Gerbil is an extensible document generator based on eRuby that outputs to any format you want: HTML (web page), LaTeX, UNIX man page, plain text, your own custom format, and so on.
Gerbil is lighter and more flexible than DocBook, Deplate, and SiSU because it is small, fast, and lets you define your own custom format. Furthermore, Gerbil is scriptable unlike raw text generators such as AsciiDoc, txt2tags, and Grutatxt because it lets you inject Ruby code directly into your documents for dynamic content generation.
Gerbil is open-source software (see Section 1.2: License) so feel free to contribute your improvements and discuss your ideas in the project mailing list. You can obtain the source code from Gerbil’s Darcs repository by running the following command:
darcs get gerbil
Note 1. See the source of this guide
1.1 Features
- Composed of less than 200 lines of code!
- Lets you define your own document format.
- Supports any text-based output format.
- Generates a table of contents automatically.
1.2 License
Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati <SNK at GNA dot ORG>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- All copies and substantial portions of the Software (the "Derivatives") and their corresponding machine-readable source code (the "Code") must include the above copyright notice and this permission notice.
- Upon distribution, the Derivatives must be accompanied either by the Code or—provided that the Code is obtainable for no more than the cost of distribution plus a nominal fee—by information on how to obtain the Code.
1.3 Project links
- Announcements – project news and release announcements.
- Download area – place to obtain release packages.
- Mailing list – ask questions, get help, discuss.
1.4 Testimonials
I actually felt like printing it [the user guide], because it’s just so well-thought typographically… Even if it [Gerbil] weren’t great by itself, I’d feel good just looking at the manual. —Vitor Peres in [ruby-talk:283052]
2.1 Requirements
Your system needs the following software to run Gerbil.
Software | Notes |
Ruby | Version 1.8.x is required. |
RedCloth | Required by the default HTML format. |
CodeRay | Required by the default HTML format. |
If your system has RubyGems, then you can install RedCloth and CodeRay by running the following command:
gem install RedCloth coderay
2.2 Installation
If your system has RubyGems, then you can install Gerbil by running the following commands:
gem install gerbil gerbil -vOtherwise, follow these instructions:
- Download the newest release package from the download area.
- Extract the release package anywhere you want on your system.
- Go inside the extracted directory and run the following command:
ruby bin/gerbil -v
If the installation was successful, then you will see output like this:
Gerbil 1.0.0 (2008-01-12) /home/sun/src/gerbil
Otherwise, you can ask for help in the project mailing list.
2.3 Manifest
- If you installed Gerbil manually, then you already know the location of its installation directory.
- If you installed Gerbil using RubyGems, then run
gerbil -v
and select the right-most item in the output—that is the path of Gerbil’s installation directory.
- bin/ – contains executable programs.
- gerbil – the main source code of Gerbil.
- fmt/ – contains the predefined set of format specification files (see Section 3.2: Format specification file). If you ever need to install your custom format specification file globally, put it inside this directory.
- latex.yaml – high-quality typesetting
- html.yaml – web page for the Internet
- man.yaml – manual page for UNIX
- text.yaml – plain text, nothing fancy
- lib/ – Gerbil automatically adds this directory to Ruby’s load path.
- gerbil.rb – project version information.
- gerbil/
- html.rb – provides the
method. - rdoc.rb – provides RDoc parse trees to Ruby code.
- html.rb – provides the
- doc/ – contains the user guide and other documentation.
- gerbil.svg – the source file of the Gerbil logo.
- guide.erb – the source file of this user guide.
- LICENSE – the project license and copyright notice.
2.4 Version numbering system
Version number components: | Major | Minor | Patch |
Backwards compatible? | no | yes | yes |
New features? | yes | yes | no |
Bug fixes? | yes | yes | yes |
Theory of operation
- loads the format specification file
- creates an input document by:
- reading the input (the content of either the input file or the standard input stream) into memory
- evaluating include directives in the input
- transforms the input document into a processed document by:
- building a “document tree” data-structure from nodes present in the input document
- replacing every node in the input document with the result of its node output template
- transforms the processed document into an output document according to the document output template
- prints the output document to the standard output stream
Although there is only one document being processed here, we refer to it using three distinct terms (input, processed, and output). This distinction helps us talk about the document in a particular state because the content of the document changes radically with every transformation—thus it would be ambiguous to say “the input document” all the time.
