require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'http_mock' describe Admin::ContentController do integrate_views # Like it's a shared, need call everywhere describe 'index action', :shared => true do it 'should render template index' do get 'index' response.should render_template('index') end it 'should see all published in index' do get :index, :search => {:published => '0', :published_at => '2008-08', :user_id => '2'} response.should render_template('index') response.should be_success end it 'should restrict only by searchstring' do get :index, :search => {:searchstring => 'originally'} assigns(:articles).should == [contents(:xmltest)] response.should render_template('index') response.should be_success end it 'should restrict by searchstring and published_at' do get :index, :search => {:searchstring => 'originally', :published_at => '2008-08'} assigns(:articles).should be_empty response.should render_template('index') response.should be_success end end describe 'autosave action', :shared => true do it 'should save new article with draft status and link to other article if first autosave' do lambda do lambda do post :autosave, :article => {:allow_comments => '1', :body_and_extended => 'my draft in autosave', :keywords => 'mientag', :permalink => 'big-post', :title => 'big post', :text_filter => 'none', :published => '1', :published_at => 'December 23, 2009 03:20 PM'} end.should change(Article, :count) end.should change(Tag, :count) result = Article.last result.body.should == 'my draft in autosave' result.title.should == 'big post' result.permalink.should == 'big-post' result.parent_id.should be_nil end describe "for a published article" do before :each do @article = contents(:article1) @data = {:allow_comments => @article.allow_comments, :body_and_extended => 'my draft in autosave', :keywords => '', :permalink => @article.permalink, :title => @article.title, :text_filter => @article.text_filter, :published => '1', :published_at => 'December 23, 2009 03:20 PM'} end it 'should create a draft article with proper attributes and existing article as a parent' do lambda do post :autosave, :id =>, :article => @data end.should change(Article, :count) result = Article.last result.body.should == 'my draft in autosave' result.title.should == @article.title result.permalink.should == @article.permalink result.parent_id.should == end it 'should not create another draft article with parent_id if article has already a draft associated' do draft = Article.create!(@article.attributes.merge(:guid => nil, :state => 'draft', :parent_id => lambda do post :autosave, :id =>, :article => @data end.should_not change(Article, :count) Article.last.parent_id.should == end it 'should create a draft with the same permalink even if the title has changed' do @data[:title] = @article.title + " more stuff" lambda do post :autosave, :id =>, :article => @data end.should change(Article, :count) result = Article.last result.parent_id.should == result.permalink.should == @article.permalink end end end describe 'insert_editor action' do before do @user = users(:tobi) request.session = { :user => } end it 'should render _simple_editor' do get(:insert_editor, :editor => 'simple') response.should render_template('_simple_editor') end it 'should render _visual_editor' do get(:insert_editor, :editor => 'visual') response.should render_template('_visual_editor') end end describe 'new action', :shared => true do it 'should render new with get' do get :new response.should render_template('new') assert_template_has 'article' end def base_article(options={}) { :title => "posted via tests!", :body => "A good body", :keywords => "tagged", :allow_comments => '1', :allow_pings => '1' }.merge(options) end it 'should create article with no comments' do post(:new, 'article' => base_article({:allow_comments => '0'}), 'categories' => [categories(:software).id]) assigns(:article).should_not be_allow_comments assigns(:article).should be_allow_pings assigns(:article).should be_published end it 'should create article with no pings' do post(:new, 'article' => {:allow_pings => '0'}, 'categories' => [categories(:software).id]) assigns(:article).should be_allow_comments assigns(:article).should_not be_allow_pings assigns(:article).should be_published end it 'should create' do begin ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = [] category = Factory(:category) emails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries assert_difference 'Article.count_published_articles' do tags = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz bliz', 'gorp gack gar'] post :new, 'article' => base_article(:keywords => tags) , 'categories' => [] assert_response :redirect, :action => 'show' end new_article = Article.last assert_equal @user, new_article.user assert_equal 1, new_article.categories.size assert_equal [category], new_article.categories