import { spawn } from "child_process"; import fs from "fs"; import net from "net"; import os from "os"; import path from "path"; import process from "process"; import url from "url"; // In order to properly parse ruby code, we need to tell the ruby process to // parse using UTF-8. Unfortunately, the way that you accomplish this looks // differently depending on your platform. function getLang() { const { env, platform } = process; const envValue = env.LC_ALL || env.LC_CTYPE || env.LANG; // If an env var is set for the locale that already includes UTF-8 in the // name, then assume we can go with that. if (envValue && envValue.includes("UTF-8")) { return envValue; } // Otherwise, we're going to guess which encoding to use based on the system. // This is probably not the best approach in the world, as you could be on // linux and not have C.UTF-8, but in that case you're probably passing an env // var for it. This object below represents all of the possible values of // process.platform per: // return { aix: "C.UTF-8", android: "C.UTF-8", cygwin: "C.UTF-8", darwin: "en_US.UTF-8", freebsd: "C.UTF-8", haiku: "C.UTF-8", linux: "C.UTF-8", netbsd: "C.UTF-8", openbsd: "C.UTF-8", sunos: "C.UTF-8", win32: ".UTF-8" }[platform]; } // Return the list of plugins that should be passed to the server process. function getPlugins(opts) { const plugins = new Set(); const rubyPlugins = opts.rubyPlugins.trim(); if (rubyPlugins.length > 0) { rubyPlugins.split(",").forEach((plugin) => plugins.add(plugin.trim())); } if (opts.rubySingleQuote) { plugins.add("plugin/single_quotes"); } if (opts.trailingComma !== "none") { plugins.add("plugin/trailing_comma"); } return Array.from(plugins); } // Create a file that will act as a communication mechanism, spawn a parser // server with that filepath as an argument, then wait for the file to be // created that will contain the connection information. export async function spawnServer(opts, killOnExit = true) { const tmpdir = os.tmpdir(); const filepath = path.join(tmpdir, `prettier-ruby-parser-${}.txt`); const server = spawn( opts.rubyExecutablePath || "ruby", [ url.fileURLToPath(new URL("./server.rb", import.meta.url)), `--plugins=${getPlugins(opts).join(",")}`, filepath ], { env: Object.assign({}, process.env, { LANG: getLang() }), stdio: ["ignore", "ignore", "inherit"], detached: true } ); server.unref(); if (killOnExit) { process.on("exit", () => { if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) { fs.unlinkSync(filepath); } try { if ( { // Kill the server process if it's still running. If we're on windows // we're going to use the process ID number. If we're not, we're going // to use the negative process ID to indicate the group. const pid = process.platform === "win32" ? :; process.kill(pid); } } catch (error) { // If there's an error killing the process, we're going to ignore it. } }); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const interval = setInterval(() => { if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) { const connectionJSON = fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString("utf-8"); resolve({ serverPID:, connectionFilepath: filepath, connectionOptions: JSON.parse(connectionJSON) }); clearTimeout(timeout); clearInterval(interval); } else if (server.exitCode) { reject(new Error("Failed to start parse server.")); clearTimeout(timeout); clearInterval(interval); } }, 100); const timeout = setTimeout( () => { const message = "Failed to get connection options from parse server in time. If this happens repeatedly, try increasing the PRETTIER_RUBY_TIMEOUT_MS environment variable beyond 10000."; clearInterval(interval); reject(new Error(message)); }, parseInt(process.env.PRETTIER_RUBY_TIMEOUT_MS || "10000", 10) ); }); } let connectionOptions; if (process.env.PRETTIER_RUBY_HOST) { connectionOptions = JSON.parse(process.env.PRETTIER_RUBY_HOST); } // Formats and sends an asynchronous request to the parser server. async function parse(parser, source, opts) { if (!connectionOptions) { const spawnedServer = await spawnServer(opts); connectionOptions = spawnedServer.connectionOptions; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const socket = new net.Socket(); let chunks = ""; socket.on("error", (error) => { reject(error); }); socket.on("data", (data) => { chunks += data.toString("utf-8"); }); socket.on("end", () => { const response = JSON.parse(chunks); if (response.error) { const error = new Error(response.error); if (response.loc) { error.loc = response.loc; } reject(error); } resolve(response); }); socket.connect(connectionOptions, () => { socket.end( JSON.stringify({ parser, source, maxwidth: opts.printWidth, tabwidth: opts.tabWidth }) ); }); }); } // Metadata mostly pulled from linguist and rubocop: // // const plugin = { languages: [ { name: "Ruby", parsers: ["ruby"], extensions: [ ".arb", ".axlsx", ".builder", ".eye", ".fcgi", ".gemfile", ".gemspec", ".god", ".jb", ".jbuilder", ".mspec", ".opal", ".pluginspec", ".podspec", ".rabl", ".rake", ".rb", ".rbi", ".rbuild", ".rbw", ".rbx", ".ru", ".ruby", ".thor", ".watchr" ], filenames: [ ".irbrc", ".pryrc", ".simplecov", "Appraisals", "Berksfile", "Brewfile", "Buildfile", "Capfile", "Cheffile", "Dangerfile", "Deliverfile", "Fastfile", "Gemfile", "Guardfile", "Jarfile", "Mavenfile", "Podfile", "Puppetfile", "Rakefile", "Snapfile", "Thorfile", "Vagabondfile", "Vagrantfile", "buildfile" ], interpreters: ["jruby", "macruby", "rake", "rbx", "ruby"], linguistLanguageId: 326, vscodeLanguageIds: ["ruby"] }, { name: "RBS", parsers: ["rbs"], extensions: [".rbs"] }, { name: "HAML", parsers: ["haml"], extensions: [".haml"], vscodeLanguageIds: ["haml"] } ], parsers: { ruby: { parse(text, opts) { return parse("ruby", text, opts); }, astFormat: "ruby", hasPragma(text) { return /^\s*#[^\S\n]*@(?:prettier|format)\s*?(?:\n|$)/m.test(text); }, locStart() { return 0; }, locEnd() { return 0; } }, rbs: { parse(text, opts) { return parse("rbs", text, opts); }, astFormat: "rbs", hasPragma(text) { return /^\s*#[^\S\n]*@(prettier|format)\s*(\n|$)/.test(text); }, locStart() { return 0; }, locEnd() { return 0; } }, haml: { parse(text, opts) { return parse("haml", text, opts); }, astFormat: "haml", hasPragma(text) { return /^\s*-#\s*@(prettier|format)/.test(text); }, locStart() { return 0; }, locEnd() { return 0; } } }, printers: { ruby: { print(path) { return path.getValue(); }, insertPragma(text) { return `# @format${text.startsWith("#") ? "\n" : "\n\n"}${text}`; } }, rbs: { print(path) { return path.getValue(); }, insertPragma(text) { return `# @format${text.startsWith("#") ? "\n" : "\n\n"}${text}`; } }, haml: { print(path) { return path.getValue(); }, insertPragma(text) { return `-# @format${text.startsWith("-#") ? "\n" : "\n\n"}${text}`; } } }, options: { rubyPlugins: { type: "string", category: "Ruby", default: "", description: "The comma-separated list of plugins to require.", since: "3.1.0" }, rubySingleQuote: { type: "boolean", category: "Ruby", default: false, description: "When double quotes are not necessary for interpolation, prefers the use of single quotes for string literals.", since: "1.0.0" }, rubyExecutablePath: { type: "string", category: "Ruby", default: "ruby", description: "The path to the Ruby executable to use to run the formatter.", since: "3.3.0" } }, defaultOptions: { printWidth: 80, tabWidth: 2, trailingComma: "none", singleQuote: false } }; export default plugin;