class Hash { forwards_unary_ruby_methods alias_method: ":[]" for: '[] alias_method: 'at:put: for: "[]=" alias_method: '[]: for: "[]=" alias_method: 'at: for: '[] ruby_alias: '== def each: block { each(&block) } def each_key: block { each_key(&block) } def each_value: block { each_value(&block) } def map: block { map(&block) } def delete: key { """ @key Key of key-value pair to be deleted in @self. Deletes a key-value pair from @self. """ delete(key) } def merge: other_hash { merge(other_hash) } def merge!: other_hash { merge!(other_hash) } def includes?: key { """ @key Key to search for. @return @true, if Hash includes @key, @false otherwise. Indicates if a given key is in @self. """ include?(key) } }