# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe GraphQL::ExecutionError do let(:result) { Dummy::Schema.execute(query_string) } if TESTING_RESCUE_FROM describe "when returned from a field" do let(:query_string) {%| { cheese(id: 1) { id error1: similarCheese(source: [YAK]) { ... similarCheeseFields } error2: similarCheese(source: [YAK]) { ... similarCheeseFields } nonError: similarCheese(source: [SHEEP]) { ... similarCheeseFields } flavor } allDairy { ... on Cheese { flavor } ... on Milk { source executionError } } dairyErrors: allDairy(executionErrorAtIndex: 1) { __typename } dairy { milks { source executionError allDairy { __typename ... on Milk { origin executionError } } } } executionError valueWithExecutionError } fragment similarCheeseFields on Cheese { id, flavor } |} it "the error is inserted into the errors key and the rest of the query is fulfilled" do expected_result = { "data"=>{ "cheese"=>{ "id" => 1, "error1"=> nil, "error2"=> nil, "nonError"=> { "id" => 3, "flavor" => "Manchego", }, "flavor" => "Brie", }, "allDairy" => [ { "flavor" => "Brie" }, { "flavor" => "Gouda" }, { "flavor" => "Manchego" }, { "source" => "COW", "executionError" => nil } ], "dairyErrors" => [ { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, nil, { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, { "__typename" => "Milk" } ], "dairy" => { "milks" => [ { "source" => "COW", "executionError" => nil, "allDairy" => [ { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, { "__typename" => "Milk", "origin" => "Antiquity", "executionError" => nil } ] } ] }, "executionError" => nil, "valueWithExecutionError" => 0 }, "errors"=>[ { "message"=>"No cheeses are made from Yak milk!", "locations"=>[{"line"=>5, "column"=>9}], "path"=>["cheese", "error1"] }, { "message"=>"No cheeses are made from Yak milk!", "locations"=>[{"line"=>8, "column"=>9}], "path"=>["cheese", "error2"] }, { "message"=>"There was an execution error", "locations"=>[{"line"=>22, "column"=>11}], "path"=>["allDairy", 3, "executionError"] }, { "message"=>"missing dairy", "locations"=>[{"line"=>25, "column"=>7}], "path"=>["dairyErrors", 1] }, { "message"=>"There was an execution error", "locations"=>[{"line"=>31, "column"=>11}], "path"=>["dairy", "milks", 0, "executionError"] }, { "message"=>"There was an execution error", "locations"=>[{"line"=>36, "column"=>15}], "path"=>["dairy", "milks", 0, "allDairy", 3, "executionError"] }, { "message"=>"There was an execution error", "locations"=>[{"line"=>41, "column"=>7}], "path"=>["executionError"] }, { "message"=>"Could not fetch latest value", "locations"=>[{"line"=>42, "column"=>7}], "path"=>["valueWithExecutionError"] }, ] } assert_equal(expected_result, result.to_h) end end end describe "named query when returned from a field" do let(:query_string) {%| query MilkQuery { dairy { milks { source executionError allDairy { __typename ... on Milk { origin executionError } } } } } |} it "the error is inserted into the errors key and the rest of the query is fulfilled" do expected_result = { "data"=>{ "dairy" => { "milks" => [ { "source" => "COW", "executionError" => nil, "allDairy" => [ { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, { "__typename" => "Milk", "origin" => "Antiquity", "executionError" => nil } ] } ] } }, "errors"=>[ { "message"=>"There was an execution error", "locations"=>[{"line"=>6, "column"=>11}], "path"=>["dairy", "milks", 0, "executionError"] }, { "message"=>"There was an execution error", "locations"=>[{"line"=>11, "column"=>15}], "path"=>["dairy", "milks", 0, "allDairy", 3, "executionError"] } ] } assert_equal(expected_result, result) end end describe "fragment query when returned from a field" do let(:query_string) {%| query MilkQuery { dairy { ...Dairy } } fragment Dairy on Dairy { milks { source executionError allDairy { __typename ...Milk } } } fragment Milk on Milk { origin executionError } |} it "the error is inserted into the errors key and the rest of the query is fulfilled" do expected_result = { "data"=>{ "dairy" => { "milks" => [ { "source" => "COW", "executionError" => nil, "allDairy" => [ { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, { "__typename" => "Cheese" }, { "__typename" => "Milk", "origin" => "Antiquity", "executionError" => nil } ] } ] } }, "errors"=>[ { "message"=>"There was an execution error", "locations"=>[{"line"=>11, "column"=>9}], "path"=>["dairy", "milks", 0, "executionError"] }, { "message"=>"There was an execution error", "locations"=>[{"line"=>21, "column"=>7}], "path"=>["dairy", "milks", 0, "allDairy", 3, "executionError"] } ] } assert_equal(expected_result, result) end end describe "options in ExecutionError" do let(:query_string) {%| { executionErrorWithOptions } |} it "the error is inserted into the errors key and the rest of the query is fulfilled" do expected_result = { "data"=>{"executionErrorWithOptions"=>nil}, "errors"=> [{"message"=>"Permission Denied!", "locations"=>[{"line"=>3, "column"=>7}], "path"=>["executionErrorWithOptions"], "code"=>"permission_denied"}] } assert_equal(expected_result, result) end end describe "extensions in ExecutionError" do let(:query_string) {%| { executionErrorWithExtensions } |} it "the error is inserted into the errors key with custom data set in `extensions`" do expected_result = { "data"=>{"executionErrorWithExtensions"=>nil}, "errors"=> [{"message"=>"Permission Denied!", "locations"=>[{"line"=>3, "column"=>7}], "path"=>["executionErrorWithExtensions"], "extensions"=>{"code"=>"permission_denied"}}] } assert_equal(expected_result, result) end end describe "more than one ExecutionError" do let(:query_string) { %|{ multipleErrorsOnNonNullableField} |} it "the errors are inserted into the errors key and the data is nil even for a NonNullable field " do # I Think the path here is _wrong_, since this is not an array field: # expected_result = { # "data"=>nil, # "errors"=> # [{"message"=>"This is an error message for some error.", # "locations"=>[{"line"=>1, "column"=>3}], # "path"=>["multipleErrorsOnNonNullableField", 0]}, # {"message"=>"This is another error message for a different error.", # "locations"=>[{"line"=>1, "column"=>3}], # "path"=>["multipleErrorsOnNonNullableField", 1]}] # } expected_result = { "data"=>nil, "errors"=> [{"message"=>"This is an error message for some error.", "locations"=>[{"line"=>1, "column"=>3}], "path"=>["multipleErrorsOnNonNullableField"]}, {"message"=>"This is another error message for a different error.", "locations"=>[{"line"=>1, "column"=>3}], "path"=>["multipleErrorsOnNonNullableField"]}], } assert_equal(expected_result, result) end end end