class JsTestServer::Server::Runner include JsTestServer::Server def cli(*argv) opts = Trollop.options(argv) do opt( :framework_name, "The name of the test framework you want to use. e.g. --framework-name=jasmine", :type => String, :default => DEFAULTS[:framework_name] ) opt( :framework_path, "The name of the test framework you want to use. e.g. --framework-path=./specs/jasmine_core", :type => String, :default => DEFAULTS[:framework_path] ) opt( :spec_path, "The path to the spec files. e.g. --spec-path=./specs", :type => String, :default => DEFAULTS[:spec_path] ) opt( :root_path, "The root path of the server. e.g. --root-path=./public", :type => String, :default => DEFAULTS[:root_path] ) opt( :port, "The server port", :type => Integer, :default => DEFAULTS[:port] ) opt( :javascript_files, "The javascript files under test", :type => String, :default => "" ) opt( :css_files, "The css files under test", :type => String, :default => "" ) opt( :javascript_test_file_glob, "The glob to find the javascript files", :type => String, :default => DEFAULTS[:javascript_test_file_glob] ) end JsTestServer.port = opts[:port] JsTestServer.framework_name = opts[:framework_name] JsTestServer.framework_path = opts[:framework_path] JsTestServer.spec_path = opts[:spec_path] JsTestServer.root_path = opts[:root_path] JsTestServer.javascript_test_file_glob = opts[:javascript_test_file_glob] suite_view_class = JsTestServer::Configuration.instance.suite_view_class suite_view_class.project_js_files.push(*opts[:javascript_files].split(",")) suite_view_class.project_css_files.push(*opts[:css_files].split(",")) STDOUT.puts "root-path is #{JsTestServer.root_path}" STDOUT.puts "spec-path is #{JsTestServer.spec_path}" start end def start require "thin"[ "--port", JsTestServer.port.to_s, "--rackup", File.expand_path(JsTestServer.rackup_path), "start"] ).run! end def standalone_rackup(rack_builder) require "sinatra" rack_builder.use JsTestServer::Server::App Sinatra::Application end end