# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- java_import org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.PDFParser java_import org.apache.pdfbox.util.TextPosition java_import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument java_import org.apache.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper java_import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.StandardDecryptionMaterial java_import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform module Tabula module Extraction def Extraction.openPDF(pdf_filename, password='') raise Errno::ENOENT unless File.exists?(pdf_filename) document = PDDocument.load(pdf_filename) if document.isEncrypted sdm = StandardDecryptionMaterial.new(password) document.openProtection(sdm) end document end class ObjectExtractor < org.apache.pdfbox.pdfviewer.PageDrawer attr_accessor :characters, :debug_text, :debug_clipping_paths, :clipping_paths, :options field_accessor :pageSize, :page PRINTABLE_RE = /[[:print:]]/ DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :line_color_filter => nil, :extract_ruling_lines => true } def initialize(pdf_filename, pages=[1], password='', options={}) raise Errno::ENOENT unless File.exists?(pdf_filename) @pdf_filename = pdf_filename @pdf_file = Extraction.openPDF(pdf_filename, password) @all_pages = @pdf_file.getDocumentCatalog.getAllPages @pages = pages == :all ? (1..@all_pages.size) : pages super() self.options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) self.characters = [] @debug_clipping_paths = false @clipping_path = nil @transformed_clipping_path = nil self.clipping_paths = [] @rulings = [] @min_char_width = @min_char_height = 1000000 end def extract Enumerator.new do |y| begin @pages.each do |i| page = @all_pages.get(i-1) contents = page.getContents next if contents.nil? self.clear! self.drawPage(page) p = Tabula::Page.new(@pdf_filename, page.findCropBox.width, page.findCropBox.height, page.getRotation.to_i, i, #one-indexed, just like `i` is. self.characters, self.rulings, @min_char_width, @min_char_height) y.yield p end ensure @pdf_file.close end # begin end end def clear! self.characters.clear self.clipping_paths.clear @page_transform = nil @rulings.clear end def ensurePageSize! if self.pageSize.nil? && !self.page.nil? mediaBox = self.page.findMediaBox self.pageSize = (mediaBox == nil ? nil : mediaBox.createDimension) end end def drawPage(page) self.page = page if !self.page.getContents.nil? ensurePageSize! self.processStream(self.page, self.page.findResources, self.page.getContents.getStream) end end def setStroke(stroke) @basicStroke = stroke end def getStroke @basicStroke end def strokePath(filter_by_color=nil) unless self.options[:extract_ruling_lines] self.getLinePath.reset return end path = self.pathToList(self.getLinePath) if path[0][0] != java.awt.geom.PathIterator::SEG_MOVETO \ || path[1..-1].any? { |p| p.first != java.awt.geom.PathIterator::SEG_LINETO && p.first != java.awt.geom.PathIterator::SEG_MOVETO && p.first != java.awt.geom.PathIterator::SEG_CLOSE } self.getLinePath.reset return end ccp_bounds = self.currentClippingPath strokeColorComps = filter_by_color || self.getGraphicsState.getStrokingColor.getJavaColor.getRGBColorComponents(nil) color_filter = self.options[:line_color_filter] first = path.shift start_pos = java.awt.geom.Point2D::Float.new(first[1][0], first[1][1]) path.each do |p| end_pos = java.awt.geom.Point2D::Float.new(p[1][0], p[1][1]) line = (start_pos <=> end_pos) == -1 \ ? java.awt.geom.Line2D::Float.new(start_pos, end_pos) \ : java.awt.geom.Line2D::Float.new(end_pos, start_pos) if p[0] == java.awt.geom.PathIterator::SEG_LINETO \ && (color_filter.nil? ? true : color_filter.call(strokeColorComps)) \ && line.intersects(ccp_bounds) # convert line to rectangle for clipping it to the current clippath # sucks, but awt doesn't have methods for this tmp = line.getBounds2D.createIntersection(ccp_bounds).getBounds2D @rulings << ::Tabula::Ruling.new(tmp.getY, tmp.getX, tmp.getWidth, tmp.getHeight, filter_by_color.to_a) end start_pos = end_pos end self.getLinePath.reset end def fillPath(windingRule) self.strokePath(self.getGraphicsState.getNonStrokingColor.getJavaColor.getRGBColorComponents(nil)) end def drawImage(image, at) end def transformPath(path) self.pageTransform.createTransformedShape(path) end def pageTransform unless @page_transform.nil? return @page_transform end cb = page.findCropBox if !