# IprogExportModelToXlsx Welcome to IprogExportModelToXlsx! This gem provides functionality to export ActiveRecord models to XLSX format. ## Installation To install the gem and add it to your application's Gemfile, run: $ bundle add iprog_export_model_to_xlsx If you're not using Bundler to manage dependencies, install the gem by running: $ gem install iprog_export_model_to_xlsx ## Usage To use the gem in your project, include it with: require 'iprog_export_model_to_xlsx' You can then export your models to XLSX format as shown below. ### Basic Usage Export without any options: Model.export_to_xlsx('models.xlsx') ### Usage with Options You can customize the export by providing options: options = { exclude_columns: ['created_at', 'updated_at'], limit: 100 } Model.export_to_xlsx('models.xlsx', options) ## Development After cloning the repository, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. For an interactive prompt to experiment with the code, run `bin/console`. To install the gem locally, use: $ bundle exec rake install To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb` and then run: $ bundle exec rake release This will create a git tag for the version, push the git commits and the tag, and push the `.gem` file to [RubyGems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/iprog21/iprog_export_model_to_xlsx. ## License This gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).