module Telegram module Bot class UpdatesController # Support for parsing commands module Commands CMD_REGEX = %r{\A/([a-z\d_]{,31})(@(\S+))?(\s|$)}i class << self # Fetches command from text message. All subsequent words are returned # as arguments. # If command has mention (eg. `/test@SomeBot`), it returns commands only # for specified username. Set `username` to `true` to accept # any commands. def command_from_text(text, username = nil) return unless text match = text.match(CMD_REGEX) return unless match mention = match[3] [match[1], text.split.drop(1)] if username == true || !mention || mention == username end end # Override it to filter or transform commands. # Default implementation is to downcase and add `!` suffix. def action_for_command(cmd) "#{cmd.downcase}!" end # If payload is a message with command, then returned action is an # action for this command. # Separate method, so it can be easily overriden (ex. MessageContext). # # This is not used for edited messages/posts. It process them as basic updates. def action_for_message cmd, args = Commands.command_from_text(payload['text'], bot_username) return unless cmd [[action_for_command(cmd), type: :command, command: cmd], args] end alias_method :action_for_channel_post, :action_for_message end end end end