require "rack/jquery_ui/themes/version" require "rack/jquery/helpers" # @see module Rack # @see class JQueryUI # jQuery-UI themes' CDN script tags and fallback in one neat package. class Themes include JQuery::Helpers # The standard CSS file. JQUERY_UI_THEME_FILE = "jquery-ui.min.css" # Namespaced for convenience, to help with checking # which CDN supports what. module CDN # URL for the Media Temple CDN MEDIA_TEMPLE = "{JQueryUI::JQUERY_UI_VERSION}/themes/:THEME/jquery-ui.min.css" # URL for the Google CDN GOOGLE = "//{JQueryUI::JQUERY_UI_VERSION}/themes/:THEME/jquery-ui.min.css" # URL for the Microsoft CDN MICROSOFT = "//{JQueryUI::JQUERY_UI_VERSION}/themes/:THEME/jquery-ui.min.css" end # This javascript checks if the jQuery-UI object has loaded by issuing a head request to the CDN. If it doesn't get a successful status, that most likely means the CDN is unreachable, so it uses the local jQuery-UI theme. FALLBACK = <<STR <meta id='rack-jquery-ui-themes-fallback-beacon' /> <script type="text/javascript"> var meta = $("#rack-jquery-ui-themes-fallback-beacon"); meta.addClass("ui-icon"); if ( meta.css('width') != "16px" ) { $('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/js/jquery-ui/#{JQueryUI::JQUERY_UI_VERSION}/themes/:THEME/#{JQUERY_UI_THEME_FILE}" />').appendTo('head'); } meta.remove(); </script> STR # List of the standard themes provided by jQuery UI. STANDARD_THEMES = %w{black-tie blitzer cupertino dark-hive dot-luv eggplant excite-bike flick hot-sneaks humanity le-frog mint-choc overcast pepper-grinder redmond smoothness south-street start sunny swanky-purse trontastic ui-darkness ui-lightness vader} # @param [Hash] env The rack env hash. # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [#to_sym] :organisation Choose which CDN to use, either :media_temple, :microsoft, or :media_temple. # @option opts [#to_s] :theme Theme to use. Won't set any routes or permanent settings, see note. # @option opts [TrueClass, Symbol] :fallback `true` if you want a fallback script, `false` if you don't, and `:only` if you don't want the CDN link but you do want just the fallback script. `true` is the default. # @return [String] The HTML script tags to get the CDN, with a JQuery function that will be called if the CDN fails and sets the fallback path. # @example # # The easiest, use the defaults: # Rack::JQueryUI::Themes.cdn env # # # Choose a CDN to favour: # Rack::JQueryUI::Themes.cdn env, :organisation => :media_temple # # # Choose a theme to use: # Rack::JQueryUI::Themes.cdn env, :organisation => :media_temple, theme: "dot-luv" # # @note # The :theme option can override those given when # setting up the middleware (see {#initialize}), but if the theme given here # is not in the themes already set up, then there'll be # no URL paths for it, so use this option to pick which # theme is favoured *from the already given set*. def self.cdn( env, opts={} ) organisation = opts[:organisation] || :media_temple themes = env["rack.jquery_ui-themes"] theme, themes = sort_out_options opts.merge :themes => themes fallback = opts[:fallback] || true # Get the CDN URL for the given organisation. url = case organisation.to_sym when :google then CDN::GOOGLE when :microsoft then CDN::MICROSOFT when :media_temple then CDN::MEDIA_TEMPLE else CDN::MEDIA_TEMPLE end script_name = env.fetch("SCRIPT_NAME","/") fallback_url = ::File.join script_name, "/js/jquery-ui/#{JQueryUI::JQUERY_UI_VERSION}/themes/:THEME/#{JQUERY_UI_THEME_FILE}" fallback_script = FALLBACK.gsub(/\:CDNURL/, url) .sub /\:FALLBACK_URL/, fallback_url if fallback == :only fallback_script.gsub(/\:THEME/, theme) else script = "<link rel='stylesheet' href='#{url}' type='text/css' />" if fallback == false script.gsub(/\:THEME/, theme) else [script,fallback_script].map{|x| x.gsub(/\:THEME/, theme) }.join("\n") end end end # Default options hash for the middleware. DEFAULT_APP_OPTIONS = { :http_path => "/js/jquery-ui/#{JQueryUI::JQUERY_UI_VERSION}/themes/" } # @private # Used internally to find the vendored files. Path_to_vendor = ::File.join( "../../../", "vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery-ui" ) def self.sort_out_options( options={} ) theme = options[:theme] themes = options[:themes] if theme t = Array(theme).map(&:to_s).uniq # put in an array themes = themes ? (t + themes).uniq : t else themes = ["smoothness"] if