RSpec.describe Licensee::License do let(:license_count) { 36 } let(:hidden_license_count) { 24 } let(:featured_license_count) { 3 } let(:pseudo_license_count) { 2 } let(:non_featured_license_count) do license_count - featured_license_count - hidden_license_count end let(:mit) { described_class.find('mit') } let(:cc_by) { described_class.find('cc-by-4.0') } let(:unlicense) { described_class.find('unlicense') } let(:other) { described_class.find('other') } let(:no_license) { described_class.find('no-license') } let(:gpl) { described_class.find('gpl-3.0') } let(:lgpl) { described_class.find('lgpl-3.0') } let(:content_hash) { '46cdc03462b9af57968df67b450cc4372ac41f53' } let(:license_dir) do File.expand_path 'vendor/', project_root end context 'listing licenses' do let(:licenses) { described_class.all(arguments) } it 'returns the license keys' do expect(described_class.keys.count).to eql(license_count) expect(described_class.keys).to include(mit.key) expect(described_class.keys).to include('other') end context 'without any arguments' do let(:arguments) { {} } it 'returns the licenses' do expect(licenses).to all be_a(Licensee::License) expect(licenses.count).to eql(license_count - hidden_license_count) end it "doesn't include hidden licenses" do expect(licenses).to all(satisfy { |license| !license.hidden? }) end it 'includes featured licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(mit) expect(licenses).to_not include(cc_by) end end context 'hidden licenses' do let(:arguments) { { hidden: true } } it 'includes hidden licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(cc_by) expect(licenses).to include(mit) expect(licenses.count).to eql(license_count) end end context 'featured licenses' do let(:arguments) { { featured: true } } it 'includes only featured licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(mit) expect(licenses).to_not include(cc_by) expect(licenses.count).to eql(featured_license_count) end end context 'non-featured licenses' do let(:arguments) { { featured: false } } it 'includes only non-featured licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(unlicense) expect(licenses).to_not include(mit) expect(licenses.count).to eql(non_featured_license_count) end context 'including hidden licenses' do let(:arguments) { { featured: false, hidden: true } } it 'includes only non-featured licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(unlicense) expect(licenses).to include(cc_by) expect(licenses).to_not include(mit) expect(licenses.count).to eql(license_count - featured_license_count) end end end context 'psudo licenses' do let(:other) { Licensee::License.find('other') } context 'by default' do let(:arguments) { {} } it "doesn't include psudo licenses" do expect(licenses).to_not include(other) end end context 'with hidden licenses' do let(:arguments) { { hidden: true } } it 'includes psudo licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(other) end end context 'when explicitly asked' do let(:arguments) { { hidden: true, psuedo: true } } it 'includes psudo licenses' do expect(licenses).to include(other) end end context 'when explicitly excluded' do let(:arguments) { { hidden: true, psuedo: false } } it "doesn'tincludes psudo licenses" do expect(licenses).to_not include(other) end end end end context 'finding' do it 'finds the MIT license' do expect(described_class.find('mit')).to eql(mit) end it 'finds hidden licenses' do expect(described_class.find('cc-by-4.0')).to eql(cc_by) end it 'is case insensitive' do expect(described_class.find('MIT')).to eql(mit) end end it 'returns the license dir' do expect(described_class.license_dir).to eql(license_dir) expect(described_class.license_dir).to be_an_existing_file end it 'returns license files' do expected = license_count - pseudo_license_count expect(described_class.license_files.count).to eql(expected) expect(described_class.license_files).to all be_an_existing_file expect(described_class.license_files).to include(mit.path) end it 'stores the key when initialized' do expect('mit')).to be == mit expect('MIT')).to be == mit end it 'exposes the path' do expect(mit.path).to be_an_existing_file expect(mit.path).to match(described_class.license_dir) end it 'exposes the key' do expect(mit.key).to eql('mit') end it 'exposes the SPDX ID' do expect(gpl.spdx_id).to eql('GPL-3.0') end it 'exposes special SPDX ID for pseudo licenses' do expect(other.spdx_id).to eql('NOASSERTION') expect(no_license.spdx_id).to eql('NONE') end context '#other?' do it 'knows MIT is not other' do expect(gpl).to_not be_other end it 'knows the other license is other?' do expect(other).to be_other end end context 'meta' do it 'exposes license meta' do expect(mit).to respond_to(:meta) expect(mit.meta).to respond_to(:title) expect(mit.meta['title']).to eql('MIT License') expect(mit.meta.title).to eql('MIT License') end it 'includes defaults' do expect(other.meta['hidden']).to eql(true) end it 'returns the name' do expect( eql('MIT License') end it 'uses the default name when none exists' do expect( eql('NOASSERTION') end it 'expoeses the nickname' do expect(gpl.nickname).to eql('GNU GPLv3') end it 'exposes the name without version' do expect(mit.name_without_version).to eql('MIT License') expect(gpl.name_without_version).to eql('GNU General Public License') end it 'knows if a license is hidden' do expect(mit).to_not be_hidden expect(cc_by).to be_hidden end it 'knows if a license is featured' do expect(mit).to be_featured expect(unlicense).to_not be_featured end it 'knows if a license is GPL' do expect(mit).to_not