namespace 'culerity' do namespace 'rails' do desc "Starts a rails server for cucumber/culerity tests" task :start do port = ENV['PORT'] || 3001 environment = ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || 'culerity_development' pid_file = RAILS_ROOT + "/tmp/" if File.exists?(pid_file) puts "culerity rails server already running; if not, delete tmp/ and try again" exit 1 end rails_server = IO.popen("script/server -e #{environment} -p #{port}", 'r+'), "w") { |file| file << } end desc "Stops the running rails server for cucumber/culerity tests" task :stop do pid_file = RAILS_ROOT + "/tmp/" if File.exists?(pid_file) pid = Process.kill(6, pid) File.delete(pid_file) else puts "No culerity rails server running. Doing nothing." end end desc "Restarts the rails server for cucumber/culerity tests" task :restart => [:stop, :start] end desc "Install required gems into jruby" task :install do jgem_cmd = `which jruby`.strip raise "ERROR: You need to install jruby to use culerity and celerity." if jgem_cmd.blank? sh "#{jgem_cmd} -S gem install celerity" end end