--- en: activemodel: attributes: account: delete_reason: Reason to delete your account report: details: Additional comments user: email: Your email name: Your name nickname: Your short, unique identifier in decidim password: New password password_confirmation: Confirm your new password remove_avatar: Remove avatar user_group_document_number: Organization document number user_group_name: Organization name user_group_phone: Organization phone activerecord: attributes: decidim/user: current_password: Current password email: Email name: Username password: Password password_confirmation: Password confirmation remember_me: Remember me user_group_document_number: Organization document number user_group_name: Organization name user_group_phone: Organization phone booleans: 'false': 'No' 'true': 'Yes' carrierwave: errors: image_too_big: The image is too big decidim: account: delete: alert: This action cannot be undone. If you delete your account you won't be able to log in. confirm: close: Close window ok: Yes, I want to delete my account question: Are you sure you want to delete your account? title: Delete my account explanation: Please, fill in the reason you want to delete your account (optional). destroy: error: There's been an error deleting your account. success: Your account was deleted successfully. show: change_password: Change password update_account: Update account update: error: There's been an error updating your account. success: Your account was updated successfully. success_with_email_confirmation: Your account was updated successfully. You'll receive an email to confirm your new email address. anonymous_user: Anonymous application: documents: related_documents: Related documents photos: related_photos: Related photos authorization_handlers: dummy_authorization_handler: explanation: Get verified by introducing a document number ending with "X" fields: document_number: Document number postal_code: Postal code name: Example authorization dummy_authorization_workflow: name: Dummy authorization workflow errors: duplicate_authorization: A user is already authorized with the same data. expired_at: Expired at %{timestamp} expires_at: Expires at %{timestamp} foo_authorization: fields: bar: Bar foo: Foo name: Foo authorization granted_at: Granted at %{timestamp} started_at: Started at %{timestamp} contact: Contact core: actions: unauthorized: You are not authorized to perform this action devise: omniauth_registrations: create: email_already_exists: Another account is using the same email address new: complete_profile: Complete profile nickname_help: Your short, unique identifier in decidim sign_up: Please complete your profile subtitle: Please fill in the following form in order to complete the sign up username_help: Public name that appears on your posts. With the aim of guaranteeing the anonymity, can be any name. registrations: new: already_have_an_account?: Already have an account? newsletter: Receive an occasional newsletter with relevant information nickname_help: Your short, unique identifier in decidim sign_in: Log in sign_up: Sign up sign_up_as: legend: Sign up as user: Individual user_group: Organization/Collective subtitle: Sign up to participate in discussions and support proposals. terms: the terms and conditions of use tos_agreement: By signing up you agree to %{link}. username_help: Public name that appears on your posts. With the aim of guaranteeing the anonymity, can be any name. sessions: new: are_you_new?: New to the platform? register: Create an account shared: omniauth_buttons: or: Or errors: internal_server_error: title: There was a problem with our server try_later: Please try again later. not_found: back_home: Back home content_doesnt_exist: This address is incorrect or has been removed. title: The page you're looking for can't be found events: attachments: attachment_created: email_intro: 'A new document has been added to %{resource_title}. You can see it from this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{resource_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: An update to %{resource_title} notification_title: A <a href="%{resource_path}">new document</a> has been added to <a href="%{attached_to_url}">%{resource_title}</a> email_event: email_greeting: Hello %{user_name}, email_intro: 'There has been an update to "%{resource_title}". You can see it from this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{resource_title}". You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: An update to %{resource_title} feature_published_event: email_intro: 'The %{resource_title} component is now active for %{participatory_space_title}. You can see it from this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{participatory_space_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: An update to %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: The %{resource_title} component is now active for <a href="%{resource_path}">%{participatory_space_title}</a> notification_event: notification_title: An event occured to <a href="%{resource_path}">%{resource_title}</a>. participatory_process_step_activated_event: email_intro: 'The %{resource_title} step is now active for %{participatory_space_title}. You can see it from this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{participatory_space_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: An update to %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: The %{resource_title} step is now active for <a href="%{resource_path}">%{participatory_space_title}</a> users: profile_updated: email_intro: The <a href="%{resource_url}">profile page</a> of %{name} (%{nickname}), who you are following, has been