/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include /************************************************************************* * * Internal utility functions for ApplicationPool2::Group * *************************************************************************/ namespace Passenger { namespace ApplicationPool2 { using namespace std; using namespace boost; /**************************** * * Private methods * ****************************/ void Group::runAllActions(const boost::container::vector &actions) { boost::container::vector::const_iterator it, end = actions.end(); for (it = actions.begin(); it != end; it++) { (*it)(); } } void Group::interruptAndJoinAllThreads(GroupPtr self) { self->interruptableThreads.interrupt_and_join_all(); } void Group::doCleanupSpawner(SpawningKit::SpawnerPtr spawner) { spawner->cleanup(); } /** * Persists options into this Group. Called at creation time and at restart time. * Values will be persisted into `destination`. Or if it's NULL, into `this->options`. */ void Group::resetOptions(const Options &newOptions, Options *destination) { if (destination == NULL) { destination = &this->options; } *destination = newOptions; destination->persist(newOptions); destination->clearPerRequestFields(); destination->apiKey = getApiKey().toStaticString(); destination->groupUuid = uuid; } /** * Merges some of the new options from the latest get() request into this Group. */ void Group::mergeOptions(const Options &other) { options.maxRequests = other.maxRequests; options.minProcesses = other.minProcesses; options.statThrottleRate = other.statThrottleRate; options.maxPreloaderIdleTime = other.maxPreloaderIdleTime; } /* Given a hook name like "queue_full_error", we return HookScriptOptions filled in with this name and a spec * (user settings that can be queried from agentsOptions using the external hook name that is prefixed with "hook_") * * @return false if the user parameters (agentsOptions) are not available (e.g. during ApplicationPool2_PoolTest) */ bool Group::prepareHookScriptOptions(HookScriptOptions &hsOptions, const char *name) { Context *context = getPool()->getContext(); LockGuard l(context->agentConfigSyncher); if (context->agentConfig.isNull()) { return false; } hsOptions.name = name; string hookName = string("hook_") + name; hsOptions.spec = context->agentConfig.get(hookName, Json::Value()).asString(); return true; } // 'process' is not a reference so that bind(runAttachHooks, ...) causes the shared // pointer reference to increment. void Group::runAttachHooks(const ProcessPtr process) const { getPool()->runHookScripts("attached_process", boost::bind(&Group::setupAttachOrDetachHook, this, process, _1)); } void Group::runDetachHooks(const ProcessPtr process) const { getPool()->runHookScripts("detached_process", boost::bind(&Group::setupAttachOrDetachHook, this, process, _1)); } void Group::setupAttachOrDetachHook(const ProcessPtr process, HookScriptOptions &options) const { options.environment.push_back(make_pair("PASSENGER_PROCESS_PID", toString(process->getPid()))); options.environment.push_back(make_pair("PASSENGER_APP_ROOT", this->options.appRoot)); } unsigned int Group::generateStickySessionId() { unsigned int result; while (true) { result = (unsigned int) rand(); if (result != 0 && findProcessWithStickySessionId(result) == NULL) { return result; } } // Never reached; shut up compiler warning. return 0; } ProcessPtr Group::createNullProcessObject() { struct Guard { Context *context; Process *process; Guard(Context *c, Process *s) : context(c), process(s) { } ~Guard() { if (process != NULL) { context->processObjectPool.free(process); } } void clear() { process = NULL; } }; Json::Value args; args["pid"] = 0; args["gupid"] = "0"; args["spawner_creation_time"] = 0; args["spawn_start_time"] = 0; args["dummy"] = true; args["sockets"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); Context *context = getContext(); LockGuard l(context->memoryManagementSyncher); Process *process = context->processObjectPool.malloc(); Guard guard(context, process); process = new (process) Process(&info, args); process->shutdownNotRequired(); guard.clear(); return ProcessPtr(process, false); } ProcessPtr Group::createProcessObject(const