require 'rbbt/util/misc' require 'rbbt/util/open' require 'yaml' module Persistence require 'rbbt/util/tc_hash' TSV = TCHash CACHEDIR="/tmp/tsv_persistent_cache" FileUtils.mkdir CACHEDIR unless File.exist? CACHEDIR def self.cachedir=(cachedir) CACHEDIR.replace cachedir FileUtils.mkdir_p CACHEDIR unless File.exist? CACHEDIR end def self.cachedir CACHEDIR end def self.get_persistence_file(file, prefix, options = {}) File.join(CACHEDIR, prefix.to_s.gsub(/\s/,'_').gsub(/\//,'>') + Digest::MD5.hexdigest([file, options].inspect)) end def self.persist(file, prefix = "", persistence_type = :string, options = {}) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :persistence => true persistence, persistence_file = Misc.process_options options, :persistence, :persistence_file filename = Misc.process_options options, :filename filename ||= case when (String === file and File.exists? file) File.expand_path file when File === file File.expand_path file.path when TSV === file file.filename else Digest::MD5.hexdigest(file.inspect) end if persistence persistence_file ||= get_persistence_file(filename, prefix, options) #{{{ CREATE if ! File.exists? persistence_file Log.low "Creating Persistence #{ persistence_file } for #{ filename }" res = yield file, options, filename, persistence_file if Array === res and res.length == 2 and (Hash === res[1] or res[1].nil?) data, extra = res else data, extra = [res, nil] end ddd data.filename case persistence_type.to_sym when :tsv if Hash === data or Object::TSV === data Log.debug "Creating #{Persistence::TSV} for #{ persistence_file }" per = Persistence::TSV.get persistence_file per.write data.each{|k,v| per[k.to_s] = v} %w(case_insensitive fields key_field type filename). each do |key| if data.respond_to? key per.send "#{key}=".to_sym, data.send(key.to_sym) else per.send "#{key}=".to_sym, extra[key.to_sym] end end data = per end when :string Open.write(persistence_file, data.to_s) when :marshal Open.write(persistence_file, Marshal.dump(data)) when :yaml Open.write(persistence_file, YAML.dump(data)) end return [data, extra] #{{{ LOAD else Log.low "Opening Persistence #{ persistence_file } for #{ filename }" case persistence_type.to_sym when :tsv data = Persistence::TSV.get persistence_file extra = {} %W(case_insensitive fields key_field type filename).each{|key| extra[key.to_sym] = data.send key.to_sym} return [data, extra] when :string return [, nil] when :marshal return [{|f| Marshal.load(f)}, nil] when :yaml return [{|f| YAML.load(f)}, nil] end end else yield file, options end end end