require 'spec_helper' describe FbGraph::Exception do it 'should properly set its message for inspect' do err =, 'This is the error message') err.inspect.should == '#' end context 'when response body is given' do it 'should setup type, error code, and subcode from error' do err =, 'This is the original message', { :error => { :type => 'SomeError', :message => 'This is the error message', :code => 190, :error_subcode => 460 } }) err.code.should == 400 err.type.should == 'SomeError' err.error_code.should == 190 err.error_subcode.should == 460 end end context 'when response body is not given' do it 'should not have type' do err =, 'This is the original message') err.code.should == 400 err.type.should be_nil err.message.should == 'This is the original message' end end describe ".handle_structured_response" do context "with WWW-Authenticate header" do context "when token expired" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => "Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user has changed the password.", :type => "OAuthException" } } end let(:headers) do { "WWW-Authenticate" => 'OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user has changed the password.' } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::InvalidSession end end context "when token invalid" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'Invalid OAuth access token.', :type => "OAuthException" } } end let(:headers) do { "WWW-Authenticate" => 'OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Invalid OAuth access token."' } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::InvalidToken end context "with a variant capitalization of the header" do let(:headers) do { "Www-Authenticate" => 'OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Invalid OAuth access token."' } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::InvalidToken end end end context "with an invalid request" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => '(#100) Must include the \"campaign_id\" index', :type => "OAuthException" } } end let(:headers) do { "WWW-Authenticate" =>'OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_request" "(#100) Must include the \"campaign_id\" index"' } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::InvalidRequest end end context "to an an alias that does not exist" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => '(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: test', :type => "OAuthException" } } end let(:headers) do { "WWW-Authenticate" =>'OAuth "Facebook Platform" "not_found" "(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: test"' } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::NotFound end end end context "without the WWW-Authenticate header" do let(:headers) do {} end context "with an OAuthException" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'Some kind of OAuthException', :type => "OAuthException" } } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::Unauthorized end end context "with a general exception" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'Some kind of Exception', :type => "Exception" } } end { 400 => FbGraph::BadRequest, 401 => FbGraph::Unauthorized, 404 => FbGraph::NotFound, 500 => FbGraph::InternalServerError, 999 => FbGraph::Exception }.each do |status, exception_klass| context "when status=#{status}" do it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(status, details, headers) raise_exception exception_klass end end end end context "with an unknown exception" do let(:details) do { :error_code => 1, :error_msg => "An unknown error occurred." } end { 400 => FbGraph::BadRequest, 401 => FbGraph::Unauthorized, 404 => FbGraph::NotFound, 500 => FbGraph::InternalServerError, 999 => FbGraph::Exception }.each do |status, exception_klass| context "when status=#{status}" do it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(status, details, headers) raise_exception exception_klass end end end end describe "Ads API Exception" do context "of Could not save creative" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'Could not save creative', :type => "Exception" } } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::CreativeNotSaved end end context "of Could not create targeting spec" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'Could not create targeting spec', :type => "Exception" } } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::TargetingSpecNotSaved end end context "of Could not fetch adgroups" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'Could not fetch adgroups', :type => "Exception" } } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::AdgroupFetchFailure end end context "of Failed to open process" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'Failed to open process', :type => "Exception" } } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::OpenProcessFailure end end context "of Could not commit transaction" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'Could not commit transaction', :type => "Exception" } } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::TransactionCommitFailure end end end describe 'FQL Exceptions' do context "of QueryLockTimeout" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'QueryLockTimeoutException', :type => "Exception" } } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::QueryLockTimeout end end context "of QueryErrorException" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'DB Error: QueryErrorException', :type => "Exception" } } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::QueryError end end context "of QueryConnectionException" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'QueryConnectionException', :type => "Exception" } } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::QueryConnection end end context "of QueryDuplicateKeyException" do let(:details) do { :error => { :message => 'QueryDuplicateKeyException', :type => "Exception" } } end it do expect do FbGraph::Exception.handle_structured_response(999, details, headers) raise_exception FbGraph::QueryDuplicateKey end end end end end end describe FbGraph::BadRequest do it 'should have 400 status code' do err = 'Bad Request' err.code.should == 400 end end describe FbGraph::Unauthorized do it 'should have 401 status code' do err = 'Unauthorized' err.code.should == 401 end end describe FbGraph::NotFound do it 'should have 404 status code' do err = 'Not Found' err.code.should == 404 end end