RIPPLE_DB = (<<-RIAK) unless defined?(RIPPLE_DB) development: http_port: 8098 pb_port: 8087 host: localhost # The test environment has additional keys for configuring the # Riak::TestServer for your test/spec suite: # # * bin_dir specifies the path to the "riak" script that you use to # start Riak (just the directory) # * js_source_dir specifies where your custom Javascript functions for # MapReduce should be loaded from. Usually app/mapreduce. test: http_port: 9000 pb_port: 9002 host: localhost bin_dir: /usr/local/bin # Default for Homebrew. js_source_dir: <%%= Padrino.root + "app/mapreduce" %> production: http_port: 8098 pb_port: 8087 host: localhost RIAK RIPPLE_CFG = (< "Person" # one :account end MODEL # options => { :fields => ["title:string", "body:string"], :app => 'app' } def create_model_file(name, options={}) model_path = destination_root(options[:app], 'models', "#{name.to_s.underscore}.rb") field_tuples = options[:fields].map { |value| value.split(":") } column_declarations = { |field, kind| "property :#{field}, #{kind.camelize}" }.join("\n ") model_contents = RIPPLE_MODEL.gsub(/!NAME!/, name.to_s.camelize) model_contents.gsub!(/!FIELDS!/, column_declarations) create_file(model_path, model_contents) end def create_model_migration(filename, name, fields) # NO MIGRATION NEEDED end def create_migration_file(migration_name, name, columns) # NO MIGRATION NEEDED end