themes.nil? || themes.empty? theme = themes.first end unless (ts = themes - STANDARD_THEMES).empty? fail ArgumentError, %Q!The themes given (#{ts.join(" ")}) are unknown for this version of the rack-jquery_ui-themes library. Choose from #{STANDARD_THEMES}! end [theme,themes] end # @param [#call] app # @param [Hash] options # @option options [#to_s] theme The theme to use. The default is "smoothness". # @option options [Array<#to_s>] themes List of themes to allow. If the option for theme is set then this will be a backup set. If the option for theme is not set then the first theme listed will become the main theme. # @option options [String] :http_path If you wish the jQuery CSS fallback route to be "/js/jquery-ui/1.10.1/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css" (or whichever version this is at) then do nothing, that's the default. If you want the path to be "/assets/javascripts/jquery-ui/1.10.1/smoothness…" then pass in `:http_path => "/assets/javascripts/#{Rack::JQueryUI::JQUERY_UI_VERSION}". # @note ***Don't leave out the version number when using the :http_path option!***. The scripts provided by jQuery don't contain the version in the filename like the jQuery scripts do, which means that organising them and sending the right headers back is bound to go wrong unless you put the version number somewhere in the route. You have been warned! # @example # # The default: # use Rack::JQueryUI::Themes # # # With a default theme other than smoothness: # use Rack::JQueryUI::Themes, :theme => "dot-luv" # # # With a several themes, the main one being dot-luv: # use Rack::JQueryUI::Themes, :themes => %w{dot-luv blitzer eggplant trontastic} # # # Another way to do the same thing # use Rack::JQueryUI::Themes, :theme => "dot-luv", :themes => %w{blitzer eggplant trontastic} def initialize( app, options={} ) @app, @options = app, DEFAULT_APP_OPTIONS.merge(options) theme, @themes = self.class.sort_out_options @options @http_base_path = @options[:http_path] # set the path to all the assets @paths = @themes.each_with_object({}) do |theme,paths| version_and_theme = ::File.join( JQueryUI::JQUERY_UI_VERSION, "themes", theme ) theme_url = ::File.join @http_base_path, theme theme_dir = ::File.expand_path( ::File.join( Path_to_vendor, version_and_theme ), ::File.dirname(__FILE__) ) # Store the HTTP path to the CSS as the key # with the file path to the CSS file as the value ::File.join( theme_url, JQUERY_UI_THEME_FILE ), { :file => ::File.join( theme_dir, JQUERY_UI_THEME_FILE), :theme => theme } ) images_dir = ::File.join theme_dir, "images" .entries .delete_if{|f| f =~ /^\./ } .select{|f| Rack::Mime.mime_type( ::File.extname(f), "text/css" # fallback is a false ).start_with? "image" # here }.each do |img| ::File.join( theme_url, "images", img ), # url { :file => ::File.join( images_dir, img ), :theme => theme } ) end end end # @param [Hash] env Rack request environment hash. def call( env ) dup._call env end # For thread safety # @param (see #call) def _call( env ) env.merge! "rack.jquery_ui-themes" => @themes request = # path for CSS # TODO benchmark this condition # start_with? vs has_key vs regex if @paths.has_key? request.path_info response = if request.path_info.end_with? JQUERY_UI_THEME_FILE # CSS. # For caching: response.headers.merge! caching_headers("#{JQUERY_UI_THEME_FILE}-#{@paths[request.path_info][:theme]}-#{JQueryUI::JQUERY_UI_VERSION}", JQueryUI::JQUERY_UI_VERSION_DATE) # There's no need to test if the IF_MODIFIED_SINCE against the release date because the header will only be passed if the file was previously accessed by the requester, and the file is never updated. If it is updated then it is accessed by a different path. requested_file = open @paths[request.path_info][:file], "r" elsif request.path_info =~ /images/ # serve images requested_file = open @paths[request.path_info][:file], "rb" else # bad route response.status = 404 return response.finish # finish early, 404 end # set status and read the requested file if request.env['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] response.status = 304 else response.status = 200 mime = Mime.mime_type(::File.extname(requested_file.path), 'text/css') response.headers.merge!( "Content-Type" => mime ) if mime response.write requested_file ) end response.finish else end end # call end # Themes end end