module Devise module Models # Confirmable is responsible to verify if an account is already confirmed to # sign in, and to send emails with confirmation instructions. # Confirmation instructions are sent to the user email after creating a # record and when manually requested by a new confirmation instruction request. # # == Options # # Confirmable adds the following options to devise_for: # # * +confirm_within+: the time you want to allow the user to access his account # before confirming it. After this period, the user access is denied. You can # use this to let your user access some features of your application without # confirming the account, but blocking it after a certain period (ie 7 days). # By default confirm_within is zero, it means users always have to confirm to sign in. # # == Examples # # User.find(1).confirm! # returns true unless it's already confirmed # User.find(1).confirmed? # true/false # User.find(1).send_confirmation_instructions # manually send instructions # module Confirmable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do before_create :generate_confirmation_token, :if => :confirmation_required? after_create :send_confirmation_instructions, :if => :confirmation_required? end # Confirm a user by setting its confirmed_at to actual time. If the user # is already confirmed, add en error to email field def confirm! unless_confirmed do self.confirmation_token = nil self.confirmed_at = save(:validate => false) end end # Verifies whether a user is confirmed or not def confirmed? !!confirmed_at end # Send confirmation instructions by email def send_confirmation_instructions generate_confirmation_token! if self.confirmation_token.nil? ::Devise.mailer.confirmation_instructions(self).deliver end # Resend confirmation token. This method does not need to generate a new token. def resend_confirmation_token unless_confirmed { send_confirmation_instructions } end # Overwrites active_for_authentication? for confirmation # by verifying whether a user is active to sign in or not. If the user # is already confirmed, it should never be blocked. Otherwise we need to # calculate if the confirm time has not expired for this user. def active_for_authentication? super && (!confirmation_required? || confirmed? || confirmation_period_valid?) end # The message to be shown if the account is inactive. def inactive_message !confirmed? ? :unconfirmed : super end # If you don't want confirmation to be sent on create, neither a code # to be generated, call skip_confirmation! def skip_confirmation! self.confirmed_at = end protected # Callback to overwrite if confirmation is required or not. def confirmation_required? !confirmed? end # Checks if the confirmation for the user is within the limit time. # We do this by calculating if the difference between today and the # confirmation sent date does not exceed the confirm in time configured. # Confirm_within is a model configuration, must always be an integer value. # # Example: # # # confirm_within = and confirmation_sent_at = today # confirmation_period_valid? # returns true # # # confirm_within = 5.days and confirmation_sent_at = 4.days.ago # confirmation_period_valid? # returns true # # # confirm_within = 5.days and confirmation_sent_at = 5.days.ago # confirmation_period_valid? # returns false # # # confirm_within = 0.days # confirmation_period_valid? # will always return false # def confirmation_period_valid? confirmation_sent_at && confirmation_sent_at.utc >= self.class.confirm_within.ago end # Checks whether the record is confirmed or not, yielding to the block # if it's already confirmed, otherwise adds an error to email. def unless_confirmed unless confirmed? yield else self.errors.add(:email, :already_confirmed) false end end # Generates a new random token for confirmation, and stores the time # this token is being generated def generate_confirmation_token self.confirmed_at = nil self.confirmation_token = self.class.confirmation_token self.confirmation_sent_at = end def generate_confirmation_token! generate_confirmation_token && save(:validate => false) end def after_password_reset super confirm! unless confirmed? end module ClassMethods # Attempt to find a user by its email. If a record is found, send new # confirmation instructions to it. If not user is found, returns a new user # with an email not found error. # Options must contain the user email def send_confirmation_instructions(attributes={}) confirmable = find_or_initialize_with_errors(confirmation_keys, attributes, :not_found) confirmable.resend_confirmation_token if confirmable.persisted? confirmable end # Find a user by its confirmation token and try to confirm it. # If no user is found, returns a new user with an error. # If the user is already confirmed, create an error for the user # Options must have the confirmation_token def confirm_by_token(confirmation_token) confirmable = find_or_initialize_with_error_by(:confirmation_token, confirmation_token) confirmable.confirm! if confirmable.persisted? confirmable end # Generate a token checking if one does not already exist in the database. def confirmation_token generate_token(:confirmation_token) end Devise::Models.config(self, :confirm_within, :confirmation_keys) end end end end