require "json" require "logstasher" require "action_controller" module GovukJsonLogging class Configuration def initialize @custom_fields_block = proc {} end attr_reader :custom_fields_block def add_custom_fields(&block) @custom_fields_block = block if block_given? end end def self.configure(&block) configuration = configuration.instance_eval(&block) if block_given? # We disable buffering, so that logs aren't lost on crash or delayed # indefinitely while troubleshooting. $stdout.sync = true Rails.logger =$stdout, level: Rails.logger.level) Rails.logger.formatter = proc { |severity, datetime, _progname, msg| hash = { "@timestamp": datetime.utc.iso8601(3), message: msg, level: severity, tags: %w[rails], } if defined?(GdsApi::GovukHeaders) && !GdsApi::GovukHeaders.headers[:govuk_request_id].nil? hash[:govuk_request_id] = GdsApi::GovukHeaders.headers[:govuk_request_id] end "#{hash.to_json}\n" } LogStasher.add_custom_fields do |fields| # Mirrors Nginx request logging, e.g. GET /path/here HTTP/1.1 fields[:request] = "#{request.request_method} #{request.fullpath} #{request.headers['SERVER_PROTOCOL']}" fields[:govuk_request_id] = request.headers["GOVUK-Request-Id"] fields[:varnish_id] = request.headers["X-Varnish"] fields[:govuk_app_config] = GovukAppConfig::VERSION instance_exec(fields, &configuration.custom_fields_block) if block_given? end Rails.application.config.logstasher.enabled = true # Log controller actions so that we can graph response times. Rails.application.config.logstasher.controller_enabled = true # The other loggers are not that interesting in production. Rails.application.config.logstasher.mailer_enabled = false Rails.application.config.logstasher.record_enabled = false Rails.application.config.logstasher.view_enabled = false Rails.application.config.logstasher.job_enabled = false # Elasticsearch index expect source to be an object and logstash defaults # source to be the host IP address causing logs to be dropped. Rails.application.config.logstasher.source = {} # Elasticsearch index expect error to be an object and logstash defaults # error to be a string causing logs to be dropped. Rails.application.config.logstasher.field_renaming = { error: :error_message, } Rails.application.config.logstasher.logger = $stdout, level: Rails.logger.level, formatter: proc { |_severity, _datetime, _progname, msg| "#{msg.is_a?(String) ? msg : msg.inspect}\n" }, ) Rails.application.config.logstasher.suppress_app_log = true if defined?(GdsApi::Base) GdsApi::Base.default_options ||= {} # The gds-api-adapters gem logs JSON to describe the requests it makes and # the responses it gets, so direct this to the logstasher logger. GdsApi::Base.default_options[:logger] = Rails.application.config.logstasher.logger end end end