require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/testtask' begin require 'rake/extensiontask' rescue LoadError abort "To build, please first gem install rake-compiler" end RbConfig = Config unless defined?(RbConfig) NAME = "hpricot" REV = (`#{ENV['GIT'] || "git"} rev-list HEAD`.split.length + 1).to_s VERS = ENV['VERSION'] || "0.8" + (REV ? ".#{REV}" : "") PKG = "#{NAME}-#{VERS}" BIN = "*.{bundle,jar,so,o,obj,pdb,lib,def,exp,class,rbc}" CLEAN.include ["#{BIN}", "ext/**/#{BIN}", "lib/**/#{BIN}", "test/**/#{BIN}", 'ext/fast_xs/Makefile', 'ext/hpricot_scan/Makefile', '**/.*.sw?', '*.gem', '.config', 'pkg', 'lib/hpricot_scan.rb', 'lib/fast_xs.rb'] RDOC_OPTS = ['--quiet', '--title', 'The Hpricot Reference', '--main', '', '--inline-source'] PKG_FILES = %w(CHANGELOG COPYING Rakefile) + Dir.glob("{bin,doc,test,extras}/**/*") + (Dir.glob("lib/**/*.rb") - %w(lib/hpricot_scan.rb lib/fast_xs.rb)) + Dir.glob("ext/**/*.{h,java,c,rb,rl}") + %w[ext/hpricot_scan/hpricot_scan.c ext/hpricot_scan/hpricot_css.c ext/hpricot_scan/] # needed because they are generated later RAGEL_C_CODE_GENERATION_STYLES = { "table_driven" => 'T0', "faster_table_driven" => 'T1', "flat_table_driven" => 'F0', "faster_flat_table_driven" => 'F1', "goto_driven" => 'G0', "faster_goto_driven" => 'G1', "really_fast goto_driven" => 'G2' # "n_way_split_really_fast_goto_driven" => 'P' } DEFAULT_RAGEL_C_CODE_GENERATION = "really_fast goto_driven" SPEC = do |s| = NAME s.version = VERS s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.has_rdoc = true s.rdoc_options += RDOC_OPTS s.extra_rdoc_files = ["", "CHANGELOG", "COPYING"] s.summary = "a swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library" s.description = s.summary = "why the lucky stiff" = '' s.homepage = '' s.rubyforge_project = 'hobix' s.files = PKG_FILES s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.extensions = FileList["ext/**/extconf.rb"].to_a s.bindir = "bin" end # FAT cross-compile # Pass RUBY_CC_VERSION=1.8.7:1.9.2 when packaging for 1.8+1.9 mswin32 binaries %w(hpricot_scan fast_xs).each do |target|, SPEC) do |ext| ext.lib_dir = File.join('lib', target) if ENV['RUBY_CC_VERSION'] ext.cross_compile = true # enable cross compilation (requires cross compile toolchain) ext.cross_platform = 'i386-mswin32' # forces the Windows platform instead of the default one end # HACK around 1.9.2 cross .def file creation def_file = "tmp/i386-mswin32/#{target}/1.9.2/#{target}-i386-mingw32.def" directory File.dirname(def_file) file def_file => File.dirname(def_file) do |t|, "w") do |f| f << "EXPORTS\nInit_#{target}\n" end end task File.join(File.dirname(def_file), "Makefile") => def_file # END HACK file "lib/#{target}.rb" do |t|, "w") do |f| f.puts %{require "#{target}/\#{RUBY_VERSION.sub(/\\.\\d+$/, '')}/#{target}"} end end end file 'ext/hpricot_scan/extconf.rb' => :ragel desc "set environment variables to build and/or test with debug options" task :debug do ENV['CFLAGS'] ||= "" ENV['CFLAGS'] += " -g -DDEBUG" end desc "Does a full compile, test run" if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) task :default => [:compile_java, :clean_fat_rb, :test] else task :default => [:compile, :clean_fat_rb, :test] end task :clean_fat_rb do rm_f "lib/hpricot_scan.rb" rm_f "lib/fast_xs.rb" end desc "Packages up Hpricot for all platforms." task :package => [:clean] desc "Run all the tests" do |t| t.libs << "test" t.test_files = FileList['test/test_*.rb'] t.verbose = true end do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc/rdoc' rdoc.options += RDOC_OPTS rdoc.main = "" rdoc.rdoc_files.add ['', 'CHANGELOG', 'COPYING', 'lib/**/*.rb'] end do |p| p.need_tar = true p.gem_spec = SPEC end ### Win32 Packages ### Win32Spec = SPEC.dup Win32Spec.platform = 'i386-mswin32' Win32Spec.files = PKG_FILES + %w(hpricot_scan fast_xs).map do |t| unless ENV['RUBY_CC_VERSION'] file "lib/#{t}/1.8/#{t}.so" do abort "ERROR while packaging: re-run for fat win32 gems:\nrake #{ARGV.join(' ')} RUBY_CC_VERSION=1.8.7:1.9.2" end end ["lib/#{t}.rb", "lib/#{t}/1.8/#{t}.so", "lib/#{t}/1.9/#{t}.so"] end.flatten Win32Spec.extensions = [] do |p| p.need_tar = false p.gem_spec = Win32Spec end JRubySpec = SPEC.dup JRubySpec.platform = 'java' JRubySpec.files = PKG_FILES + ["lib/hpricot_scan.jar", "lib/fast_xs.jar"] JRubySpec.extensions = [] do |p| p.need_tar = false p.gem_spec = JRubySpec end desc "Determines the Ragel version and displays it on the console along with the location of the Ragel binary." task :ragel_version do @ragel_v = `ragel -v`[/(version )(\S*)/,2].to_f puts "Using ragel version: #{@ragel_v}, location: #{`which ragel`}" @ragel_v end desc "Generates the C scanner code with Ragel." task :ragel => [:ragel_version] do if @ragel_v >= 6.1 @ragel_c_code_generation_style = RAGEL_C_CODE_GENERATION_STYLES[DEFAULT_RAGEL_C_CODE_GENERATION] Dir.chdir("ext/hpricot_scan") do sh %{ragel hpricot_scan.rl -#{@ragel_c_code_generation_style} -o hpricot_scan.c} sh %{ragel hpricot_css.rl -#{@ragel_c_code_generation_style} -o hpricot_css.c} end else STDERR.puts "Ragel 6.1 or greater is required." exit(1) end end # Java only supports the table-driven code # generation style at this point. desc "Generates the Java scanner code using the Ragel table-driven code generation style." task :ragel_java => [:ragel_version] do if @ragel_v >= 6.1 puts "compiling with ragel version #{@ragel_v}" Dir.chdir("ext/hpricot_scan") do sh %{ragel -J -o} sh %{ragel -J -o} end else STDERR.puts "Ragel 6.1 or greater is required." exit(1) end end ### JRuby Compile ### def java_classpath_arg # myriad of ways to discover JRuby classpath begin cpath = Java::java.lang.System.getProperty('java.class.path').split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) cpath += Java::java.lang.System.getProperty('sun.boot.class.path').split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) jruby_cpath = cpath.compact.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) rescue => e end unless jruby_cpath jruby_cpath = ENV['JRUBY_PARENT_CLASSPATH'] || ENV['JRUBY_HOME'] && FileList["#{ENV['JRUBY_HOME']}/lib/*.jar"].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end unless jruby_cpath || ENV['CLASSPATH'] =~ /jruby/ abort %{WARNING: No JRuby classpath has been set up. Define JRUBY_HOME=/path/to/jruby on the command line or in the environment} end "-cp \"#{jruby_cpath}\"" end def compile_java(filenames, jarname) sh %{javac -source 1.5 -target 1.5 #{java_classpath_arg} #{filenames.join(" ")}} sh %{jar cf #{jarname} *.class} end task :hpricot_scan_java => [:ragel_java] do Dir.chdir "ext/hpricot_scan" do compile_java(["", ""], "hpricot_scan.jar") end end task :fast_xs_java do Dir.chdir "ext/fast_xs" do compile_java([""], "fast_xs.jar") end end %w(hpricot_scan fast_xs).each do |ext| file "lib/#{ext}.jar" => "#{ext}_java" do |t| mv "ext/#{ext}/#{ext}.jar", "lib" end task :compile_java => "lib/#{ext}.jar" end