Jldrill Git C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/jldrill/views/gtk/widgets/WordTable.rb 307 240


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 require 'gtk2'
3 module JLDrill::Gtk
4     class WordTable < Gtk::ScrolledWindow
6         def initialize(itemList, itemType, &selectAction)
7             super()
8             @itemType = itemType
9             @headings = @itemType.headings
10             @selectAction = selectAction
11             self.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
12             self.shadow_type = Gtk::SHADOW_IN
13             set_size_request(450, 200)
15             @listStore = createListStore(itemList)
17             @table = Gtk::TreeView.new(@listStore)
18             @table.selection.mode = Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE
19             @table.set_rules_hint(true)
20             @table.fixed_height_mode = true
21             # Initially don't allow searching
22             stopSearching
23             @table.set_search_equal_func do |model, column, key, iter|
24                 searchEqual(model, column, key, iter)
25             end
27             if !itemList.empty?
28                 attachColumns
29             end
31             self.add(@table)
32             setupSelection
33             @mark = nil
34         end
36         # Returns true if the item should be selected when searching
37         # Please redefine in the concrete class
38         def searchEqual(model, column, key, iter)
39             return false
40         end
42         # Returns the contents of the item
43         # Please redefine in the concrete class
44         def getContents(item)
45             return nil
46         end
48         # Transforms the item to a Vocabulary
49         # Please redefine in the concrete class
50         def getContentsAsVocab(item)
51             return nil
52         end
54         def setItem(iter, item)
55             # column 0 isn't rendered.  It's just there for selection
56             iter[0] = item
57             content = getContents(item) 
58             i = 1
59             @headings.each do |heading|
60                 iter[i] = eval("content.#{heading[0]}")
61                 i += 1
62             end
63         end
65         # Create the ListStore for the table based on the headings in
66         # the item type of the first item.
67         def createListStore(itemList)
68             columnData = [JLDrill::Item]
70             if !itemList.empty?
71                 0.upto(@headings.size) do
72                     columnData.push(String)
73                 end
74             end
76             listStore = eval "Gtk::ListStore.new(#{columnData.join(", ")})"
78             if !itemList.empty?
79                 itemList.each do |item|
80                     iter = listStore.append
81                     setItem(iter, item)
82                 end
83             end
85             return listStore
86         end
88         def attachColumns
89             i = 1
90             @headings.each do |heading|
91                 renderer = Gtk::CellRendererText.new
92                 col = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(heading[1], renderer, :text => i)
93                 col.resizable = true
94                 col.sizing = Gtk::TreeViewColumn::FIXED
95                 col.fixed_width = heading[2]
96                 @table.append_column(col)
97                 i += 1
98             end
99         end
101         # Highlight the row when it is selected (by clicking on it or
102         # by moving the cursor with the arrow keys)
103         def highlightOnSelection
104             select = @table.selection
105             select.set_select_function do |selection, model, path, 
106                                            currently_selected|
107                 # allow selection state to change
108                 true
109             end
110         end
112         # Call the selectAction block when the row is activated
113         def callActionOnActivation
114             @table.signal_connect('row-activated') do |widget, path, column|
115                 if iter = @listStore.get_iter(path)
116                     widget.set_cursor(path,nil,false)
117                     if !@selectAction.nil?
118                         @selectAction.call(iter[0])
119                     end
120                 end
121             end
122         end
124         # This method sets up the manor in which items are selected
125         # in the table.
126         def setupSelection
127             highlightOnSelection
128             callActionOnActivation
129         end
131         # Select the item in the TreePath and scroll to the cell
132         def selectPath(path)
133             @table.set_cursor(path, nil, false)
134         end
136         # Selects the closest match to the given vocabulary
137         def selectClosestMatch(vocab)
138             iter = @listStore.iter_first
139             if !iter.nil?
140                 pos = iter.path
141                 rank = vocab.rank(getContentsAsVocab(iter[0]))
142                 while iter.next!