3.1 Nodes
A node is a block of text that appears like this:
<% node_type node_argument1, node_argument2, ... do |node_object| %> node_content <% end %>
Or like this:
<% node_type node_argument1, node_argument2, ... do %> node_content <% end %>
Or like this:
<%= node_type node_argument1, node_argument2, ... %>
Technically, what you see above is really a method invocation made up of the following components:
Component | Description |
node_type | name of the method being invoked |
node_argument1, node_argument2, ... | arguments for the method invocation |
node_content | a block argument being passed to the method invocation |
node_object | a Node object (see Section 3.1.1: The Node class) representing this method invocation |
A format specification file defines what types of nodes an input document may use.
3.1.1 The Node
When Gerbil builds a document tree from nodes present in an input document, it stores information about these nodes into Node
objects. A Node
object has the following properties (methods):
Property | Type | Description |
type | String | Name of the type of this node. |
args | Array | Arguments passed to this node. |
content | String | The block of text passed to this node. |
output | String | Result of the node output template for the content of this node. |
digest | String | A unique identifier for the content of this node. |
trace | Array | A stack trace describing the location of this node in the input document. |
index | String | A LaTeX-style section number for this node. This property is only present if the “index” parameter is enabled in the definition of this type of node. |
number | Integer | An order-of-occurrence number for this node. This property is only present if the “number” parameter is enabled in the definition of this type of node. |
depth | Integer | Distance from the root of the document tree to this node. |
parent | Node |
The Node object which contains this node. The value of this property will be nil if this node is a root of the document tree. |
children | Array of Node |
List of child nodes from the document tree. |
Furthermore, the Node
class is derived from Ruby’s OpenStruct
class, so you can define new properties for Node
objects dynamically.
3.2 Format specification file
A format specification file is a plain-text file marked up in YAML syntax. Through the following parameters, it defines (1) what types of nodes an input document may contain, (2) how the content of those nodes is transformed into output, and (3) how the processed document is transformed into the output document.
Parameter | Type | Description |
desc | String | A short description of the output format. |
code | String | Ruby code that will be loaded before the input document is processed. This source code will be evaluated inside the main Gerbil executable, so any file-system or path-dependent portions of this source code should take appropriate precautions. |
nodes | Hash | A listing of node definitions. |
output | String | An eRuby template for the final output document. See Section 3.2.2: Document output template. |
3.2.1 Node definition
A node definition is a mapping from a name (the “node type”) to the following set of parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | Boolean | Assign a LaTeX-style section number to this node? |
number | Boolean | Assign an order-of-occurrence number to this node? |
silent | Boolean | Suppress the output of this node? |
output | String | An eRuby template for the content of this node. See Section Node output template. |
You may define additional parameters in a node definition if you want. Node output template
A node output template (the output parameter in a node definition) is an eRuby template that transforms a node’s content into output. During the processing stage, Gerbil replaces all nodes in the input document with the result of this template unless the silent parameter is enabled in this node’s definition.
The following variables are available for use in this template:
Variable | Type | Description |
@node | Node |
the node for which this template is being evaluated |
@roots | Array of Node |
All root nodes in the document tree. |
@nodes | Array of Node |
All nodes in the document tree. |
@types | Hash | Mapping from node type (String) to array of Node objects having that type. |
@spec | Hash | Data from the format specification file. |
Gerbil also provides the following mappings inside the @spec
Expression | Type | Description |
@spec[:name] |
String | Short-hand name of the current format. |
@spec[:file] |
String | Path of the current format specification file. |
3.2.2 Document output template
A document output template (the output parameter in a format specification file) is an eRuby template that transforms a processed document into the final output document.
The following variables are available for use in this template:
Variable | Type | Description |
@content | String | Content of the processed document. |
@roots | Array of Node |
All root nodes in the document tree. |
@nodes | Array of Node |
All nodes in the document tree. |
@types | Hash | Mapping from node type (String) to array of Node objects having that type. |
@spec | Hash | Data from the format specification file. |
Gerbil also provides the following mappings inside the @spec
Expression | Type | Description |
@spec[:name] |
String | Short-hand name of the current format. |
@spec[:file] |
String | Path of the current format specification file. |
3.2.3 Creating your own custom format
- We define a
method in Example 1: HelloWorld format specification file and make use of it in the Example 2: Input document for HelloWorld format. This shows how to provide format-specific functionality to an input document. - We define a
variable in Example 2: Input document for HelloWorld format and make use of it in Example 1: HelloWorld format specification file. This shows how to make your format accept parameters from an input document.