SpawningKit::Spawner &spawner, const SpawningKit::Result &spawnResult) { struct Guard { Context *context; Process *process; Guard(Context *c, Process *s) : context(c), process(s) { } ~Guard() { if (process != NULL) { context->processObjectPool.free(process); } } void clear() { process = NULL; } }; Json::Value args; args["spawner_creation_time"] = (Json::UInt64) spawner.creationTime; Context *context = getContext(); LockGuard l(context->memoryManagementSyncher); Process *process = context->processObjectPool.malloc(); Guard guard(context, process); process = new (process) Process(&info, spawnResult, args); guard.clear(); return ProcessPtr(process, false); } bool Group::poolAtFullCapacity() const { return getPool()->atFullCapacityUnlocked(); } ProcessPtr Group::poolForceFreeCapacity(const Group *exclude, boost::container::vector &postLockActions) { return getPool()->forceFreeCapacity(exclude, postLockActions); } void Group::wakeUpGarbageCollector() { getPool()->garbageCollectionCond.notify_all(); } bool Group::anotherGroupIsWaitingForCapacity() const { return findOtherGroupWaitingForCapacity() != NULL; } Group * Group::findOtherGroupWaitingForCapacity() const { Pool *pool = getPool(); if (pool->groups.size() == 1) { return NULL; } GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(pool->groups); while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (group.get() != this && group->isWaitingForCapacity()) { return group.get(); } g_it.next(); } return NULL; } bool Group::pushGetWaiter(const Options &newOptions, const GetCallback &callback, boost::container::vector &postLockActions) { if (OXT_LIKELY(!testOverflowRequestQueue() && (newOptions.maxRequestQueueSize == 0 || getWaitlist.size() < newOptions.maxRequestQueueSize))) { getWaitlist.push_back(GetWaiter( newOptions.copyAndPersist(), callback)); return true; } else { postLockActions.push_back(boost::bind(GetCallback::call, callback, SessionPtr(), boost::make_shared(newOptions.maxRequestQueueSize))); HookScriptOptions hsOptions; if (prepareHookScriptOptions(hsOptions, "queue_full_error")) { // TODO should probably rate limit this, since we are already at heavy load postLockActions.push_back(boost::bind(runHookScripts, hsOptions)); } return false; } } template void Group::assignSessionsToGetWaitersQuickly(Lock &lock) { if (getWaitlist.empty()) { verifyInvariants(); lock.unlock(); return; } boost::container::small_vector actions; unsigned int i = 0; bool done = false; actions.reserve(getWaitlist.size()); while (!done && i < getWaitlist.size()) { const GetWaiter &waiter = getWaitlist[i]; RouteResult result = route(waiter.options); if (result.process != NULL) { GetAction action; action.callback = waiter.callback; action.session = newSession(result.process); getWaitlist.erase(getWaitlist.begin() + i); actions.push_back(action); } else { done = result.finished; if (!result.finished) { i++; } } } verifyInvariants(); lock.unlock(); boost::container::small_vector::const_iterator it, end = actions.end(); for (it = actions.begin(); it != end; it++) { it->callback(it->session, ExceptionPtr()); } } void Group::assignSessionsToGetWaiters(boost::container::vector &postLockActions) { unsigned int i = 0; bool done = false; while (!done && i < getWaitlist.size()) { const GetWaiter &waiter = getWaitlist[i]; RouteResult result = route(waiter.options); if (result.process != NULL) { postLockActions.push_back(boost::bind( GetCallback::call, waiter.callback, newSession(result.process), ExceptionPtr())); getWaitlist.erase(getWaitlist.begin() + i); } else { done = result.finished; if (!result.finished) { i++; } } } } bool Group::testOverflowRequestQueue() const { // This has a performance penalty, although I'm not sure whether the penalty is // any greater than a hash table lookup if I were to implement it in Options. Pool::DebugSupportPtr debug = getPool()->debugSupport; if (debug) { return debug->testOverflowRequestQueue; } else { return false; } } void Group::callAbortLongRunningConnectionsCallback(const ProcessPtr &process) { Pool::AbortLongRunningConnectionsCallback callback = getPool()->abortLongRunningConnectionsCallback; if (callback) { callback(process); } } } // namespace ApplicationPool2 } // namespace Passenger