updated. email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{nickname}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: "%{nickname} updated their profile" notification_title: The <a href="%{resource_path}">profile page</a> of %{name} (%{nickname}), who you are following, has been updated. export_mailer: export: ready: Please find attached a zipped version of your export. subject: Your export "%{name}" is ready features: dummy: actions: bar: Bar foo: Foo name: Dummy Feature settings: global: comments_enabled: Comments enabled dummy_global_attribute_1: Dummy Attribute 1 dummy_global_attribute_2: Dummy Attribute 2 step: comments_blocked: Comments blocked dummy_step_attribute_1: Dummy Step Attribute 1 dummy_step_attribute_2: Dummy Step Attribute 2 filters: linked_classes: all: All dummyresource: Dummy resources meeting: Meetings project: Projects proposal: Proposals result: Results follows: create: button: Follow error: There has been an error following this resource. destroy: button: Stop following error: There has been an error unfollowing this resource. forms: current_file: Current file current_image: Current image default_image: Default image errors: error: There's an error in this field. remove_this_file: Remove this file managed_users: expired_session: The current impersonation session has expired. menu: home: Home more_information: More information messaging: conversation_mailer: new_conversation: greeting: Hi, %{recipient}! intro: "%{sender} has started a new conversation with you. Click here to see it:" outro: Enjoy decidim! subject: "%{sender} has started a conversation with you" new_message: greeting: Hi, %{recipient}! intro: "%{sender} has posted new messages in your conversation. Click here to see them:" outro: Enjoy decidim! subject: You have new messages from %{sender} conversations: create: error: Conversation not started. Try again later index: no_conversations: You have no conversations yet title: Conversations reply: send: Send title: Reply show: title: Conversation with %{usernames} start: send: Send title: Start a conversation update: error: Message not sent. Try again later newsletter_mailer: newsletter: note: You received this email because you're subscribed to newsletters on %{organization_name}. You can change your settings on your <a href="%{link}">notifications page</a>. see_on_website: Can’t see this email correctly? View it on the <a href="%{link}" target="_blank">website</a>. unsubscribe: To opt out of receiving this type of email, <a href="%{link}" target="_blank" class="unsubscribe">Unsubscribe</a>. newsletters: unsubscribe: check_subscription: If you want to change your preferences, you can do so in the <a href="%{link}" target="_blank">configuration page</a> error: There's been an error unsubscribing success: You are unsubscribed successfully. token_error: The link has expired. unsubscribe: Unsubscribe notifications_settings: show: email_on_notification: I want to receive an email every time I receive a notification. newsletter_notifications: I want to receive newsletters update_notifications_settings: Save changes update: error: There's been an error updating your notifications settings. success: Your notifications settings were updated successfully. own_user_groups: index: pending: Pending rejected: Rejected verified: Verified pages: index: title: More information profiles: default_officialization_text: This participant is publicly verified, his/her name or role has been verified to correspond with his/her real name and role show: about_me: About me personal_url: Personal website reported_mailer: hide: hello: Hello %{name}, manage_moderations: Manage moderations report_html: <p>The following <a href="%{url}">content</a> has been hidden automatically.</p> subject: A resource has been hidden automatically report: hello: Hello %{name}, manage_moderations: Manage moderations report_html: <p>The following <a href="%{url}">content</a> has been reported.</p> subject: A resource has been reported reports: create: error: An error ocurred while creating the report. Please, try it again. success: The report has been created successfully and it will be reviewed by an admin. scopes: global: Global scope picker: cancel: Cancel choose: Select title: Select %{field} prompt: Select a scope scopes: Scopes shared: action_authorization_modal: expired: authorize: Reauthorize with "%{authorization}" explanation: Your authorization has expired. In order to perform this action, you need to be reauthorized with "%{authorization}". title: Authorization has expired incomplete: cancel: Cancel explanation: 'Even though you''re currently authorized with "%{authorization}", we need you to reauthorize because we lack the following data:' invalid_field: "%{field}" reauthorize: Reauthorize title: Please reauthorize missing: authorize: Authorize with "%{authorization}" explanation: In order to perform this action, you need to be authorized with "%{authorization}". title: Authorization required pending: explanation: In order to perform this action, you need to be authorized with "%{authorization}", but your authorization is still in progress resume: Check your "%{authorization}" authorization progress title: Authorization is still in progress unauthorized: explanation: Sorry, you can't perform this action as some of your authorization data doesn't match. invalid_field: "%{field} value %{value} isn't valid." ok: Ok title: Not authorized author: deleted: Deleted user embed_modal: close_window: Close window embed: Please paste this code in your page embed_link: Embed flag_modal: already_reported: This content is already reported and it will be reviewed by an admin. close: Close description: Is this content inappropriate? does_not_belong: