module Bosh::Cli::Command # Upload a specific bosh release (or the latest one) and upload # the latest base stemcell, if target bosh does not already # have a stemcell uploaded. class PrepareBoshForCloudFoundry < Base include Bosh::Cli::Validation usage "prepare cf" desc "upload latest Cloud Foundry release to bosh" option "--release-version version", "Upload a specific older version" def prepare_cf auth_required bosh_status release_version = options[:release_version] || latest_release_version # Support: # * --release-version v132 # * --release-version 132 if release_version.to_s =~ /(\d+)/ release_version = $1 end release_yml = Dir[File.join(bosh_release_dir, "releases", "*-#{release_version}.yml")].first release_name = YAML.load_file(release_yml)["name"] release_exists = nil step("Checking bosh already has release #{release_name} #{release_version}", "Currently bosh does not have #{release_name} #{release_version}, uploading...", :non_fatal) do release_exists = director.list_releases.find do |existing_release| next false unless existing_release["name"] == release_name versions = existing_release["release_versions"] versions.find do |version| version["version"].to_s == release_version.to_s end end end unless errors.empty? say errors.shift.make_yellow release_cmd(non_interactive: true).upload(release_yml) end stemcell_exists = nil step("Checking bosh already has base stemcell", "Currently bosh does not have base stemcell, uploading...", :non_fatal) do stemcell_exists = director.list_stemcells.find do |existing_stemcell| existing_stemcell["name"] == stemcell_name end end unless errors.empty? say errors.shift.make_yellow stemcell_url = "{bosh_cpi}/latest-bosh-stemcell-#{bosh_cpi}.tgz" stemcell_cmd(non_interactive: true).upload(stemcell_url) end end protected def stemcell_name "bosh-stemcell" end def bosh_release_dir File.expand_path("../../../../../bosh_release", __FILE__) end def latest_release_version # the releases/index.yml contains all the available release versions in an unordered # hash of hashes in YAML format: # --- # builds: # af61f03c5ad6327e0795402f1c458f2fc6f21201: # version: 3 # 39c029d0af9effc6913f3333434b894ff6433638: # version: 1 # 5f5d0a7fb577fec3c09408c94f7abbe2d52a042c: # version: 4 # f044d47e0183f084db9dac5a6ef00d7bd21c8451: # version: 2 release_index = YAML.load_file(File.join(bosh_release_dir, "releases/index.yml")) latest_version = release_index["builds"].values.inject(0) do |max_version, release| version = release["version"] max_version < version ? version : max_version end latest_version end def bosh_status @bosh_status ||= begin step("Fetching bosh information", "Cannot fetch bosh information", :fatal) do @bosh_status = director.get_status end @bosh_status end end # The CPI (aws/openstack/etc) of the target bosh def bosh_cpi bosh_status["cpi"] end # Helper to invoke the Release command's actions # # Usage to invoke #upload action: # # release_cmd(non_interactive: true).upload(release_yml) def release_cmd(options = {}) cmd ||= options.each do |key, value| cmd.add_option key.to_sym, value end cmd end # Helper to invoke the Stemcell command's actions # # Usage to invoke #upload action: # # stemcell_cmd(non_interactive: true).upload(stemcell_url) def stemcell_cmd(options = {}) cmd ||= options.each do |key, value| cmd.add_option key.to_sym, value end cmd end end end