--- title: IntegrationsApi --- ## PureCloud::IntegrationsApi All URIs are relative to *https://api.mypurecloud.com* Method | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**delete_integrations_action**](IntegrationsApi.html#delete_integrations_action) | Delete an Action [**delete_integrations_action_draft**](IntegrationsApi.html#delete_integrations_action_draft) | Delete a Draft [**get_integrations_action**](IntegrationsApi.html#get_integrations_action) | Retrieves a single Action matching id. [**get_integrations_action_draft**](IntegrationsApi.html#get_integrations_action_draft) | Retrieve a Draft [**get_integrations_action_draft_schema**](IntegrationsApi.html#get_integrations_action_draft_schema) | Retrieve schema for a Draft based on filename. [**get_integrations_action_draft_template**](IntegrationsApi.html#get_integrations_action_draft_template) | Retrieve templates for a Draft based on filename. [**get_integrations_action_draft_validation**](IntegrationsApi.html#get_integrations_action_draft_validation) | Validate current Draft configuration. [**get_integrations_action_schema**](IntegrationsApi.html#get_integrations_action_schema) | Retrieve schema for an action based on filename. [**get_integrations_action_template**](IntegrationsApi.html#get_integrations_action_template) | Retrieve text of templates for an action based on filename. [**get_integrations_actions**](IntegrationsApi.html#get_integrations_actions) | Retrieves all actions associated with filters passed in via query param. [**get_integrations_actions_categories**](IntegrationsApi.html#get_integrations_actions_categories) | Retrieves all categories of available Actions [**get_integrations_actions_drafts**](IntegrationsApi.html#get_integrations_actions_drafts) | Retrieves all action drafts associated with the filters passed in via query param. [**patch_integrations_action**](IntegrationsApi.html#patch_integrations_action) | Patch an Action [**patch_integrations_action_draft**](IntegrationsApi.html#patch_integrations_action_draft) | Update an existing Draft [**post_integrations_action_draft**](IntegrationsApi.html#post_integrations_action_draft) | Create a new Draft from existing Action [**post_integrations_action_draft_publish**](IntegrationsApi.html#post_integrations_action_draft_publish) | Publish a Draft and make it the active Action configuration [**post_integrations_action_draft_test**](IntegrationsApi.html#post_integrations_action_draft_test) | Test the execution of a draft. Responses will show execution steps broken out with intermediate results to help in debugging. [**post_integrations_action_execute**](IntegrationsApi.html#post_integrations_action_execute) | Execute Action and return response from 3rd party. Responses will follow the schemas defined on the Action for success and error. [**post_integrations_action_test**](IntegrationsApi.html#post_integrations_action_test) | Test the execution of an action. Responses will show execution steps broken out with intermediate results to help in debugging. [**post_integrations_actions**](IntegrationsApi.html#post_integrations_actions) | Create a new Action [**post_integrations_actions_drafts**](IntegrationsApi.html#post_integrations_actions_drafts) | Create a new Draft {: class="table table-striped"} ## - delete_integrations_action(action_id) Delete an Action Wraps DELETE /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId begin #Delete an Action api_instance.delete_integrations_action(action_id) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->delete_integrations_action: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## - delete_integrations_action_draft(action_id) Delete a Draft Wraps DELETE /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId begin #Delete a Draft api_instance.delete_integrations_action_draft(action_id) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->delete_integrations_action_draft: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Action**](Action.html) get_integrations_action(action_id, opts) Retrieves a single Action matching id. Wraps GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId opts = { expand: "expand_example", # String | Indicates fields of the response which should be expanded. include_config: false # BOOLEAN | Show config when available } begin #Retrieves a single Action matching id. result = api_instance.get_integrations_action(action_id, opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->get_integrations_action: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **expand** | **String**| Indicates fields of the response which should be expanded. | [optional]
**Values**: contract | **include_config** | **BOOLEAN**| Show config when available | [optional] [default to false] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Action**](Action.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Action**](Action.html) get_integrations_action_draft(action_id, opts) Retrieve a Draft Wraps GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId opts = { expand: "expand_example", # String | Indicates fields of the response which should be expanded. include_config: false # BOOLEAN | Show config when available } begin #Retrieve a Draft result = api_instance.get_integrations_action_draft(action_id, opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->get_integrations_action_draft: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **expand** | **String**| Indicates fields of the response which should be expanded. | [optional]
**Values**: contract | **include_config** | **BOOLEAN**| Show config when available | [optional] [default to false] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Action**](Action.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**JsonSchemaDocument**](JsonSchemaDocument.html) get_integrations_action_draft_schema(action_id, file_name) Retrieve schema for a Draft based on filename. Wraps GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/schemas/{fileName} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId file_name = "file_name_example" # String | Name of schema file to be retrieved for this draft. begin #Retrieve schema for a Draft based on filename. result = api_instance.get_integrations_action_draft_schema(action_id, file_name) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->get_integrations_action_draft_schema: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **file_name** | **String**| Name of schema file to be retrieved for this draft. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**JsonSchemaDocument**](JsonSchemaDocument.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -String** get_integrations_action_draft_template(action_id, file_name) Retrieve templates for a Draft based on filename. Wraps GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/templates/{fileName} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId file_name = "file_name_example" # String | Name of template file to be retrieved for this action draft. begin #Retrieve templates for a Draft based on filename. result = api_instance.get_integrations_action_draft_template(action_id, file_name) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->get_integrations_action_draft_template: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **file_name** | **String**| Name of template file to be retrieved for this action draft. