# # Copyright:: 2015-2018 Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/resource" require "shellwords" class Chef class Resource class RhsmRegister < Chef::Resource resource_name :rhsm_register provides(:rhsm_register) { true } description "Use the rhsm_register resource to register a node with the Red Hat Subscription Manager"\ " or a local Red Hat Satellite server." introduced "14.0" property :activation_key, [String, Array], coerce: proc { |x| Array(x) }, description: "A string or array of activation keys to use when registering; you must also specify the 'organization' property when using this property." property :satellite_host, String, description: "The FQDN of the Satellite host to register with. If this property is not specified, the host will register with Red Hat's public RHSM service." property :organization, String, description: "The organization to use when registering; required when using the 'activation_key' property." property :environment, String, description: "The environment to use when registering; required when using the username and password properties." property :username, String, description: "The username to use when registering. This property is not applicable if using an activation key. If specified, password and environment properties are also required." property :password, String, description: "The password to use when registering. This property is not applicable if using an activation key. If specified, username and environment are also required." property :auto_attach, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "If true, RHSM will attempt to automatically attach the host to applicable subscriptions. It is generally better to use an activation key with the subscriptions pre-defined.", default: false property :install_katello_agent, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "If true, the 'katello-agent' RPM will be installed.", default: true property :force, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "If true, the system will be registered even if it is already registered. Normally, any register operations will fail if the machine has already been registered.", default: false, desired_state: false action :register do description "Register the node with RHSM." package "subscription-manager" unless new_resource.satellite_host.nil? || registered_with_rhsm? remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/katello-package.rpm" do source "http://#{new_resource.satellite_host}/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm" action :create notifies :install, "yum_package[katello-ca-consumer-latest]", :immediately not_if { katello_cert_rpm_installed? } end yum_package "katello-ca-consumer-latest" do options "--nogpgcheck" source "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/katello-package.rpm" action :nothing end file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/katello-package.rpm" do action :delete end end execute "Register to RHSM" do sensitive new_resource.sensitive command register_command default_env true action :run not_if { registered_with_rhsm? } unless new_resource.force end yum_package "katello-agent" do action :install only_if { new_resource.install_katello_agent && !new_resource.satellite_host.nil? } end end action :unregister do description "Unregister the node from RHSM." execute "Unregister from RHSM" do command "subscription-manager unregister" default_env true action :run only_if { registered_with_rhsm? } notifies :run, "execute[Clean RHSM Config]", :immediately end execute "Clean RHSM Config" do command "subscription-manager clean" default_env true action :nothing end end action_class do def registered_with_rhsm? cmd = Mixlib::ShellOut.new("subscription-manager status", env: { LANG: "en_US" }) cmd.run_command !cmd.stdout.match(/Overall Status: Unknown/) end def katello_cert_rpm_installed? cmd = Mixlib::ShellOut.new("rpm -qa | grep katello-ca-consumer") cmd.run_command !cmd.stdout.match(/katello-ca-consumer/).nil? end def register_command command = %w{subscription-manager register} if new_resource.activation_key unless new_resource.activation_key.empty? raise "Unable to register - you must specify organization when using activation keys" if new_resource.organization.nil? command << new_resource.activation_key.map { |key| "--activationkey=#{Shellwords.shellescape(key)}" } command << "--org=#{Shellwords.shellescape(new_resource.organization)}" command << "--force" if new_resource.force return command.join(" ") end end if new_resource.username && new_resource.password raise "Unable to register - you must specify environment when using username/password" if new_resource.environment.nil? && using_satellite_host? command << "--username=#{Shellwords.shellescape(new_resource.username)}" command << "--password=#{Shellwords.shellescape(new_resource.password)}" command << "--environment=#{Shellwords.shellescape(new_resource.environment)}" if using_satellite_host? command << "--auto-attach" if new_resource.auto_attach command << "--force" if new_resource.force return command.join(" ") end raise "Unable to create register command - you must specify activation_key or username/password" end def using_satellite_host? !new_resource.satellite_host.nil? end end end end end