# Polisher Gem Specs # # Licensed under the MIT license # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc. require 'spec_helper' require 'polisher/gem' module Polisher describe Gem do describe "#initialize" do it "sets gem attributes" do gem = Polisher::Gem.new :name => 'rails', :version => '4.0.0', :deps => ['activesupport', 'activerecord'], :dev_deps => ['rake'] gem.name.should == 'rails' gem.version.should == '4.0.0' gem.deps.should == ['activesupport', 'activerecord'] gem.dev_deps.should == ['rake'] end end describe "#ignorable_file?" do context "args matches an ignorable file" do it "returns true" do Polisher::Gem.ignorable_file?('foo.gemspec').should be_true Polisher::Gem.ignorable_file?('Gemfile').should be_true end end context "args does not match an ignorable file" do it "returns false" do Polisher::Gem.ignorable_file?('.rvmra').should be_false Polisher::Gem.ignorable_file?('foo.gemspoc').should be_false end end end describe "#local_versions_for" do it "returns versions of specified gem in local db" it "invokes cb with versions retrieved" end describe "#parse" do it "returns new gem" do gem = Polisher::Gem.parse gem.should be_an_instance_of(Polisher::Gem) end it "parses gem from gem spec" do spec = Polisher::Test::GEM_SPEC gem = Polisher::Gem.parse(:gemspec => spec[:path]) gem.name.should == spec[:name] gem.version.should == spec[:version] gem.deps.should == spec[:deps] gem.dev_deps.should == spec[:dev_deps] end it "parses gem from gem at path" it "parses gem from metadata hash" do gemj = Polisher::Test::GEM_JSON gem = Polisher::Gem.parse gemj[:json] gem.name.should == gemj[:name] gem.version.should == gemj[:version] gem.deps.should == gemj[:deps] gem.dev_deps.should == gemj[:dev_deps] end end describe "#download_gem" do context "gem in GemCache" do it "returns GemCache gem" end it "uses curl to download gem" it "sets gem in gem cached" it "returns downloaded gem binary contents" end describe "#download_gem_path" do it "downloads gem" do gem = Polisher::Gem.new gem.should_receive(:download_gem) gem.downloaded_gem_path end it "returns gem cache path for gem" do # stub out d/l gem = Polisher::Gem.new :name => 'rails', :version => '1.0' gem.should_receive(:download_gem) Polisher::GemCache.should_receive(:path_for). with('rails', '1.0'). at_least(:once). and_return('rails_path') gem.downloaded_gem_path.should == 'rails_path' end end describe "#gem_path" do it "returns specified path" do gem = Polisher::Gem.new :path => 'gem_path' gem.gem_path.should == 'gem_path' end context "specified path is null" do it "returns downloaded gem path" do gem = Polisher::Gem.new gem.should_receive(:downloaded_gem_path).and_return('gem_path') gem.gem_path.should == 'gem_path' end end end describe "#unpack" do it "unpacks gem at gem_path into temp dir" it "returns tmp dir" context "block specified" do it "invokes block with tmp dir" it "removes tmp dir" it "returns nil" end end describe "#file_paths" do it "returns list of file paths in gem" end describe "#retrieve" do before(:each) do @local_gem = Polisher::Test::LOCAL_GEM end it "returns gem retrieved from rubygems" do gem = Polisher::Gem.retrieve(@local_gem[:name]) gem.should be_an_instance_of(Polisher::Gem) gem.name.should == @local_gem[:name] gem.version.should == @local_gem[:version] gem.deps.should == @local_gem[:deps] gem.dev_deps.should == @local_gem[:dev_deps] end end describe "#versions" do it "looks up and returns versions for gemname in polisher version checker" context "recursive is true" do it "appends versions of gem dependencies to versions list" context "dev_deps is true" do it "appends versions of gem dev dependencies to versions list" end end end describe "#vendored_file_paths" do it "returns file marks in gem marked as vendored" do expected = [ 'vendor/foo.rb', 'vendor/bar/foo.rb'] paths = ['foo.rb'] + expected gem = Polisher::Gem.new gem.should_receive(:file_paths).and_return(paths) gem.vendored_file_paths.should == expected end end describe "#vendored" do it "returns list of vendored modules in gem" do gem = Polisher::Gem.new vendored = ['vendor/thor.rb', 'vendor/thor/foo.rb', 'vendor/biz/baz.rb'] gem.should_receive(:vendored_file_paths).and_return(vendored) gem.vendored.should == {'thor' => nil, 'biz' => nil} end context "vendored module has VERSION.rb file" do it "returns version of vendored gems" end end describe "#diff" do before(:each) do @gem1 = Polisher::Gem.new @gem2 = Polisher::Gem.new @result = AwesomeSpawn::CommandResult.new '', 'diff_out', '', 0 end it "runs diff against unpacked local and other gems and returns output" do @gem1.should_receive(:unpack).and_return('dir1') @gem2.should_receive(:unpack).and_return('dir2') AwesomeSpawn.should_receive(:run). with("#{Polisher::Gem::DIFF_CMD} -r dir1 dir2"). and_return(@result) @gem1.diff(@gem2).should == @result.output end it "removes unpacked gem dirs" do @gem1.should_receive(:unpack).and_return('dir1') @gem2.should_receive(:unpack).and_return('dir2') AwesomeSpawn.should_receive(:run).and_return(@result) FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_rf).with('dir1') FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_rf).with('dir2') # XXX for the GemCache dir cleaning: FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_rf).at_least(:once) @gem1.diff(@gem2) end context "error during operations" do it "removes unpacked gem dirs" do @gem1.should_receive(:unpack).and_return('dir1') @gem2.should_receive(:unpack).and_return('dir2') AwesomeSpawn.should_receive(:run). and_raise(AwesomeSpawn::CommandResultError.new('', '')) FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_rf).with('dir1') FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_rf).with('dir2') FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_rf).at_least(:once) @gem1.diff(@gem2) end end end end # describe Gem end # module Polisher