module Boom # Color collects some methods for colorizing terminal output. module Color extend self CODES = { :reset => "\e[0m", :cyan => "\e[36m", :magenta => "\e[35m", :red => "\e[31m", :yellow => "\e[33m" } # Tries to enable Windows support if on that platform. # # Returns nothing. def self.included(other) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ || RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw32/ require 'Win32/Console/ANSI' end rescue LoadError # Oh well, we tried. end # Wraps the given string in ANSI color codes # # string - The String to wrap. # color_code - The String representing he ANSI color code # # Examples # # colorize("Boom!", :magenta) # # => "\e[35mBoom!\e[0m" # # Returns the wrapped String. def colorize(string, color_code) "#{CODES[color_code] || color_code}#{string}#{CODES[:reset]}" end # Set up shortcut methods to all the codes define in CODES. self.class_eval(CODES.keys.reject {|color| color == :reset }.map do |color| "def #{color}(string); colorize(string, :#{color}); end" end.join("\n")) end end