module QDM # Represents QDM datatype (parent class of all generated QDM datatype models) class DataElement include Mongoid::Document embedded_in :patient # Codes that describe this datatype. field :dataElementCodes, type: Array, default: [] # Optional description. field :description, type: String embeds_one :id, class_name: 'QDM::Id' def initialize(options = {}) super(options) # default id to the mongo ObjectId for this DataElement if it isnt already defined = _id.to_s) unless id? end # Returns the attribute requested on the datatype. def get(attribute) send(attribute) if has_attribute?(attribute) end # Returns all of the codes on this datatype in a way that is typical # to the CQL execution engine. def code_system_pairs codes.collect do |code| { code: code.code, system: code.codeSystem } end end # Helper method that returns the codes on this data element as QDM::Code # objects. def codes dataElementCodes.collect { |code| QDM::Code.demongoize(code) } end def mongoize json_representation = {} attribute_names.each do |field| json_representation[field] = send(field).mongoize end json_representation end # Include '_type' in any JSON output. This is necessary for deserialization. def to_json(options = nil) serializable_hash(methods: :_type).to_json(options) end # Shift all fields that deal with dates by the given value. # Given value should be in seconds. Positive values shift forward, negative # values shift backwards. def shift_dates(seconds) # Iterate over fields fields.keys.each do |field| # Check if field is a DateTime if send(field).is_a? DateTime send(field + '=', (send(field).to_time + seconds.seconds).to_datetime) end # Check if field is an Interval if (send(field).is_a? Interval) || (send(field).is_a? DataElement) send(field + '=', send(field).shift_dates(seconds)) end # Special case for facility locations next unless field == 'facilityLocations' send(field).each do |facility_location| facility_location['locationPeriod'][:low] = (facility_location['locationPeriod'][:low].to_time + seconds).to_datetime facility_location['locationPeriod'][:high] = (facility_location['locationPeriod'][:high].to_time + seconds).to_datetime end end end class << self # Get the object as it was stored in the database, and instantiate # this custom class from it. # def demongoize(object) return nil unless object object = object.symbolize_keys if object.is_a?(Hash) data_element = data_element.attribute_names.each do |field| data_element.send(field + '=', object[field.to_sym]) end data_element else object end end # Takes any possible object and converts it to how it would be # stored in the database. def mongoize(object) case object when nil then nil when QDM::DataElement then object.mongoize when Hash object = object.symbolize_keys data_element = data_element.attribute_names.each do |field| data_element.send(field + '=', object[field.to_sym]) end data_element.mongoize else object end end end end end