assert_equal 4, new_article.tags.size assert_equal(1, emails.size) assert_equal('',[0]) ensure ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = false end end it 'should create article in future' do assert_no_difference 'Article.count_published_articles' do post(:new, :article => base_article(:published_at => + 1.hour) ) assert_response :redirect, :action => 'show' assigns(:article).should_not be_published end assert_equal 1, Trigger.count end it 'should create a filtered article' do body = "body via *markdown*" extended="*foo*" post :new, 'article' => { :title => "another test", :body => body, :extended => extended} assert_response :redirect, :action => 'show' new_article = Article.find(:first, :order => "created_at DESC") assert_equal body, new_article.body assert_equal extended, new_article.extended assert_equal "markdown", assert_equal "
body via markdown
", new_article.html(:body) assert_equal "foo
", new_article.html(:extended) end end describe 'destroy action', :shared => true do it 'should_not destroy article by get' do assert_no_difference 'Article.count' do art_id = assert_not_nil Article.find(art_id) get :destroy, 'id' => art_id response.should be_success end end it 'should destroy article by post' do assert_difference 'Article.count', -1 do art_id = post :destroy, 'id' => art_id response.should redirect_to(:action => 'index') lambda{ article = Article.find(art_id) }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end describe 'with admin connection' do before do @user = users(:tobi) @article = contents(:article1) request.session = { :user => } end it_should_behave_like 'index action' it_should_behave_like 'new action' it_should_behave_like 'destroy action' it_should_behave_like 'autosave action' describe 'edit action' do it 'should edit article' do get :edit, 'id' => contents(:article1).id response.should render_template('new') assert_template_has 'article' assigns(:article).should be_valid response.should have_text(/body/) response.should have_text(/extended content/) end it 'should update article by edit action' do begin ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true emails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries emails.clear art_id = contents(:article1).id body = "another *textile* test" post :edit, 'id' => art_id, 'article' => {:body => body, :text_filter => 'textile'} assert_response :redirect, :action => 'show', :id => art_id article = contents(:article1).reload == "textile" body.should == article.body emails.size.should == 0 ensure ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = false end end it 'should allow updating body_and_extended' do article = contents(:article1) post :edit, 'id' =>, 'article' => { 'body_and_extended' => 'foobarbaz' } assert_response :redirect article.reload article.body.should == 'foo' article.extended.should == 'barbaz' end it 'should delete draft about this article if update' do article = contents(:article1) draft = Article.create!(article.attributes.merge(:state => 'draft', :parent_id =>, :guid => nil)) lambda do post :edit, 'id' =>, 'article' => { 'title' => 'new'} end.should change(Article, :count).by(-1) Article.should_not be_exists({:id =>}) end it 'should delete all draft about this article if update not happen but why not' do article = contents(:article1) draft = Article.create!(article.attributes.merge(:state => 'draft', :parent_id =>, :guid => nil)) draft_2 = Article.create!(article.attributes.merge(:state => 'draft', :parent_id =>, :guid => nil)) lambda do post :edit, 'id' =>, 'article' => { 'title' => 'new'} end.should change(Article, :count).by(-2) Article.should_not be_exists({:id =>}) Article.should_not be_exists({:id =>}) end end describe 'resource_add action' do it 'should add resource' do art_id = contents(:article1).id get :resource_add, :id => art_id, :resource_id => resources(:resource1).id response.should render_template('_show_resources') assigns(:article).should be_valid assigns(:resource).should be_valid assert Article.find(art_id).resources.include?(resources(:resource1)) assert_not_nil assigns(:article) assert_not_nil assigns(:resource) assert_not_nil assigns(:resources) end end describe 'resource_remove action' do it 'should remove resource' do art_id = contents(:article1).id get :resource_remove, :id => art_id, :resource_id => resources(:resource1).id response.should render_template('_show_resources') assert assigns(:article).valid? assert assigns(:resource).valid? assert !Article.find(art_id).resources.include?(resources(:resource1)) assert_not_nil assigns(:article) assert_not_nil assigns(:resource) assert_not_nil assigns(:resources) end end describe 'auto_complete_for_article_keywords action' do it 'should return foo for keywords fo' do get :auto_complete_for_article_keywords, :article => {:keywords => 'fo'} response.should be_success response.body.should == '