# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe BlacklightHelper do before do allow(helper).to receive(:current_or_guest_user).and_return(User.new) allow(helper).to receive(:search_action_path) do |*args| search_catalog_url *args end end describe "#application_name" do before do allow(Rails).to receive(:cache).and_return(ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore.new) end it "defaults to 'Blacklight'" do expect(application_name).to eq "Blacklight" end context "when the language is not english " do around do |example| I18n.locale = :de example.run I18n.locale = :en end context "and no translation exists for that language" do it "defaults to 'Blacklight'" do expect(application_name).to eq "Blacklight" end end context "and a translation exists for that language" do around do |example| I18n.backend.store_translations(:de, 'blacklight' => { 'application_name' => 'Schwarzlicht' }) example.run I18n.backend.reload! end it "uses the provided value" do expect(application_name).to eq "Schwarzlicht" end end end end describe "#render_page_title" do it "looks in content_for(:page_title)" do helper.content_for(:page_title) { "xyz" } expect(helper.render_page_title).to eq "xyz" end it "looks in the @page_title ivar" do assign(:page_title, "xyz") expect(helper.render_page_title).to eq "xyz" end it "defaults to the application name" do expect(helper.render_page_title).to eq helper.application_name end end describe "render_link_rel_alternates" do let(:document) { instance_double(SolrDocument) } let(:result) { double } let(:view_context) { double(blacklight_config: blacklight_config, document_index_view_type: 'index') } let(:presenter) { Blacklight::IndexPresenter.new(document, view_context) } let(:blacklight_config) do Blacklight::Configuration.new.configure do |config| config.index.title_field = 'title_tsim' config.index.display_type_field = 'format' end end before do allow(helper).to receive(:presenter).and_return(presenter) allow(helper).to receive(:blacklight_config).and_return(blacklight_config) end it "generates tags" do expect(presenter).to receive(:link_rel_alternates).and_return(result) expect(helper.render_link_rel_alternates(document)).to eq result end it "sends parameters" do expect(presenter).to receive(:link_rel_alternates).with(unique: true).and_return(result) expect(helper.render_link_rel_alternates(document, unique: true)).to eq result end end describe "with a config" do let(:config) do Blacklight::Configuration.new.configure do |config| config.index.title_field = 'title_tsim' config.index.display_type_field = 'format' end end let(:document) { SolrDocument.new('title_tsim' => "A Fake Document", 'id' => '8') } before do config.add_show_tools_partial(:bookmark, partial: 'catalog/bookmark_control') config.add_results_document_tool(:bookmark, partial: 'catalog/bookmark_control', if: :render_bookmarks_control?) config.add_nav_action(:bookmark, partial: 'blacklight/nav/bookmark') allow(helper).to receive(:blacklight_config).and_return(config) allow(helper).to receive_messages(current_bookmarks: []) end describe "render_nav_actions" do it "renders partials" do buff = String.new helper.render_nav_actions { |_config, item| buff << "#{item}" } expect(buff).to have_selector "foo a#bookmarks_nav[href=\"/bookmarks\"]" expect(buff).to have_selector "foo a span[data-role='bookmark-counter']", text: '0' end end describe "render_index_doc_actions" do it "renders partials" do allow(controller).to receive(:render_bookmarks_control?).and_return(true) response = helper.render_index_doc_actions(document) expect(response).to have_selector(".bookmark-toggle") end it "is nil if no partials are renderable" do allow(controller).to receive(:render_bookmarks_control?).and_return(false) expect(helper.render_index_doc_actions(document)).to be_blank end it "renders view type specific actions" do allow(helper).to receive(:document_index_view_type).and_return(:custom) config.view.custom(document_actions: []) expect(helper.render_index_doc_actions(document)).to be_blank end end describe "render_show_doc_actions" do it "renders partials" do response = helper.render_show_doc_actions(document) expect(response).to have_selector(".bookmark-toggle") end end end describe "#should_render_index_field?" do before do allow(helper).to receive_messages(should_render_field?: true, document_has_value?: true) end it "is true" do expect(Deprecation).to receive(:warn) expect(helper.should_render_index_field?(double, double)).to be true end it "is false if the document doesn't have a value for the field" do expect(Deprecation).to receive(:warn) allow(helper).to receive_messages(document_has_value?: false) expect(helper.should_render_index_field?(double, double)).to be false end it "is false if the configuration has the field disabled" do expect(Deprecation).to receive(:warn) allow(helper).to receive_messages(should_render_field?: false) expect(helper.should_render_index_field?(double, double)).to be false end end describe "#should_render_show_field?" do before do allow(helper).to receive_messages(should_render_field?: true, document_has_value?: true) end it "is true" do expect(Deprecation).to receive(:warn) expect(helper.should_render_show_field?