143                     newRank = vocab.rank(getContentsAsVocab(iter[0]))
144                     if newRank > rank
145                         rank = newRank
146                         pos = iter.path
147                     end
148                 end
149                 selectPath(pos)
150             end
151         end
153         # Selects the row with the given item if it exists
154         def selectItem(item)
155             if !item.nil? && (item.position != -1)
156                 path = Gtk::TreePath.new(item.position.to_s)
157                 selectPath(path)
158             end
159         end
161         # Updates the item in the tree and selects the row
162         def updateItem(item)
163             if !item.nil? && (item.position != -1)
164                 path = Gtk::TreePath.new(item.position.to_s)
165                 iter = @listStore.get_iter(path)
166                 setItem(iter, item)
167                 selectPath(path)
168             end
169         end
171         def addItem(item)
172             # For now we are just going to append the item to the table
173             if !item.nil?
174                 iter = @listStore.append
175                 setItem(iter, item)
176                 selectPath(iter.path)
177             end
178         end
180         def removeItem(item)
181             if !item.nil? && (item.position != -1)
182                 path = Gtk::TreePath.new(item.position.to_s)
183                 iter = @listStore.get_iter(path)
184                 if !iter.nil?
185                     @listStore.remove(iter)
186                 end
187             end
188         end
190         # Returns true if an item in the table is selected
191         def hasSelection?
192             !@table.selection.selected.nil?
193         end
195         def getSelectedItem
196             retVal = nil
197             if hasSelection?
198                 retVal = @table.selection.selected[0]
199             end
200             return retVal
201         end
203         # Gets the iter to the row before the selected one.
204         def getPreviousIter
205             retVal = nil
206             iter = @table.selection.selected
207             if !iter.nil?
208                 prevPath = iter.path
209                 if prevPath.prev!
210                     retVal = @listStore.get_iter(prevPath)
211                 end
212             end
213             return retVal
214         end
216         def getNextIter
217             retVal = nil
218             iter = @table.selection.selected
219             if !iter.nil?
220                 prevPath = iter.path
221                 if prevPath.next!
222                     retVal = @listStore.get_iter(prevPath)
223                 end
224             end
225             return retVal            
226         end
228         def moveUp
229             if hasSelection?
230                 iter = @table.selection.selected
231                 prevIter = getPreviousIter
232                 if !iter.nil? && !prevIter.nil? &&
233                         !iter[0].nil? && !prevIter[0].nil?
234                     iter[0].swapWith(prevIter[0])
235                     @listStore.move_before(iter, prevIter)
236                     selectPath(iter.path)
237                 end
238             end
239         end
241         def moveDown
242             if hasSelection?
243                 iter = @table.selection.selected
244                 nextIter = getNextIter
245                 if !iter.nil? && !nextIter.nil? &&
246                         !iter[0].nil? && !nextIter[0].nil?
247                     iter[0].swapWith(nextIter[0])
248                     @listStore.move_after(iter, nextIter)
249                     selectPath(iter.path)
250                 end
251             end
252         end
254         # Put focus on the table 
255         def focusTable
256             @table.grab_focus
257         end
259         def searching?
260             @table.enable_search?
261         end
263         def search
264             @table.set_enable_search(true)
265         end
267         def stopSearching
268             @table.set_enable_search(false)
269         end
271         def toggleSearch
272             if !@vocabTable.nil?
273                 if !searching
274                     @vocabTable.search
275                 else
276                     @vocabTable.stopSearching
277                 end
278             end
279         end
281         def markCut
282             if @mark == @table.selection.selected
283                 # Allow the user to clear the mark by cutting on the
284                 # same item.  Non-standard, but it's the best I can think
285                 # of right now
286                 markClear
287             else
288                 @mark = @table.selection.selected
289             end
290         end
292         def markClear
293             @mark = nil
294         end
296         def pasteBefore
297             target = @table.selection.selected
298             if !@mark.nil? && !target.nil?
299                 @mark[0].insertBefore(target[0])
300                 @listStore.move_before(@mark, target)
301                 selectPath(@mark.path)
302             end
303             markClear
304         end
306     end
307 end

Generated on Mon May 23 16:17:47 +0900 2011 with rcov 0.9.8