require 'English' require 'open-uri' require 'bsearch' require 'css_inliner/csspool' module CSSInliner class CSSDocument < CSSPool::CSS::Document # @return [Array] Array of selectors in specificity order attr_reader :sorted_selectors def initialize super @sorted_selectors = [] end end class CSSDocumentHandler < CSSPool::CSS::DocumentHandler def start_document @document = end def start_selector selector_list super selector_list.each do |selector| index = @document.sorted_selectors.bsearch_upper_boundary { |existing| existing.specificity <=> selector.specificity } @document.sorted_selectors.insert index, selector end end end class Extractor attr_reader :document def initialize(document, directory) @document, @basedir = document, directory end def extract(remove_link_and_style = true) sources = [] sources.concat extract_from_link(remove_link_and_style) sources.concat extract_from_style(remove_link_and_style) integrate sources end def extract_from_link(remove_link_element = true) @document.css('link').inject([]) do |sources, link| next unless link['rel'] == 'stylesheet' begin # To do: detect file encoding before open it(read only @charset value) open(File.join(basedir, link['href']), 'r:BOM|UTF-8') {|f| sources <<} rescue Errno::ENOENT warn File.join(basedir, link['href']) + ' not found' end link.remove if remove_link_element sources end end def extract_from_style(remove_style_element = true) @document.css('style').inject([]) do |sources, style| sources << style.content style.remove if remove_style_element sources end end def integrate(*sources) source = sources.collect {|src| src * $RS}.join($RS) source = 'book {}' if source.empty? handler = end def basedir base = @document.css('base') base.empty? ? @basedir : base[0]['href'] end end end