== 0.2.4 * Bug fix on UTF-8 support. == 0.2.3 * Added UTF-8 support for Ruby 1.8.x * Added :all_fields option to Table helper. == 0.2.2 * Added a friendlier default (a vertical table) to incorrectly configured tables. * Added vertical table helper thanks to chrononaut. * Added detection of :select option from ActiveRecord queries in ActiveRecordTable helper. * Added handling anything that responds to :to_a in AutoTable helper. == 0.2.1 * Fixed typo in Hirb::Console.view == 0.2.0 * Major refactoring with bug fixes and better tests. * Improved table algorithm to ensure that tables don't wrap. * Added a pager which detects if output should be paged, Hirb::Pager. * Added a selection menu, Hirb::Menu * Following API changes: Hirb::Helpers::Table.max_width removed and config files don't use the :view key anymore. == 0.1.2 * Added tree views. * Added output_method option to Hirb::View.render_output. == 0.1.1 * Fixed bug when rendering table with many fields. == 0.1.0 * Initial release