(double, double)).to be true end it "is false if the document doesn't have a value for the field" do expect(Deprecation).to receive(:warn) allow(helper).to receive_messages(document_has_value?: false) expect(helper.should_render_show_field?(double, double)).to be false end it "is false if the configuration has the field disabled" do expect(Deprecation).to receive(:warn) allow(helper).to receive_messages(should_render_field?: false) expect(helper.should_render_show_field?(double, double)).to be false end end describe "#document_has_value?" do let(:doc) { double(SolrDocument) } before { allow(Deprecation).to receive(:warn) } it "ifs the document has the field value" do allow(doc).to receive(:has?).with('asdf').and_return(true) field_config = double(field: 'asdf') expect(helper.document_has_value?(doc, field_config)).to eq true end it "ifs the document has a highlight field value" do allow(doc).to receive(:has?).with('asdf').and_return(false) allow(doc).to receive(:has_highlight_field?).with('asdf').and_return(true) field_config = double(field: 'asdf', highlight: true) expect(helper.document_has_value?(doc, field_config)).to eq true end it "ifs the field has a model accessor" do allow(doc).to receive(:has?).with('asdf').and_return(false) allow(doc).to receive(:has_highlight_field?).with('asdf').and_return(false) field_config = double(field: 'asdf', highlight: true, accessor: true) expect(helper.document_has_value?(doc, field_config)).to eq true end end describe '#render_index_field_label' do around { |test| Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior) { test.call } } let(:doc) { SolrDocument.new({}) } before do allow(helper).to receive_messages(document_index_view_type: :current_view) end it 'accepts an explicit field label' do expect(helper.render_index_field_label(doc, field: 'xyz', label: 'some label')).to eq 'some label:' end it 'calculates the appropriate field label for a field' do allow(helper).to receive(:blacklight_config).and_return(CatalogController.blacklight_config) expect(helper.render_index_field_label(doc, field: 'xyz')).to eq 'Xyz:' end end describe "render_grouped_response?" do it "checks if the response ivar contains grouped data" do assign(:response, instance_double(Blacklight::Solr::Response, grouped?: true)) expect(helper.render_grouped_response?).to be true end it "checks if the response param contains grouped data" do response = instance_double(Blacklight::Solr::Response, grouped?: true) expect(helper.render_grouped_response?(response)).to be true end end describe "render_grouped_document_index" do pending 'not implemented' end describe "should_show_spellcheck_suggestions?" do around { |test| Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior) { test.call } } before do allow(helper).to receive_messages spell_check_max: 5 end it "does not show suggestions if there are enough results" do response = double(total: 10) expect(helper.should_show_spellcheck_suggestions?(response)).to be false end it "only shows suggestions if there are very few results" do response = double(total: 4, spelling: double(words: [1])) expect(helper.should_show_spellcheck_suggestions?(response)).to be true end it "shows suggestions only if there are spelling suggestions available" do response = double(total: 4, spelling: double(words: [])) expect(helper.should_show_spellcheck_suggestions?(response)).to be false end it "does not show suggestions if spelling is not available" do response = double(total: 4, spelling: nil) expect(helper.should_show_spellcheck_suggestions?(response)).to be false end end describe "#opensearch_description_tag" do subject { helper.opensearch_description_tag 'title', 'href' } it "has a search rel" do expect(subject).to have_selector "link[rel='search']", visible: false end it "has the correct mime type" do expect(subject).to have_selector "link[type='application/opensearchdescription+xml']", visible: false end it "has a title attribute" do expect(subject).to have_selector "link[title='title']", visible: false end it "has an href attribute" do expect(subject).to have_selector "link[href='href']", visible: false end end describe "#render_document_index" do it "renders the document index with the current view type" do allow(helper).to receive_messages(document_index_view_type: :current_view) allow(helper).to receive(:render_document_index_with_view).with(:current_view, [], a: 1, b: 2) helper.render_document_index [], a: 1, b: 2 end end describe "#render_document_index_with_view" do let(:obj1) { SolrDocument.new } let(:blacklight_config) { CatalogController.blacklight_config.deep_copy } before do allow(helper).to receive(:blacklight_config).and_return(blacklight_config) assign(:response, instance_double(Blacklight::Solr::Response, grouped?: false, start: 0)) allow(helper).to receive(:link_to_document).and_return('') allow(helper).to receive(:render_index_doc_actions).and_return('
