module CyberarmEngine class Window < Gosu::Window include Common IMAGES = {} SAMPLES = {} SONGS = {} attr_accessor :show_cursor attr_writer :exit_on_opengl_error attr_reader :last_frame_time, :states def Gosu.milliseconds end def self.dt instance.last_frame_time / 1000.0 end def self.instance=(window) raise ArgumentError, "Expected window to be a subclass of CyberarmEngine::Window, got: #{window.class}" unless window.is_a?(CyberarmEngine::Window) @@instance = window end def self.instance @@instance end def initialize(width: 800, height: 600, fullscreen: false, update_interval: 1000.0 / 60, resizable: false, borderless: false) @show_cursor = false @has_focus = false super(width, height, fullscreen: fullscreen, update_interval: update_interval, resizable: resizable, borderless: borderless) Window.instance = self @last_frame_time = Gosu.milliseconds - 1 @current_frame_time = Gosu.milliseconds self.caption = "CyberarmEngine #{CyberarmEngine::VERSION} #{Gosu.language}" @states = [] @exit_on_opengl_error = false setup if defined?(setup) end def draw current_state&.draw end def update Stats.clear current_state&.update @last_frame_time = Gosu.milliseconds - @current_frame_time @current_frame_time = Gosu.milliseconds end def needs_cursor? @show_cursor end def needs_redraw? current_state ? current_state.needs_redraw? : true end def drop(filename) current_state&.drop(filename) end def gamepad_connected(index) current_state&.gamepad_connected(index) end def gamepad_disconnected(index) current_state&.gamepad_disconnected(index) end def gain_focus @has_focus = true current_state&.gain_focus end def lose_focus @has_focus = false current_state&.lose_focus end def button_down(id) super current_state&.button_down(id) end def button_up(id) super current_state&.button_up(id) end def close current_state ? current_state.close : super end def dt @last_frame_time / 1000.0 end def aspect_ratio width / height.to_f end def exit_on_opengl_error? @exit_on_opengl_error end def push_state(klass, options = {}) options = { setup: true }.merge(options) if klass.instance_of?(klass.class) && defined?(klass.options) @states << klass klass.setup if options[:setup] klass.post_setup if options[:setup] else @states << if child_of?(klass, GameState) @states << if child_of?(klass, Element::Container) current_state.setup if current_state.instance_of?(klass) && options[:setup] current_state.post_setup if current_state.instance_of?(klass) && options[:setup] end end private def child_of?(input, klass) input.ancestors.detect { |c| c == klass } end def current_state @states.last end def previous_state if @states.size > 1 && (state = @states[@states.size - 2]) state end end def pop_state @states.pop end def shift_state @states.shift end def has_focus? @has_focus end # Sourced from def draw_circle(cx, cy, r, z = 9999, color = Gosu::Color::GREEN, step = 10) 0.step(360, step) do |a1| a2 = a1 + step draw_line(cx + Gosu.offset_x(a1, r), cy + Gosu.offset_y(a1, r), color, cx + Gosu.offset_x(a2, r), cy + Gosu.offset_y(a2, r), color, z) end end end end