# Action Controller Tweaks ActionController is great, but could be better. Here are some tweaks for it. ## Status [](https://travis-ci.org/PikachuEXE/action_controller_tweaks) [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/action_controller_tweaks) [](https://gemnasium.com/PikachuEXE/action_controller_tweaks) [](https://coveralls.io/r/PikachuEXE/action_controller_tweaks) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/PikachuEXE/action_controller_tweaks) ## Installation ```ruby gem 'action_controller_tweaks' ``` ## Usage Either include it in specific controller or just `ApplicationController` ```ruby class SomeController include ActionControllerTweaks end ``` ### `#set_no_cache` I got the code from [This Stack Overflow Answer](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/711418/how-to-prevent-browser-page-caching-in-rails) `#expires_now` is not good enough when I test a mobile version page with Chrome on iOS Usage: ```ruby # Just like using #expires_now set_no_cache ``` ### `#set_session` & `#set_session_with_expiry` I write this on my own, it's ok to blame me if it's buggy :P This method let's you set session, with expiry time! It depends on `before_filter`/`before_action` to remove expired session keys Valid options: `expire_in`, `expires_in`, `expire_at`, `expires_at` Example: ```ruby # Option keys are NOT checked set_session(:key, 'value') # => Just like session[:key] = 'value' set_session(:key, 'value', expire_in: 1.day) set_session(:key, 'value', expires_in: 1.day) set_session(:key, 'value', expire_at: 1.day.from_now) set_session(:key, 'value', expires_at: 1.day.from_now) # Option keys are checked # You must pass valid options or error will be raised set_session_with_expiry(:key, 'value', expires_in: 1.day) ``` Note: Please don't use the session key `session_keys_to_expire`, it's reserved for internal processing