require 'spec_helper' describe Bcx::Resources::Todolist, :vcr do let(:client) { 'bcx-test-user', password: 'secret') } describe "GET /projects/2937644/todolists.json" do let(:todolists) { client.projects(2956584).todolists! } it "should be an array" do expect(todolists).to be_an Array end it "first todolist should have the correct id" do expect( eq 7701209 end end describe "GET /projects/2956584/todolists/completed.json" do let(:todolists) { client.projects(2956584).todolists.completed! } it "should be an array" do expect(todolists).to be_an Array end it "first todolist should have the correct id" do expect( eq 7701289 end end describe "GET /todolists.json" do let(:todolists) { client.todolists! } it "should be an array" do expect(todolists).to be_an Array end it "first todolist should have the correct id" do expect( eq 7701209 end end describe "GET /todolists/completed.json" do let(:todolists) { client.todolists.completed! } it "should be an array" do expect(todolists).to be_an Array end it "first todolist should have the correct id" do expect( eq 7701289 end end describe "GET /projects/123/todolists/456.json" do let(:todolist) { client.projects(2956584).todolists!(7701289) } it "should return a hash" do expect(todolist).to be_a Hashie::Mash end it "should have the correct id" do expect( eq 7701289 end end describe "POST /projects/123/todolists.json" do it "should create a new todolist" do todolist = client.projects(2956584).todolists.create!(name: 'My todolist', description: 'This is a todolist') expect(todolist.created_at).not_to be_blank end end describe "PUT /projects/2956584/todolists/8268819.json" do it "should create a new todolist" do todolist = client.projects(2951531).todolists(8268819).update!(name: 'Renamed todolist') expect( eq 'Renamed todolist' end end describe "DELETE /projects/2956584/todolists/8268819.json" do it "should delete a todolist" do client.projects(2951531).todolists(8268819).delete! expect { client.projects(2951531).todolists!(8268819) }.to raise_error { |error| expect(error).to be_a Bcx::ResponseError expect(error.status).to eq 404 } end end end