- Save the code shown in Example 1: HelloWorld format specification file to a file named HelloWorld.spec
- Save the text shown in Example 2: Input document for HelloWorld format to a file named HelloWorld.input
- Run this command:
gerbil HelloWorld.spec HelloWorld.input > HelloWorld.output
- Examine the HelloWorld.output file until you are satisfied!
Note 2. Author’s note about documentation quality
Please excuse my lack of creativity for this example. I tried different ideas but scrapped most of them because writing documentation is hard and mostly boring. (Although I did have fun reading the wacky names produced by the generate_name()
Instead, I just really want to get the first release of Gerbil out the door and continue work on my other programming projects, but I cannot do so until I’ve written some documentation. Ah, the dilemma of an open-source developer who cares about documentation!
On the other hand, if you have ideas on how to improve this example, please speak up in the project mailing list. Thanks!
Example 1. HelloWorld format specification file
desc: A illustrative format.
code: |
# Returns a random, but pronounceable, name.
def generate_name
letters = ('a'..'z').to_a - %w[ c q w x ] # redundant sounds
vowels = %w[a e i o u]
consonants = letters - vowels
sets = [consonants, vowels]
length = 3 + rand(5)
name = ''
length.times do |i|
set = sets[i % sets.length]
name << set[rand(set.length)]
class Node
def name
@name ||= generate_name
index: true
number: true
silent: false
output: |
<h1><%= @node.type %> #<%= @node.index %>: <%= %></h1>
My name is <%= %> and these are my properties:
<td><%= @node.args.inspect %></td>
<td><%= @node.index.inspect %></td>
<td><%= @node.number.inspect %></td>
<td><ul><%= {|s| "<li>#{s}</li>"} %></ul></td>
<td><%= @node.content %></td>
output: |
Welcome to the "<%= @spec[:name] %>" format.
<div style="<%= $style %>"><%= @content %></div>
That's all folks!
Example 2. Input document for HelloWorld format
<% $style = "border-left: thick solid salmon; padding-left: 1em;" %>
<% hello "Pretentious" do %>
<big>I'm</big> the very first node, oh _yes_ I am! *sneer*
<% hello "Bashful" do %>
Hi, I... *hide*
<% hello "Hopeful" do %>
<% hello "Confused" do %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% hello "Raving" do %>
Oh it's *on* now! You're going *down*!
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% hello "Sleepy" do %>
*yawn* Just five more minutes...
<% hello "Peaceful" do %>
So _be_ happy my friend, *happy*!
<%= hello "Lonely (as you can see, I have no block)" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% hello "Snappy" do %>
Zip! Zap! Wake up, you sap!
_Whoo I'm wild!_ ;-)
<% end %>
<%= hello "Independent (no block, no parents, I am _free_!)" %>
Example 3. Output of HelloWorld format
hello #1: “gel”
My name is “gel” and these are my properties:Property | Value | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
args | [“Pretentious”] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
index | “1” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
trace |
content | I’m the very first node, oh yes I am! sneer
hello #1.1: “guvamuy”My name is “guvamuy” and these are my properties:
hello #1.2: “rame”My name is “rame” and these are my properties:
hello #2: “vubose”
My name is “vubose” and these are my properties:Property | Value |
args | [“Snappy”] |
index | “2” |
number | 9 |
trace |
content | Zip! Zap! Wake up, you sap! Whoo I’m wild! ;-) |
hello #3: “dopeg”
My name is “dopeg” and these are my properties:Property | Value |
args | [“Independent (no block, no parents, I am free!)”] |
index | “3” |
number | 10 |
trace |
content |
Gerbil is an extensible document generator based on eRuby. * STDIN will be read if an input file is not specified. * If an error occurs, the input document will be printed to STDOUT so you can investigate line numbers in the error's stack trace. Otherwise, the final output document will be printed to STDOUT. Usage: gerbil [Option...] Format|SpecFile [InputFile] Option: -h, --help show usage information -v, --version show version information Format: latex high-quality typesetting html web page for the Internet man manual page for UNIX text plain text, nothing fancy
Gerbil requires its first command-line argument to be either (1) the name of a predefined format or (2) the path to a format specification file. Predefined formats are simply short-hand names of format specification files located in the format/ subdirectory of the Gerbil installation directory (see Section 2.3: Manifest).
4.1 The include directive
The include directive allows you to insert the content of an arbitrary file at a certain place in the input document. It is written like this:
<%# include path %>
Here, path is the path of the file whose content you wish to insert into the input document.
You can divide a large document into separate files for easier editing and stitch them together, dynamically, into a single document using the include directive.