') end it "ignores missing templates" do blacklight_config.view.view_type(partials: %w[index_header a b]) response = helper.render_document_index_with_view :view_type, [obj1, obj1] expect(response).to have_selector "div#documents" end context 'with a template partial provided by the view config' do before do blacklight_config.view.gallery(template: '/my/partial') end def stub_template(hash) view.view_paths.unshift(ActionView::FixtureResolver.new(hash)) end it 'renders that template' do stub_template 'my/_partial.html.erb' => 'some content' response = helper.render_document_index_with_view :gallery, [obj1, obj1] expect(response).to eq 'some content' end end end describe "#document_index_view_type" do it "defaults to the default view" do allow(helper).to receive(:document_index_views).and_return(a: 1, b: 2) allow(helper).to receive(:default_document_index_view_type).and_return(:xyz) expect(helper.document_index_view_type).to eq :xyz end it "uses the query parameter" do allow(helper).to receive(:document_index_views).and_return(a: 1, b: 2) expect(helper.document_index_view_type(view: :a)).to eq :a end it "uses the default view if the requested view is not available" do allow(helper).to receive(:default_document_index_view_type).and_return(:xyz) allow(helper).to receive(:document_index_views).and_return(a: 1, b: 2) expect(helper.document_index_view_type(view: :c)).to eq :xyz end context "when they have a preferred view" do before do session[:preferred_view] = :b end context "and no view is specified" do it "uses the saved preference" do allow(helper).to receive(:document_index_views).and_return(a: 1, b: 2, c: 3) expect(helper.document_index_view_type).to eq :b end it "uses the default view if the preference is not available" do allow(helper).to receive(:document_index_views).and_return(a: 1) expect(helper.document_index_view_type).to eq :a end end context "and a view is specified" do it "uses the query parameter" do allow(helper).to receive(:document_index_views).and_return(a: 1, b: 2, c: 3) expect(helper.document_index_view_type(view: :c)).to eq :c end end end end context "related classes" do let(:presenter_class) { double } let(:blacklight_config) { Blacklight::Configuration.new } around { |test| Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior) { test.call } } before do allow(helper).to receive(:blacklight_config).and_return(blacklight_config) end describe "#index_presenter_class" do it "uses the value defined in the blacklight configuration" do blacklight_config.index.document_presenter_class = presenter_class expect(helper.index_presenter_class(nil)).to eq presenter_class end it "defaults to Blacklight::IndexPresenter" do expect(helper.index_presenter_class(nil)).to eq Blacklight::IndexPresenter end end describe "#show_presenter_class" do it "uses the value defined in the blacklight configuration" do blacklight_config.show.document_presenter_class = presenter_class expect(helper.show_presenter_class(nil)).to eq presenter_class end it "defaults to Blacklight::DocumentPresenter" do expect(helper.show_presenter_class(nil)).to eq Blacklight::ShowPresenter end end end describe "#render_document_heading" do around { |test| Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior) { test.call } } let(:document) { double } before do allow(helper).to receive(:presenter).and_return(double(heading: "Heading")) end it "accepts no arguments and render the document heading" do expect(helper.render_document_heading).to have_selector "h4", text: "Heading" end it "accepts the tag name as an option" do expect(helper.render_document_heading(tag: "h1")).to have_selector "h1", text: "Heading" end it "accepts an explicit document argument" do allow(helper).to receive(:presenter).with(document).and_return(double(heading: "Document Heading")) expect(helper.render_document_heading(document)).to have_selector "h4", text: "Document Heading" end it "accepts the document with a tag option" do allow(helper).to receive(:presenter).with(document).and_return(double(heading: "Document Heading")) expect(helper.render_document_heading(document, tag: "h3")).to have_selector "h3", text: "Document Heading" end end describe "#presenter" do around { |test| Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior) { test.call } } let(:document) { double } before do allow(helper).to receive(:index_presenter).and_return(:index_presenter) allow(helper).to receive(:show_presenter).and_return(:show_presenter) allow(helper).to receive(:action_name).and_return(action_name) end context "action is show" do let(:action_name) { "show" } it "uses the show presenter" do expect(helper.presenter(document)).to eq(:show_presenter) end end context "action is citation" do let(:action_name) { "citation" } it "uses the show presenter" do expect(helper.presenter(document)).to eq(:show_presenter) end end context "action is index" do let(:action_name) { "index" } it "uses the index presenter" do expect(helper.presenter(document)).to eq(:index_presenter) end end context "action is foo" do let(:action_name) { "foo" } it "uses the index presenter (by default)" do expect(helper.presenter(document)).to eq(:index_presenter) end end end end