([90, -270, -90, 270].include?(page.getRotation)) @page_transform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1, -1) @page_transform.translate(0, -cb.getHeight) else @page_transform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(-1, 1) @page_transform.rotate(page.getRotation * (Math::PI/180.0), cb.getLowerLeftX, cb.getLowerLeftY) end @page_transform end def currentClippingPath cp = self.getGraphicsState.getCurrentClippingPath if cp == @clipping_path return @transformed_clipping_path_bounds end @clipping_path = cp @transformed_clipping_path = self.transformPath(cp) @transformed_clipping_path_bounds = @transformed_clipping_path.getBounds return @transformed_clipping_path_bounds end def processTextPosition(text) c = text.getCharacter h = text.getHeightDir.round(2) if c == ' ' || c == ' ' # replace non-breaking space for space c = ' ' h = text.getWidthDirAdj.round(2) end te = Tabula::TextElement.new(text.getYDirAdj.round(2) - h, text.getXDirAdj.round(2), text.getWidthDirAdj.round(2), # ugly hack follows: we need spaces to have a height, so we can # test for vertical overlap. height == width seems a safe bet. h, text.getFont, text.getFontSize.round(2), c, # workaround a possible bug in PDFBox: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PDFBOX-1755 text.getWidthOfSpace == 0 ? self.currentSpaceWidth : text.getWidthOfSpace) ccp_bounds = self.currentClippingPath if self.debug_clipping_paths && !self.clipping_paths.include?(ccp_bounds) self.clipping_paths << ::Tabula::ZoneEntity.new(ccp_bounds.getMinY, ccp_bounds.getMinX, ccp_bounds.getWidth, ccp_bounds.getHeight) end if te.width < @min_char_width @min_char_width = te.width end if te.height < @min_char_height @min_char_height = te.height end if c =~ PRINTABLE_RE && ccp_bounds.intersects(te) self.characters << te end end def page_count @all_pages.size end def rulings return [] if @rulings.empty? @rulings.reject { |l| (l.left == l.right && l.top == l.bottom) || [l.top, l.left, l.bottom, l.right].any? { |p| p < 0 } } end protected # workaround a possible bug in PDFBox: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PDFBOX-1755 def currentSpaceWidth gs = self.getGraphicsState font = gs.getTextState.getFont fontSizeText = gs.getTextState.getFontSize horizontalScalingText = gs.getTextState.getHorizontalScalingPercent / 100.0 if font.java_kind_of?(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType3Font) puts "TYPE3" end # idea from pdf.js # https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/blob/master/src/core/fonts.js#L4418 spaceWidthText = spaceWidthText = [' ', '-', '1', 'i'] \ .map { |c| font.getFontWidth(c.ord) } \ .find { |w| w > 0 } || 1000 ctm00 = gs.getCurrentTransformationMatrix.getValue(0, 0) return (spaceWidthText/1000.0) * fontSizeText * horizontalScalingText * (ctm00 == 0 ? 1 : ctm00) end def pathToList(path) iterator = path.getPathIterator(self.pageTransform) rv = [] while !iterator.isDone do coords = Java::double[6].new segType = iterator.currentSegment(coords) rv << [segType, coords] iterator.next end rv end def debugPath(path) rv = '' pathToList(path).each do |segType, coords| case segType when java.awt.geom.PathIterator::SEG_MOVETO rv += "MOVE: #{coords[0]} #{coords[1]}\n" when java.awt.geom.PathIterator::SEG_LINETO rv += "LINE: #{coords[0]} #{coords[1]}\n" when java.awt.geom.PathIterator::SEG_CLOSE rv += "CLOSE\n\n" end end rv end end class PagesInfoExtractor def initialize(pdf_filename, password='') @pdf_filename = pdf_filename @pdf_file = Extraction.openPDF(pdf_filename, password) @all_pages = @pdf_file.getDocumentCatalog.getAllPages end def pages Enumerator.new do |y| begin @all_pages.each_with_index do |page, i| contents = page.getContents y.yield Tabula::Page.new(@pdf_filename, page.findCropBox.width, page.findCropBox.height, page.getRotation.to_i, i+1) #remember, these are one-indexed end ensure @pdf_file.close end end end end end end