require 'spec_helper' <% output_attributes = attributes.reject{|attribute| [:datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date].index(attribute.type) } -%> describe "<%= ns_table_name %>/show" do before(:each) do @<%= ns_file_name %> = assign(:<%= ns_file_name %>, stub_model(<%= class_name %><%= output_attributes.empty? ? '))' : ',' %> <% output_attributes.each_with_index do |attribute, attribute_index| -%> :<%= %> => <%= value_for(attribute) %><%= attribute_index == output_attributes.length - 1 ? '' : ','%> <% end -%> <% if !output_attributes.empty? -%> )) <% end -%> end it "renders attributes in
" do render <% unless webrat? -%> # Run the generator again with the --webrat flag if you want to use webrat matchers <% end -%> <% for attribute in output_attributes -%> <% if webrat? -%> rendered.should contain(<%= value_for(attribute) %>.to_s) <% else -%> rendered.should match(/<%= eval(value_for(attribute)) %>/) <% end -%> <% end -%> end end