4.2 The $unindent
The $unindent
variable allows you to unindent the content of every node in the input document by a specified amount of whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines, and so on).
Simply define this variable somewhere in your input document, like this (assuming you indent your node content using a TAB and two spaces):
<% $unindent = "\t " %>
and let Gerbil do it’s magic!
This section describes the default formats provided along with Gerbil. The format specification files (see Section 3.2: Format specification file) for these formats can be found in the format/ directory of the Gerbil installation directory (see Section 2.3: Manifest).
These formats are meant to serve as working examples. If you require more functionality from one of these formats, simply make a copy of the corresponding format specification file and edit the copy to suit your needs. If you would like to contribute or discuss your enhancements to these default formats, you can do so on the project mailing list.
This format generates a monolithic HTML (technically, it’s XHTML 1.0 transitional, but who’s counting?) document. A monolithic HTML document allows users to easily search for a particular topic using nothing more than their web browser’s built-in text search mechanism. This facilitates offline reading, where an Internet search engine is not available.
In the HTML document, you will notice that the numbers of chapters, sections, figures, admonitions, etc. are hyperlinks that take you back to the corresponding place in the table of contents. These links make it easy to navigate the HTML document, especially for users of text-only web browsers.
Furthermore, the HTML document comes equipped with a stylesheet that makes it suitable for printing. In particular, users of the Mozilla and Opera family of web browsers will be pleasantly surprised to notice that all hyperlinks have been expanded to include their target URL next to the link text. So try using the “print preview” function of a graphical web browser to see how the HTML document will appear when printed.
5.1.1 Text to HTML conversion
Inside the format/ subdirectory of the Gerbil installation directory (see Section 2.3: Manifest), you will see a html.rb file. This file defines a String.to_html
method which is used to transform text in an input document into HTML.
The default implementation of the String.to_html
method is based on the Textile markup system. If you do not like Textile or wish to use a different markup system for text in your documents, then simply edit the html.rb file and adjust the source code of the default String.to_html
method accordingly.
For example, if you replace the entire html.rb file with the following code, then the output of all nodes will appear within red boxes in the final output document.
class String def to_html '<p style="border: thin solid red">' + self + '</p>' end end
In addition to supporting Textile markup, the default implementation has some additional features which are described in the following subsections. Syntax coloring for source code
Syntax coloring is automatically added to source code found inside the <code> and </code> HTML tags. Note that in Textile, any text enclosed within a pair of at-signs (@ and @) is also considered to be source code.
The following programming languages are currently supported by CodeRay:- Ruby
- C
- Delphi
- RHTML (Rails)
- Nitro-XHTML Specifying the programming language
Because different programming languages have different syntax coloring schemes, you can specify the language of your source code using the lang
attribute to ensure that only the appropriate coloring scheme is used. Note that unless the lang
attribute is specified, Ruby is assumed to be the programming language of all source code by default.
For example, here is some source code without the lang
# Ruby ########################### def hello puts "Hello world!" end /* C ****************************/ #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Hello world!\n"); return 0; } <!-- HTML -----------------------> <html> <body> Hello world! <body> </html>
And here is the same source code with a lang="c"
# Ruby ###########################
def hello
puts "Hello world!"
/* C ****************************/
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("Hello world!\n");
return 0;
<!-- HTML ----------------------->
Hello world!
And here is the same source code with a lang="html"
# Ruby ###########################
def hello
puts "Hello world!"
/* C ****************************/
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("Hello world!\n");
return 0;
<!-- HTML ----------------------->
Hello world!
</html> Smart sizing of source code
Source code is automatically sized to be displayed as either a line or paragraph of text, depending on whether it contains line breaks.
For example, here is a single line of code:
life = true or false
And here is a paragraph of code:
life = true or false Protecting verbatim text
5.1.2 Parameters
Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
$title |
String | "$title" |
Title of the document. |
$authors |
Hash | {"$authors" => nil} |
A mapping of author name to author URL. You can obfuscate e-mail addresses using the provided String#to_html_entities method like this:{ "Y. Matsumoto" => "mailto:matz@ruby.invalid".to_html_entities } |
$date |
String |"%d %B %Y") |
Date when the document was written. |
$logo |
String | nil |
Arbitrary content that goes above the document title in the default header. |
$feeds |
Hash | nil |
A mapping of feed URL to feed format. Here is an example: $feeds = { "my_rss_feed.xml" => "rss", "my_atom_feed.xml" => "atom" } |
$use_icons |
Boolean | true |
Use Tango icons in admonitions (see Section Admonitions)? |
5.1.3 Methods
- a pound sign (#) indicates that the method is an instance method, meaning that it can only be invoked on instances of a class, not on the classes themselves.