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type **String** ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: text/plain ## -[**DraftValidationResult**](DraftValidationResult.html) get_integrations_action_draft_validation(action_id) Validate current Draft configuration. Wraps GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/validation ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId begin #Validate current Draft configuration. result = api_instance.get_integrations_action_draft_validation(action_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->get_integrations_action_draft_validation: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**DraftValidationResult**](DraftValidationResult.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**JsonSchemaDocument**](JsonSchemaDocument.html) get_integrations_action_schema(action_id, file_name) Retrieve schema for an action based on filename. Wraps GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/schemas/{fileName} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId file_name = "file_name_example" # String | Name of schema file to be retrieved for this action. begin #Retrieve schema for an action based on filename. result = api_instance.get_integrations_action_schema(action_id, file_name) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->get_integrations_action_schema: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **file_name** | **String**| Name of schema file to be retrieved for this action. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**JsonSchemaDocument**](JsonSchemaDocument.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -String** get_integrations_action_template(action_id, file_name) Retrieve text of templates for an action based on filename. Wraps GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/templates/{fileName} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId file_name = "file_name_example" # String | Name of template file to be retrieved for this action. begin #Retrieve text of templates for an action based on filename. result = api_instance.get_integrations_action_template(action_id, file_name) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->get_integrations_action_template: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **file_name** | **String**| Name of template file to be retrieved for this action. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type **String** ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: text/plain ## -[**ActionEntityListing**](ActionEntityListing.html) get_integrations_actions(opts) Retrieves all actions associated with filters passed in via query param. Wraps GET /api/v2/integrations/actions ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new opts = { category: "category_example", # String | Filter by category name secure: "secure_example", # String | Filter to only include secure actions. True will only include actions marked secured. False will include only unsecure actions. Do not use filter if you want all Actions. page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by expand: nil, # Array | variable name requested by expand list next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token previous_page: "previous_page_example" # String | Previous page token } begin #Retrieves all actions associated with filters passed in via query param. result = api_instance.get_integrations_actions(opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->get_integrations_actions: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **category** | **String**| Filter by category name | [optional] | **secure** | **String**| Filter to only include secure actions. True will only include actions marked secured. False will include only unsecure actions. Do not use filter if you want all Actions. | [optional]
**Values**: true, false | **page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] | **page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] | **sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] | **expand** | [**Array<Object>**](Object.html)| variable name requested by expand list | [optional] | **next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] | **previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**ActionEntityListing**](ActionEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**CategoryEntityListing**](CategoryEntityListing.html) get_integrations_actions_categories(opts) Retrieves all categories of available Actions Wraps GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/categories ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new opts = { secure: "secure_example", # String | Filter to only include/exclude Action categories based on if they are considered secure. True will only include categories with Actions marked secured. False will only include categories of unsecured Actions. page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by expand: nil, # Array | variable name requested by expand list next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token previous_page: "previous_page_example" # String | Previous page token } begin #Retrieves all categories of available Actions result = api_instance.get_integrations_actions_categories(opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->get_integrations_actions_categories: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **secure** | **String**| Filter to only include/exclude Action categories based on if they are considered secure. True will only include categories with Actions marked secured. False will only include categories of unsecured Actions. | [optional]
**Values**: true, false | **page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] | **page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] | **sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] | **expand** | [**Array<Object>**](Object.html)| variable name requested by expand list | [optional] | **next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] | **previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**CategoryEntityListing**](CategoryEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**ActionEntityListing**](ActionEntityListing.html) get_integrations_actions_drafts(opts) Retrieves all action drafts associated with the filters passed in via query param. Wraps GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/drafts ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new opts = { category: "category_example", # String | Filter by category name secure: "secure_example", # String | Filter to only include secure actions. True will only include actions marked secured. False will include only unsecure actions. Do not use filter if you want all Actions. page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by expand: nil, # Array | variable name requested by expand list next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token previous_page: "previous_page_example" # String | Previous page token } begin #Retrieves all action drafts associated with the filters passed in via query param. result = api_instance.get_integrations_actions_drafts(opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->get_integrations_actions_drafts: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **category** | **String**| Filter by category name | [optional] | **secure** | **String**| Filter to only include secure actions. True will only include actions marked secured. False will include only unsecure actions. Do not use filter if you want all Actions. | [optional]
**Values**: true, false | **page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] | **page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] | **sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] | **expand** | [**Array<Object>**](Object.html)| variable name requested by expand list | [optional] | **next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] | **previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**ActionEntityListing**](ActionEntityListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Action**](Action.html) patch_integrations_action(action_id, body) Patch an Action Wraps PATCH /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId} ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId body = PureCloud::UpdateActionInput.new # UpdateActionInput | Input used to patch the Action. begin #Patch an Action result = api_instance.patch_integrations_action(action_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->patch_integrations_action: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **body** | [**UpdateActionInput**](UpdateActionInput.html)| Input used to patch the Action. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Action**](Action.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Action**](Action.html) patch_integrations_action_draft(action_id, body) Update an existing Draft Wraps PATCH /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId body = PureCloud::UpdateDraftInput.new # UpdateDraftInput | Input used to patch the Action Draft. begin #Update an existing Draft result = api_instance.patch_integrations_action_draft(action_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->patch_integrations_action_draft: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **body** | [**UpdateDraftInput**](UpdateDraftInput.html)| Input used to patch the Action Draft. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Action**](Action.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Action**](Action.html) post_integrations_action_draft(action_id) Create a new Draft from existing Action Wraps POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId begin #Create a new Draft from existing Action result = api_instance.post_integrations_action_draft(action_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->post_integrations_action_draft: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Action**](Action.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Action**](Action.html) post_integrations_action_draft_publish(action_id, body) Publish a Draft and make it the active Action configuration Wraps POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/publish ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId body = PureCloud::PublishDraftInput.new # PublishDraftInput | Input used to patch the Action. begin #Publish a Draft and make it the active Action configuration result = api_instance.post_integrations_action_draft_publish(action_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->post_integrations_action_draft_publish: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **body** | [**PublishDraftInput**](PublishDraftInput.html)| Input used to patch the Action. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Action**](Action.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**TestExecutionResult**](TestExecutionResult.html) post_integrations_action_draft_test(action_id, body) Test the execution of a draft. Responses will show execution steps broken out with intermediate results to help in debugging. Wraps POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/test ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId body = nil # Object | Map of parameters used for variable substitution. begin #Test the execution of a draft. Responses will show execution steps broken out with intermediate results to help in debugging. result = api_instance.post_integrations_action_draft_test(action_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->post_integrations_action_draft_test: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **body** | **Object**| Map of parameters used for variable substitution. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**TestExecutionResult**](TestExecutionResult.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -Object** post_integrations_action_execute(action_id, body) Execute Action and return response from 3rd party. Responses will follow the schemas defined on the Action for success and error. Wraps POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/execute ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId body = nil # Object | Map of parameters used for variable substitution. begin #Execute Action and return response from 3rd party. Responses will follow the schemas defined on the Action for success and error. result = api_instance.post_integrations_action_execute(action_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->post_integrations_action_execute: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **body** | **Object**| Map of parameters used for variable substitution. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type **Object** ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**TestExecutionResult**](TestExecutionResult.html) post_integrations_action_test(action_id, body) Test the execution of an action. Responses will show execution steps broken out with intermediate results to help in debugging. Wraps POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/test ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new action_id = "action_id_example" # String | actionId body = nil # Object | Map of parameters used for variable substitution. begin #Test the execution of an action. Responses will show execution steps broken out with intermediate results to help in debugging. result = api_instance.post_integrations_action_test(action_id, body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->post_integrations_action_test: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **action_id** | **String**| actionId | | **body** | **Object**| Map of parameters used for variable substitution. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**TestExecutionResult**](TestExecutionResult.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Action**](Action.html) post_integrations_actions(body) Create a new Action Wraps POST /api/v2/integrations/actions ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new body = PureCloud::PostActionInput.new # PostActionInput | Input used to create Action. begin #Create a new Action result = api_instance.post_integrations_actions(body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->post_integrations_actions: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**PostActionInput**](PostActionInput.html)| Input used to create Action. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Action**](Action.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## -[**Action**](Action.html) post_integrations_actions_drafts(body) Create a new Draft Wraps POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/drafts ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::IntegrationsApi.new body = PureCloud::PostActionInput.new # PostActionInput | Input used to create Action Draft. begin #Create a new Draft result = api_instance.post_integrations_actions_drafts(body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->post_integrations_actions_drafts: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**PostActionInput**](PostActionInput.html)| Input used to create Action Draft. | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**Action**](Action.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json