@announce Feature: Create a changelog that does not contain recent changes. Scenario: Repository with identical changelog lines only in commit messages Given an empty Git repository When 2 commits with standard changelog line are added And I successfully run `ccl --no-recent` Then the stdout should not contain anything Scenario: Repository with multiple changelog lines only in commit messages Given an empty Git repository When 3 commits with unique changelog line are added And I successfully run `ccl --no-recent` Then the stdout should not contain anything Scenario: Changelog lines in commit messages and tag without changelog line Given an empty Git repository When 3 commits with unique changelog line are added And a tag without changelog line is added And I successfully run `ccl --no-recent` Then the stdout should contain 3 lines starting with "- " Scenario: Changelog lines in commit messages and tag with different changelog line Given an empty Git repository When 3 commits with unique changelog line are added And a tag with unique changelog line is added And I successfully run `ccl --no-recent` Then the stdout should contain 4 lines starting with "- " Scenario: Changelog lines in commit messages and tag with same changelog line Given an empty Git repository When 3 commits with standard changelog line are added And a tag with standard changelog line is added And I successfully run `ccl --no-recent` Then the stdout should contain 1 line starting with "- " Scenario: Unique changelog lines in commit messages, tag, and recent commits Given an empty Git repository When 3 commits with unique changelog line are added And a tag with unique changelog line is added And 2 commits with unique changelog line are added And I successfully run `ccl --no-recent` Then the stdout should contain 4 lines starting with "- " Scenario: Same changelog lines in commit messages, tag, and recent commits Given an empty Git repository When 3 commits with standard changelog line are added And a tag with standard changelog line is added And 2 commits with standard changelog line are added And I successfully run `ccl --no-recent` Then the stdout should contain 1 line starting with "- "