- a double colon sign (::) indicates that the method is a class method, meaning that it can only be invoked on a class.
Method declaration | Description |
link(aUrl, aName = aUrl, aTitle = nil) |
Returns a hyperlink to the given URL of the given name and mouse-hover title. |
Node#title() |
Returns the user-defined title for this node‘s content. |
Node#id() |
Returns the user-defined indentifer for this node. |
Node#url() |
Returns a unique URI fragment for this node. |
Node#list_url() |
Returns the URI fragment for the location in the table of contents / list of figures that points this node. |
Icon#to_html(aAttributes = {}) |
Returns a HTML image tag containing embedded image data. The given attributes (name => value) are applied to the HTML tag declaration. |
String#to_html_entities() |
Transforms this UTF-8 string into HTML entities. |
String#to_uri_fragment() |
Transforms this string into a valid URI fragment. See |
String#to_html() |
Transforms this string into HTML. |
String#thru_redcloth() |
Returns the result of running this string through RedCloth. |
String#thru_coderay() |
Adds syntax coloring to <code> elements in the given text. If the <code> tag has an attribute lang="…", then that is considered the programming language for which appropriate syntax coloring should be applied. Otherwise, the programming language is assumed to be ruby. |
- a title or name for the node
- a unique identifier for the node
The second argument is used by the cross-referencing nodes (see Section xref and Section cite), which allow you to refer to another node in the document by its unique identifier.
Furthermore, node definitions in the HTML format have two additional parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
toc | Boolean | Include this node in the Table of Contents (TOC)? |
lof | Boolean | Include this node in the List of Figures (LOF)? | Structure
The nodes described in this section form the overall structure of the output document. header footer abstract xref
A cross-reference; a hyperlink that takes you to any node in the document.
The first argument of this node is either the unique identifier of the node you wish to cross-reference. If no nodes in the document have the given identifier, then the titles of all nodes in the document are searched. If even that fails, then an error will be raised.
The second argument of this node overrides the default link text of the cross-reference.
For example, this node in the input document:
<%= xref "SpecFile" %>
appears in the output document like this: Section 3.2: Format specification file.
As another example, this node in the input document:
<%= xref "SpecFile", "custom link text" %>
appears in the output document like this: custom link text. Organization
The nodes described in this section are meant to help organize the document’s content logically. part
A collection of chapters.
An example chapter
A collection of sections.
An example section
A collection of paragraphs about a particular topic. An example paragraph
A collection of sentences about a particular idea.
An example Admonitions
An admonition is basically a box that is indented more deeply than the text surrounding it. It is typically used to convey extraneous or pertinent information about the application of ideas discussed in the surrounding text.
I like to follow the KDE guidelines[1] when determining which admonition to use in my documents. warning caution important
Use an important node when:
When there is no danger of data loss, but you wish to make clear to the reader a consequence that isn’t immediately obvious (e.g. when changing the font for one instance of a program also changes the default setting, and this isn’t clear from the GUI.) [1]
Important 1. An example note Auxilary materials figure
A diagram, sketch, image, or illustration; something that visually depicts an idea or thought.
Figure 1. An example table
Information (typically measurement data) represented in tabular form for easy reading, comparison, and analysis.
Table 1. An example example
A sample application of an idea or thought.
Example 4. An example equation
A mathematical equation or formula.
Equation 1. An example procedure
An outline; a series of steps outlining some kind of process.
Procedure 1. An example Bibliography
The nodes in this section deal with attribution of ideas—an important weapon against plagiarism. reference
This node stores bibliography information about an information source that is relevant to your document.
If you wish to cite a certain source in several places in your document, start by creating a reference node first and then use a cite node (see Section cite) to perform the citation.
An example cite
A citation to a reference node (see Section reference) in the document’s bibliography.
The first argument of this node is the unique identifier of the reference node you wish to cite. You can specify additional arguments to give more detail about the citation.
For example, this node in the input document:
<%= cite "html.nodes.reference.example" %>
appears in the output document like this: [2]
As another example, this node in the input document:
<%= cite "html.nodes.reference.example", "chapter 10", "page 53", "..." %>
appears in the output document like this: [2, chapter 10, page 53, ...]
Plain text
This format is not yet implemented.
This format is not yet implemented.
UNIX man page
This format is not yet implemented.