require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/etsy4r' describe Etsy4r::CategoryCommands do include Etsy4rSpecHelper before do @client = etsy4r_client @category_commands = end describe 'initialize' do it 'set the client' do @category_commands.client.class.should == Etsy4r::Client end end describe 'get_top_categories' do it 'should return the top level tags' do @res = @category_commands.get_top_categories @res.should be_success @res.results.should_not be_nil @res.error_message.should be_blank end end describe 'get_child_categories' do it 'should return child tags when given a formatted tag' do @res = @category_commands.get_child_categories('bags_and_purses') @res.should be_success @res.results.should_not be_nil @res.error_message.should be_blank end it 'should return child tags when given a tag with spaces' do @res = @category_commands.get_child_categories('bags and purses') @res.should be_success @res.results.should_not be_nil @res.error_message.should be_blank end it 'should return child tags when given a tag with dashes' do @res = @category_commands.get_child_categories('bags-and-purses') @res.should be_success @res.results.should_not be_nil @res.error_message.should be_blank end end end