Contains illegal activity, suicide threats, personal information, or something else you think doesn't belong on %{organization_name}. offensive: Contains racism, sexism, slurs, personal attacks, death threats, suicide requests or any form of hate speech. report: Report spam: Contains clickbait, advertising, scams or script bots. title: Report a problem follow_button: sign_in_before_follow: Please sign in before performing this action login_modal: please_sign_in: Please sign in sign_up: Sign up reference: reference: 'Reference: %{reference}' results_per_page: label: 'Results per page:' share_modal: close_window: Close window share: Share share_link: Share link version_author: deleted: Deleted user devise: invitations: edit: header: Set your password nickname_help: Your unique identifier in decidim. submit_button: Save mailer: invitation_instructions: accept: Accept invitation accept_until: This invitation will be due in %{due_date}. hello: Hello %{email}, ignore: |- If you don't want to accept the invitation, please ignore this email.<br /> Your account won't be created until you access the link above and set your password. invited_you_as_admin: "%{invited_by} has invited you as an admin of %{application}. You can accept it through the link below." someone_invited_you: Someone has invited you to %{application}. You can accept it through the link below. someone_invited_you_as_admin: Someone has invited you as an admin of %{application}, you can accept it through the link below. invite_admin: subject: You've been invited to manage %{organization} invite_collaborator: subject: You've been invited to collaborate on %{organization} organization_admin_invitation_instructions: subject: You've been invited to manage %{organization} password_change: greeting: Hello %{recipient}! message: We're contacting you to notify you that your password has been changed. subject: Password changed errors: messages: content_type_whitelist_error: The file type is not valid cycle_detected: a scope's parent can't be one of its descendants file_size_is_less_than_or_equal_to: file size must be less than or equal to %{count} invalid_manifest: Invalid manifest invalid_participatory_process: Invalid participatory process long_words: Contains words that are too long must_start_with_caps: Must start with caps nesting_too_deep: can't be inside of a subcategory too_many_marks: Is using too many marks too_much_caps: Is using too much caps too_short: Is too short forms: required: Required invisible_captcha: sentence_for_humans: If you are human, ignore this field timestamp_error_message: Sorry, that was too quick! Please resubmit. layouts: decidim: cookie_warning: description_html: This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of cookies. Find out more about it %{link}. link_label: here ok: I agree footer: made_with_open_source: Website made with <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/decidim/decidim">free software</a>. header: close_menu: Close menu navigation: Navigation sign_in: Sign In sign_up: Sign Up impersonation_warning: close_session: Close session description_html: You are impersonating the user <b>%{user_name}</b>. expire_time_html: Your session will expire in <b><span class="minutes">%{minutes}</span> minutes</b>. notifications_dashboard: mark_all_as_read: Mark all as read no_notifications: No notifications yet. title: Notifications user_menu: admin_dashboard: Admin dashboard conversations: Conversations notifications: Notifications profile: My account public_profile: My public profile sign_out: Sign out user_profile: account: Account authorizations: Authorizations delete_my_account: Delete my account notifications_settings: Notifications settings title: User settings user_groups: Organizations widget: see_more: See more locale: name: English pages: home: extended: debates: Debates debates_explanation: Debate and discuss, share your views and enrich the relevant topics. how_to_participate: How do I take part in a process? meetings: Meetings meetings_explanation: Find out where and when you can participate in public meetings. more_info: More info proposals: Proposals proposals_explanation: Make proposals, support existing ones and promote the changes you want to see. footer_sub_hero: footer_sub_hero_body: Let's build a more open, transparent and collaborative society.<br /> Join, participate and decide. footer_sub_hero_headline: Welcome to %{organization} participatory platform. register: Register hero: participate: Participate welcome: Welcome to %{organization}! statistics: answers_count: Completed Surveys assemblies_count: Assemblies comments_count: Comments headline: Current state of %{organization} meetings_count: Meetings orders_count: Votes pages_count: Pages processes_count: Processes projects_count: Projects proposals_accepted: Accepted Proposals proposals_count: Proposals results_count: Results surveys_count: Surveys users_count: Participants votes_count: Votes sub_hero: register: Register social_share_button: delicious: Delicious douban: Douban email: Email facebook: Facebook google_bookmark: Google Bookmark google_plus: Google+ hacker_news: Hacker News linkedin: Linkedin pinterest: Pinterest qq: Qzone reddit: Reddit share_to: Share to %{name} tumblr: Tumblr twitter: Twitter vkontakte: Vkontakte wechat: WeChat wechat_footer: Open your WeChat, click "Discover" button then click the "Scan QR Code" menu. weibo: Sina Weibo xing: Xing time: formats: day_of_month: "%b %d" day_of_week: "%a" day_of_year: "%d.%m.%y" decidim_short: "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M" time_of_day: "%H:%M" views: pagination: first: "« First" last: Last » next: Next › previous: "‹ Prev" truncate: "…"