// ======================================================================== // SC.Object Base Tests // ======================================================================== /*globals module test ok isObj equals expects same */ var obj, obj1, don, don1 ; // global variables module("A new SC.Object instance", { setup: function() { obj = SC.Object.create({ foo: "bar", total: 12345, aMethodThatExists: function() {}, aMethodThatReturnsTrue: function() { return true; }, aMethodThatReturnsFoobar: function() { return "Foobar"; }, aMethodThatReturnsFalse: function() { return NO; } }); }, teardown: function() { obj = undefined ; } }); test("Should identify it's methods using the 'respondsTo' method", function() { equals(obj.respondsTo('aMethodThatExists'), true) ; equals(obj.respondsTo('aMethodThatDoesNotExist'), false) ; }); test("Should return false when asked to perform a method it does not have", function() { equals(obj.tryToPerform('aMethodThatDoesNotExist'), false) ; }); test("Should pass back the return YES if method returned YES, NO if method not implemented or returned NO", function() { equals(obj.tryToPerform('aMethodThatReturnsTrue'), YES, 'method that returns YES') ; equals(obj.tryToPerform('aMethodThatReturnsFoobar'), YES, 'method that returns non-NO') ; equals(obj.tryToPerform('aMethodThatReturnsFalse'), NO, 'method that returns NO') ; equals(obj.tryToPerform('imaginaryMethod'), NO, 'method that is not implemented') ; }); test("Should return it's properties when requested using SC.Object#get", function() { equals(obj.get('foo'), 'bar') ; equals(obj.get('total'), 12345) ; }); test("Should allow changing of those properties by calling SC.Object#set", function() { equals(obj.get('foo'), 'bar') ; equals(obj.get('total'), 12345) ; obj.set( 'foo', 'Chunky Bacon' ) ; obj.set( 'total', 12 ) ; equals(obj.get('foo'), 'Chunky Bacon') ; equals(obj.get('total'), 12) ; }); test("Should only advertise changes once per request to SC.Object#didChangeFor", function() { obj.set( 'foo', 'Chunky Bacon' ); equals(obj.didChangeFor( this, 'foo' ), true) ; equals(obj.didChangeFor( this, 'foo' ), false) ; }); test("Should advertise changes once per request to SC.Object#didChangeFor when setting property to NULL", function() { obj.set( 'foo', null ); equals(obj.didChangeFor( this, 'foo' ), true) ; equals(obj.didChangeFor( this, 'foo' ), false) ; }); test("When the object is destroyed the 'isDestroyed' status should change accordingly", function() { equals(obj.get('isDestroyed'), NO); obj.destroy(); equals(obj.get('isDestroyed'), YES); }); module("SC.Object instance extended", { setup: function() { obj = SC.Object.extend(); obj1 = obj.create(); don = SC.Object.extend(); don1 = don.create(); }, teardown: function() { obj = undefined ; obj1 = undefined ; don = undefined ; don1 = undefined ; } }); test("Checking the instance of method for an object", function() { equals(obj1.instanceOf(obj), YES); equals(obj1.instanceOf(don), NO); }); test("Checking the kind of method for an object", function() { equals(obj1.kindOf(obj), YES); equals(obj1.kindOf(don), NO); }); module("SC.Object superclass", { setup: function() { obj = SC.Object.extend ({ method1: function() { return "hello"; } }); obj1 = obj.extend(); don = obj1.create ({ method2: function() { return this.superclass(); } }); }, teardown: function() { obj = undefined ; obj1 = undefined ; don = undefined ; } }); test("Checking the superclass method for an existing function", function() { equals(don.method2().method1(), "hello"); }); test("Checking the subclassOf function on an object and its subclass", function(){ equals(obj1.subclassOf(obj), YES); equals(obj.subclassOf(obj1), NO); });