# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'json' require 'fluent/config/error' module Fluent module Config def self.reformatted_value(type, val, opts = {}, name = nil) REFORMAT_VALUE.call(type, val, opts, name) end def self.size_value(str, opts = {}, name = nil) return nil if str.nil? case str.to_s when /([0-9]+)k/i $~[1].to_i * 1024 when /([0-9]+)m/i $~[1].to_i * (1024 ** 2) when /([0-9]+)g/i $~[1].to_i * (1024 ** 3) when /([0-9]+)t/i $~[1].to_i * (1024 ** 4) else INTEGER_TYPE.call(str, opts, name) end end def self.time_value(str, opts = {}, name = nil) return nil if str.nil? case str.to_s when /([0-9]+)s/ $~[1].to_i when /([0-9]+)m/ $~[1].to_i * 60 when /([0-9]+)h/ $~[1].to_i * 60 * 60 when /([0-9]+)d/ $~[1].to_i * 24 * 60 * 60 else FLOAT_TYPE.call(str, opts, name) end end def self.bool_value(str, opts = {}, name = nil) return nil if str.nil? case str.to_s when 'true', 'yes' true when 'false', 'no' false when '' true else # Current parser passes comment without actual values, e.g. "param #foo". # parser should pass empty string in this case but changing behaviour may break existing environment so keep parser behaviour. Just ignore comment value in boolean handling for now. if str.respond_to?('start_with?') && str.start_with?('#') true elsif opts[:strict] raise Fluent::ConfigError, "#{name}: invalid bool value: #{str}" else nil end end end def self.regexp_value(str, opts = {}, name = nil) return nil unless str return Regexp.compile(str) unless str.start_with?("/") right_slash_position = str.rindex("/") if right_slash_position < str.size - 3 raise Fluent::ConfigError, "invalid regexp: missing right slash: #{str}" end options = str[(right_slash_position + 1)..-1] option = 0 option |= Regexp::IGNORECASE if options.include?("i") option |= Regexp::MULTILINE if options.include?("m") Regexp.compile(str[1...right_slash_position], option) end def self.string_value(val, opts = {}, name = nil) return nil if val.nil? v = val.to_s v = v.frozen? ? v.dup : v # config_param can't assume incoming string is mutable v.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end STRING_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| Config.string_value(val, opts, name) } def self.symbol_value(val, opts = {}, name = nil) return nil if val.nil? || val.empty? val.delete_prefix(":").to_sym end SYMBOL_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| Config.symbol_value(val, opts, name) } def self.enum_value(val, opts = {}, name = nil) return nil if val.nil? s = val.to_sym list = opts[:list] raise "Plugin BUG: config type 'enum' requires :list of symbols" unless list.is_a?(Array) && list.all?{|v| v.is_a? Symbol } unless list.include?(s) raise ConfigError, "valid options are #{list.join(',')} but got #{val}" end s end ENUM_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| Config.enum_value(val, opts, name) } INTEGER_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| if val.nil? nil elsif opts[:strict] begin Integer(val) rescue ArgumentError, TypeError => e raise ConfigError, "#{name}: #{e.message}" end else val.to_i end } FLOAT_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| if val.nil? nil elsif opts[:strict] begin Float(val) rescue ArgumentError, TypeError => e raise ConfigError, "#{name}: #{e.message}" end else val.to_f end } SIZE_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| Config.size_value(val, opts, name) } BOOL_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| Config.bool_value(val, opts, name) } TIME_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| Config.time_value(val, opts, name) } REGEXP_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| Config.regexp_value(val, opts, name) } REFORMAT_VALUE = ->(type, value, opts = {}, name = nil) { if value.nil? value else case type when :string then value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) when :integer then INTEGER_TYPE.call(value, opts, name) when :float then FLOAT_TYPE.call(value, opts, name) when :size then Config.size_value(value, opts, name) when :bool then Config.bool_value(value, opts, name) when :time then Config.time_value(value, opts, name) when :regexp then Config.regexp_value(value, opts, name) when :symbol then Config.symbol_value(value, opts, name) else raise "unknown type in REFORMAT: #{type}" end end } def self.hash_value(val, opts = {}, name = nil) return nil if val.nil? param = if val.is_a?(String) val.start_with?('{') ? JSON.parse(val) : Hash[val.strip.split(/\s*,\s*/).map{|v| v.split(':', 2)}] else val end if param.class != Hash raise ConfigError, "hash required but got #{val.inspect}" end if opts.empty? param else newparam = {} param.each_pair do |key, value| new_key = opts[:symbolize_keys] ? key.to_sym : key newparam[new_key] = opts[:value_type] ? REFORMAT_VALUE.call(opts[:value_type], value, opts, new_key) : value end newparam end end HASH_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| Config.hash_value(val, opts, name) } def self.array_value(val, opts = {}, name = nil) return nil if val.nil? param = if val.is_a?(String) val.start_with?('[') ? JSON.parse(val) : val.strip.split(/\s*,\s*/) else val end if param.class != Array raise ConfigError, "array required but got #{val.inspect}" end if opts[:value_type] param.map{|v| REFORMAT_VALUE.call(opts[:value_type], v, opts, nil) } else param end end ARRAY_TYPE = Proc.new { |val, opts = {}, name = nil| Config.array_value(val, opts, name) } end end