# frozen_string_literal: true require 'chef' require 'chef/knife' require 'chef-dk/command/update' require 'chef-dk/command/install' require 'deep_merge' require 'git' require 'json' require 'rest-client' class PolicyChangelog TMP_PREFIX = 'knife-changelog' # Regex matching Chef cookbook version syntax # See https://docs.chef.io/cookbook_versioning.html#syntax VERSION_REGEX = /^[1-9]*[0-9](\.[0-9]+){1,2}$/ # Initialzes Helper class # # @param cookbooks [Array] cookbooks to update (@name_args) # @param policyfile [String] policyfile path def initialize(cookbooks, policyfile, with_dependencies) @cookbooks_to_update = cookbooks @policyfile_path = File.expand_path(policyfile) @policyfile_dir = File.dirname(@policyfile_path) @with_dependencies = with_dependencies end # Updates the Policyfile.lock to get version differences. # # @return update_dir [String] tmp directory with updated Policyfile.lock def update_policyfile_lock backup_dir = Dir.mktmpdir FileUtils.cp(File.join(@policyfile_dir, 'Policyfile.lock.json'), backup_dir) installer = ChefDK::Command::Install.new raise "Cannot install Policyfile lock #{@policyfile_path}" unless installer.run([@policyfile_relative_path]).zero? updater = ChefDK::Command::Update.new raise "Error updating Policyfile lock #{@policyfile_path}" unless updater.run([@policyfile_path, @cookbooks_to_update].flatten).zero? updated_policyfile_lock = read_policyfile_lock(@policyfile_dir) FileUtils.cp(File.join(backup_dir, 'Policyfile.lock.json'), @policyfile_dir) updated_policyfile_lock end # Parses JSON in Policyfile.lock. # # @param dir [String] directory containing Policyfile.lock # @return [Hash] contents of Policyfile.lock def read_policyfile_lock(dir) lock = File.join(dir, 'Policyfile.lock.json') raise "File #{lock} does not exist" unless File.exist?(lock) content = JSON.parse(File.read(lock)) raise 'Policyfile.lock empty' if content.empty? content end # Extracts current or target versions from Policyfile.lock data depending # on the type value provided. # # @param locks [Hash] cookbook data from Policyfile.lock # @param type [String] version type - current or target # @return [Hash] cookbooks with their versions def versions(locks, type) raise 'Use "current" or "target" as type' unless %w[current target].include?(type) raise 'Cookbook locks empty or nil' if locks.nil? || locks.empty? cookbooks = {} locks.each do |name, data| cookbooks[name] = if data['source_options'].keys.include?('git') { "#{type}_version" => data['source_options']['revision'] } else { "#{type}_version" => data['version'] } end end cookbooks end # Extracts Git source URL from cookbook 'source_options' data depending # on the source type - Supermarket or Git # # @param s [Hash] source_options for a cookbook in the Policyfile.lock # @return [String] Git source code URL def get_source_url(s) if s.keys.include?('artifactserver') { 'source_url' => supermarket_source_url(s['artifactserver'][%r{(.+)\/versions\/.*}, 1]) } else { 'source_url' => s['git'] } end end # Fetches cookbook metadata from Supermarket and extracts Git source URL # # @param url [String] Supermarket cookbook URL # @return [String] Git source code URL def supermarket_source_url(url) source_url = JSON.parse(RestClient::Request.execute( url: url, method: :get, verify_ssl: false ))['source_url'] source_url = "#{source_url}.git" unless source_url.end_with?('.git') source_url end # Clones a Git repo in a temporary directory and generates a commit # changelog between two version tags # # @param source_url [String] Git repository URL # @param current [String] current cookbook version tag # @param target [String] target cookbook version tag # @return [String] changelog between tags for one cookbook def git_changelog(source_url, current, target, cookbook = nil) dir = Dir.mktmpdir(TMP_PREFIX) repo = Git.clone(source_url, dir) cookbook_path = cookbook ? git_cookbook_path(repo, cookbook) : '.' repo.log.path(cookbook_path).between(git_ref(current, repo, cookbook), git_ref(target, repo, cookbook)).map do |commit| "#{commit.sha[0, 7]} #{commit.message.lines.first.strip}" end.join("\n") end # Tries to find the location of a specific cookbook in the given repo # # @param repo [Git::Base] Git repository object # @param cookbook [String] name of the cookbook to search the location # @return [String] reative location of the cookbook in the repo def git_cookbook_path(repo, cookbook) metadata_files = ['metadata.rb', '*/metadata.rb'].flat_map { |location| repo.ls_files(location).keys } metadata_path = metadata_files.find do |path| path = ::File.join(repo.dir.to_s, path) ::Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.new.tap { |m| m.from_file(path) }.name == cookbook end raise "Impossible to find matching metadata for #{cookbook} in #{repo.remote.url}" unless metadata_path ::File.dirname(metadata_path) end # Tries to convert a supermarket tag to a git reference # if there is a difference in formatting between the two. # This is issue is present for the 'java' cookbook. # https://github.com/agileorbit-cookbooks/java/issues/450 # # @param ref [String] version reference # @param repo [Git::Base] Git repository object # @param cookbook [String] name of the cookbook to ref against # @return [String] def git_ref(myref, repo, cookbook_name = nil) possible_refs = ['v' + myref, myref] possible_refs += possible_refs.map { |ref| "#{cookbook_name}-#{ref}" } if cookbook_name possible_refs += possible_refs.map { |ref| ref.chomp('.0') } if myref[/\.0$/] existing_ref = possible_refs.find do |ref| begin repo.checkout(ref) rescue ::Git::GitExecuteError false end end raise "Impossible to find existing references to #{possible_refs} in #{repo.remote.url}" unless existing_ref existing_ref end # Sort tags by version and filter out invalid version tags # # @param tags [Array] git tags # @return [Array] git tags sorted by version def sort_by_version(tags) tags.sort_by do |t| begin Gem::Version.new(t.name.gsub(/^v/, '')) rescue ArgumentError => e # Skip tag if version is not valid (i.e. a String) raise unless e.message && e.message.include?('Malformed version number string') Gem::Version.new('0.0.0') end end end # Formats commit changelog to be more readable # # @param name [String] cookbook name # @param data [Hash] cookbook versions and source url data # @return [String] formatted changelog def format_output(name, data) output = ["\nChangelog for #{name}: #{data['current_version']}->#{data['target_version']}"] output << '=' * output.first.size output << if data['current_version'] git_changelog(data['source_url'], data['current_version'], data['target_version'], name) else 'Cookbook was not in the Policyfile.lock.json' end output.join("\n") end # Filters out cookbooks which are not updated, are not used after update # # @param [Hash] cookbook versions and source url data # @return [true, false] def reject_version_filter(data) raise 'Data containing versions is nil' if data.nil? data['current_version'] == data['target_version'] || data['target_version'].nil? end # Search for cookbook downgrade and raise an error if any def validate_downgrade!(data) downgrade = data.select do |_, ck| # Do not try to validate downgrade on non-sementic versions (e.g. git revision) ck['target_version'] =~ VERSION_REGEX && ck['current_version'] =~ VERSION_REGEX && ::Gem::Version.new(ck['target_version']) < ::Gem::Version.new(ck['current_version']) end return if downgrade.empty? details = downgrade.map { |name, data| "#{name} (#{data['current_version']} -> #{data['target_version']})" } raise "Trying to downgrade following cookbooks: #{details.join(', ')}" end # Generates Policyfile changelog # # @return [String] formatted version changelog def generate_changelog(prevent_downgrade: false) lock_current = read_policyfile_lock(@policyfile_dir) current = versions(lock_current['cookbook_locks'], 'current') lock_target = update_policyfile_lock target = versions(lock_target['cookbook_locks'], 'target') updated_cookbooks = current.deep_merge(target).reject { |_name, data| reject_version_filter(data) } changelog_cookbooks = if @with_dependencies || @cookbooks_to_update.nil? updated_cookbooks else updated_cookbooks.select { |name, _data| @cookbooks_to_update.include?(name) } end validate_downgrade!(updated_cookbooks) if prevent_downgrade generate_changelog_from_versions(changelog_cookbooks) end # Generates Policyfile changelog # # @param cookbook_versions. Format is { 'NAME' => { 'current_version' => 'VERSION', 'target_version' => 'VERSION' } # @return [String] formatted version changelog def generate_changelog_from_versions(cookbook_versions) lock_current = read_policyfile_lock(@policyfile_dir) sources = cookbook_versions.map do |name, data| [name, get_source_url(lock_current['cookbook_locks'][name]['source_options'])] if data['current_version'] end.compact.to_h cookbook_versions.deep_merge(sources).map { |name, data| format_output(name, data) }.join("\n") end end