Generates test coverage from the application. Requires the rcov gem." task :coverage do |t| `rcov test/**/*_test.rb -x Rakefile,config\/` `open coverage/index.html` end task :empty do |t| ENV["TEST:EMPTY"] = "true" end task :raise_exception do |t| raise "Oh No!" end end alias_task :test, :default alias_task :stats, "test:stats" alias_task :coverage, "test:coverage"