inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml require: - rubocop-rspec - rubocop-rake AllCops: TargetRubyVersion: 3.0 SuggestExtensions: false DisplayCopNames: true Include: - './Rakefile' # rake only - '**/*.rb' - '**/*.rake' # rake only Exclude: # autogenerated files (that we don't change) should go here - 'bin/**/*' - 'config/environments/*.rb' # rails only - 'config/routes.rb' # rails only - 'db/**/*' # rails only - 'spec/spec_helper.rb' - 'spec/rails_helper.rb' # rails only - 'vendor/**/*' # gems only (?) Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody: Enabled: false Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude: - 'preservation-client.gemspec' - 'spec/**/*' Layout/LineLength: Max: 120 Exclude: - 'lib/preservation/client/response_error_formatter.rb' - 'spec/**/*' Metrics/MethodLength: Max: 25 # do try to keep examples short (can you split out the setup from the test?) RSpec/ExampleLength: Enabled: false # most tests should test a single thing RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Max: 5 # default 1 RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers: Enabled: false RSpec/NestedGroups: Max: 5 # default: 3 Style/Documentation: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*' Style/WordArray: Enabled: false Gemspec/RequireMFA: # new in 1.23 Enabled: true Layout/LineEndStringConcatenationIndentation: # new in 1.18 Enabled: true Layout/SpaceBeforeBrackets: # new in 1.7 Enabled: true Lint/AmbiguousAssignment: # new in 1.7 Enabled: true Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence: # new in 1.21 Enabled: true Lint/AmbiguousRange: # new in 1.19 Enabled: true Lint/DeprecatedConstants: # new in 1.8 Enabled: true Lint/DuplicateBranch: # new in 1.3 Enabled: true Lint/DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Lint/EmptyBlock: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Lint/EmptyClass: # new in 1.3 Enabled: true Lint/EmptyInPattern: # new in 1.16 Enabled: true Lint/IncompatibleIoSelectWithFiberScheduler: # new in 1.21 Enabled: true Lint/LambdaWithoutLiteralBlock: # new in 1.8 Enabled: true Lint/NoReturnInBeginEndBlocks: # new in 1.2 Enabled: true Lint/NumberedParameterAssignment: # new in 1.9 Enabled: true Lint/OrAssignmentToConstant: # new in 1.9 Enabled: true Lint/RedundantDirGlobSort: # new in 1.8 Enabled: true Lint/RequireRelativeSelfPath: # new in 1.22 Enabled: true Lint/SymbolConversion: # new in 1.9 Enabled: true Lint/ToEnumArguments: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Lint/TripleQuotes: # new in 1.9 Enabled: true Lint/UnexpectedBlockArity: # new in 1.5 Enabled: true Lint/UnmodifiedReduceAccumulator: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Lint/UselessRuby2Keywords: # new in 1.23 Enabled: true Naming/BlockForwarding: # new in 1.24 Enabled: true Security/IoMethods: # new in 1.22 Enabled: true Style/ArgumentsForwarding: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Style/CollectionCompact: # new in 1.2 Enabled: true Style/DocumentDynamicEvalDefinition: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true Style/EndlessMethod: # new in 1.8 Enabled: true Style/FileRead: # new in 1.24 Enabled: true Style/FileWrite: # new in 1.24 Enabled: true Style/HashConversion: # new in 1.10 Enabled: true Style/HashExcept: # new in 1.7 Enabled: true Style/IfWithBooleanLiteralBranches: # new in 1.9 Enabled: true Style/InPatternThen: # new in 1.16 Enabled: true Style/MapToHash: # new in 1.24 Enabled: true Style/MultilineInPatternThen: # new in 1.16 Enabled: true Style/NegatedIfElseCondition: # new in 1.2 Enabled: true Style/NilLambda: # new in 1.3 Enabled: true Style/NumberedParameters: # new in 1.22 Enabled: true Style/NumberedParametersLimit: # new in 1.22 Enabled: true Style/OpenStructUse: # new in 1.23 Enabled: true Style/QuotedSymbols: # new in 1.16 Enabled: true Style/RedundantArgument: # new in 1.4 Enabled: true Style/RedundantSelfAssignmentBranch: # new in 1.19 Enabled: true Style/SelectByRegexp: # new in 1.22 Enabled: true Style/StringChars: # new in 1.12 Enabled: true Style/SwapValues: # new in 1.1 Enabled: true RSpec/ExcessiveDocstringSpacing: # new in 2.5 Enabled: true RSpec/IdenticalEqualityAssertion: # new in 2.4 Enabled: true RSpec/SubjectDeclaration: # new in 2.5 Enabled: true RSpec/FactoryBot/SyntaxMethods: # new in 2.7 Enabled: true RSpec/Rails/AvoidSetupHook: # new in 2.4 Enabled: true Gemspec/DeprecatedAttributeAssignment: # new in 1.30 Enabled: true Layout/LineContinuationLeadingSpace: # new in 1.31 Enabled: true Layout/LineContinuationSpacing: # new in 1.31 Enabled: true Lint/ConstantOverwrittenInRescue: # new in 1.31 Enabled: true Lint/NonAtomicFileOperation: # new in 1.31 Enabled: true Lint/RefinementImportMethods: # new in 1.27 Enabled: true Security/CompoundHash: # new in 1.28 Enabled: true Style/EnvHome: # new in 1.29 Enabled: true Style/FetchEnvVar: # new in 1.28 Enabled: true Style/MapCompactWithConditionalBlock: # new in 1.30 Enabled: true Style/NestedFileDirname: # new in 1.26 Enabled: true Style/ObjectThen: # new in 1.28 Enabled: true Style/RedundantInitialize: # new in 1.27 Enabled: true RSpec/BeEq: # new in 2.9.0 Enabled: true RSpec/BeNil: # new in 2.9.0 Enabled: true RSpec/ChangeByZero: # new in 2.11.0 Enabled: true RSpec/VerifiedDoubleReference: # new in 2.10.0 Enabled: true Lint/RequireRangeParentheses: # new in 1.32 Enabled: true Style/EmptyHeredoc: # new in 1.32 Enabled: true Style/MagicCommentFormat: # new in 1.35 Enabled: true RSpec/ClassCheck: # new in 2.13 Enabled: true RSpec/NoExpectationExample: # new in 2.13 Enabled: true RSpec/Capybara/SpecificFinders: # new in 2.13 Enabled: true RSpec/Capybara/SpecificMatcher: # new in 2.12 Enabled: true RSpec/Rails/HaveHttpStatus: # new in 2.12 Enabled: true