# encoding: utf-8 # # This file is part of the devdnsd gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun . # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # --- en: devdnsd: rule_invalid_call: "You must specify at least a rule and a host (also via a block). Optionally you can add a record type (default: A) and the options." rule_invalid_options: "You can only use hashs for options." rule_invalid_resource: "Invalid resource class %s." dns_update: "Flushing DNS cache and resolvers ..." no_jruby: "DevDNSd is not available on JRuby." no_fork: "Forking is not available for this platform. Running in foreground ..." starting: "Starting DevDNSd ..." match: "Found match on %s with type %s." reply: "Reply is %s with type %s." no_reply: "No reply found." no_agent: "Install DevDNSd as a local resolver is only available on MacOSX." admin_privileges_warning: "Basing on your setup, the system might ask you up to twice to grant {mark=bright}osascript{/mark} application admin privileges." resolver_creating: "Creating the resolver in {mark=bright}%s{/mark} ..." resolver_creating_error: "Cannot create the resolver file." resolver_deleting: "Deleting the resolver %s ..." resolver_deleting_error: "Cannot delete the resolver file." agent_creating: "Creating the launch agent in {mark=bright}%s{/mark} ..." agent_creating_error: "Cannot create the launch agent." agent_deleting: "Deleting the launch agent %s ..." agent_deleting_error: "Cannot delete the launch agent." agent_loading: "Loading the launch agent %s ..." agent_loading_error: "Cannot load the launch agent." agent_unloading: "Unloading the launch agent %s ..." agent_unloading_error: "Cannot unload the launch agent." logging_failed: "Cannot log to {mark=bright}%s{/mark}. Logging to terminal..." invalid_directory: "Cannot write on directory {mark=bright}%s{/mark}. Exiting..." application_description: "A small DNS server to enable local domain resolution." application_help_configuration: "The configuration file to use. Default is \"~/.devdnsd_config\"." application_help_tld: "The TLD to handle. Default is \"dev\"." application_help_port: "The port to bind. Default is 7771." application_help_pid_file: "The PID file to use. Default is \"/var/run/devdnsd.pid\"." application_help_log_file: "The log file to use. Not used if run in foreground. Default is \"/var/log/devdnsd.log\"." application_help_log_level: "The log level to use. Valid values are from 0 to 5 where 0 means \"all messages\". Default is 1." application_help_foreground: "Do not daemonize." application_help_interface: "The interface to manage. Default is \"lo0\"." application_help_addresses: "The list of aliases to add. Overrides sequential list." application_help_start_address: "The starting address for sequential aliases. Default is \"\"." application_help_aliases: "The number of aliases to add. Default is 5." application_help_add_command: "The command to run for adding an alias. Default is \"sudo ifconfig {{interface}} alias {{address}}\"." application_help_remove_command: "The command to run for removing an alias. Default is \"sudo ifconfig {{interface}} -alias {{address}}\"." application_help_dry_run: "Only show which modifications will be done." application_meta_file: "FILE" application_meta_domain: "DOMAIN" application_meta_level: "LEVEL" application_meta_port: "PORT" application_meta_interface: "INTERFACE" application_meta_address: "ADDRESS" application_meta_addresses: "ADDRESSES" application_meta_aliases: "ALIASES" application_meta_command: "COMMAND" application_create_config: "To execute devdnsd, please create the file {mark=bright}%s{/mark}. An empty file is sufficient." command_start: "Starts the server." command_stop: "Stops the server." command_restart: "Restarts the server." command_status: "Shows the status of the server." command_clean: "Cleans the system's DNS." command_install: "Installs the server." command_uninstall: "Uninstalls the server." command_aliases: "Adds or removes aliases to network interfaces." command_add: "Adds aliases." command_remove: "Removes aliases." status_running: "The server is running with process ID {mark=bright}%s{/mark}." status_stopped: "The server is stopped." status_crashed: "The server crashed. See the log for more information." status_unknown: "The server status is unknown." removing: "Removing" adding: "Adding" remove: "remove" add: "add" to: "to " from: "from " general_error: "Cannot {mark=bright}%s{/mark} address {mark=bright}%s{/mark} %sinterface {mark=bright}%s{/mark}." add_empty: "No valid addresses to add to the interface found." remove_empty: "No valid addresses to remove from the interface found." run: "%s {mark=bright}%s{/mark} address {mark=bright}%s{/mark} %sinterface {mark=bright}%s{/mark}..." dry_run: "%s I will {mark=bright}%s{/mark} address {mark=bright}%s{/mark} %sinterface {mark=bright}%s{/mark}..."