be_gpl expect(gpl).to be_gpl end it 'knows a license is lgpl' do expect(mit).to_not be_gpl expect(lgpl).to be_lgpl end it 'knows if a license is CC' do expect(gpl).to_not be_creative_commons expect(cc_by).to be_creative_commons end end context 'content' do it 'returns the license content' do expect(mit.content).to match('Permission is hereby granted') end it 'strips leading whitespace' do expect(mit.content).to start_with('M') end it 'computes the hash' do expect(mit.content_hash).to eql(content_hash) end context 'with content stubbed' do let(:license) do license = 'MIT' license.instance_variable_set(:@raw_content, content) license end context 'with a horizontal rule' do let(:content) do "---\nfoo: bar\n---\nSome license\n---------\nsome text\n" end it 'parses the content' do expect(license.content).to eql("Some license\n---------\nsome text\n") end end end end it 'returns the URL' do expect(mit.url).to eql('') end it 'knows equality' do expect(mit).to eql(mit) expect(gpl).to_not eql(mit) end it 'knows if a license is a pseudo license' do expect(mit).to_not be_pseudo_license expect(other).to be_pseudo_license end it 'fails loudly for invalid license' do expect do'foo').name raise_error(Licensee::InvalidLicense) end it 'returns the rules' do expect(mit.rules).to be_a(Licensee::LicenseRules) expect(mit.rules).to have_key('permissions') expect(mit.rules['permissions'].first).to be_a(Licensee::Rule) expect(mit.rules.flatten.count).to eql(7) end it 'returns rules by tag and group' do expect(cc_by.rules).to have_key('limitations') rule = cc_by.rules['limitations'].find { |r| r.tag == 'patent-use' } expect(rule).to_not be_nil expect(rule.description).to include('does NOT grant') expect(gpl.rules).to have_key('permissions') rule = gpl.rules['permissions'].find { |r| r.tag == 'patent-use' } expect(rule).to_not be_nil expect(rule.description).to include('an express grant of patent rights') end context 'fields' do it 'returns the license fields' do expect(mit.fields.count).to eql(2) expect(mit.fields.first.key).to eql('year') expect(mit.fields.last.key).to eql('fullname') expect(gpl.fields).to be_empty end context 'muscache' do let(:license) do license = 'MIT' content = license.content + '[foo] [bar]' license.instance_variable_set(:@content, content) license end it 'returns mustache content' do expect(license.content_for_mustache).to match(/{{{year}}}/) expect(license.content_for_mustache).to match(/{{{fullname}}}/) expect(license.content_for_mustache).to_not match(/\[year\]/) expect(license.content_for_mustache).to_not match(/\[fullname\]/) end it "doesn't mangle other fields" do expect(license.content_for_mustache).to match(/\[foo\]/) expect(license.content_for_mustache).to_not match(/{{{foo}}}/) end end end context 'License.title_regex' do Licensee::License.all(hidden: true, psuedo: false).each do |license| context "the #{license.title} license" do %i[title nickname key].each do |variation| next if license.send(variation).nil? context "the license #{variation}" do let(:license_variation) { license.send(variation).sub('*', 'u') } let(:text) { license_variation } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end it 'finds by title' do expect(described_class.find_by_title(text)).to eql(license) end if license.title =~ /\bGNU\b/ context "without 'GNU'" do let(:text) { license_variation.sub(/GNU /i, '') } it 'still matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end end end context "with 'the' and 'license'" do let(:text) { "The #{license_variation} license" } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end end if variation == :title context 'version notation variations' do context "with 'version x.x'" do let(:text) do license_variation.sub(/v?(\d+\.\d+)/i, 'version \1') end it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end end context "with ', version x.x'" do let(:text) do license_variation.sub(/ v?(\d+\.\d+)/i, ', version \1') end it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end end context "with 'vx.x'" do let(:text) do license_variation.sub(/(?:version)? (\d+\.\d+)/i, ' v\1') end it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end end end end end end end end context 'a license with an alt title' do let(:text) { 'The Clear BSD license' } let(:license) { Licensee::License.find('bsd-3-clause-clear') } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(license.title_regex) end it 'finds by title' do expect(described_class.find_by_title(text)).to eql(license) end end end context 'to_h' do let(:hash) { mit.to_h } let(:expected) do { key: 'mit', spdx_id: 'MIT', meta: mit.meta.to_h, url: '', rules: mit.rules.to_h, fields:, other: false, gpl: false, lgpl: false, cc: false } end it 'Converts to a hash' do expect(hash).to eql(expected) end end context 'source regex' do Licensee::License.all(hidden: true, psuedo: false).each do |license| context "the #{license.title} license" do let(:source) { URI.parse(license.source) } %w[http https].each do |scheme| context "with a #{scheme}:// scheme" do before { source.scheme = scheme } ['www.', ''].each do |prefix| context "with '#{prefix}' before the host" do before do = "#{prefix}#{\Awww\./, '')}" end ['.html', '.htm', '.txt', ''].each do |suffix| context "with '#{suffix}' after the path" do before do next if license.key == 'wtfpl' regex = /#{Licensee::License::SOURCE_SUFFIX}\z/ source.path = source.path.sub(regex, '') source.path = "#{source.path}#{suffix}" end it 'matches' do expect(source.to_s).to match(license.source_regex) end end end end end end end end end end end