# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength module RuboCop module Cop module Style # Check for uses of braces or do/end around single line or # multi-line blocks. # # Methods that can be either procedural or functional and cannot be # categorised from their usage alone is ignored. # `lambda`, `proc`, and `it` are their defaults. # Additional methods can be added to the `AllowedMethods`. # # @example EnforcedStyle: line_count_based (default) # # bad - single line block # items.each do |item| item / 5 end # # # good - single line block # items.each { |item| item / 5 } # # # bad - multi-line block # things.map { |thing| # something = thing.some_method # process(something) # } # # # good - multi-line block # things.map do |thing| # something = thing.some_method # process(something) # end # # @example EnforcedStyle: semantic # # Prefer `do...end` over `{...}` for procedural blocks. # # # return value is used/assigned # # bad # foo = map do |x| # x # end # puts (map do |x| # x # end) # # # return value is not used out of scope # # good # map do |x| # x # end # # # Prefer `{...}` over `do...end` for functional blocks. # # # return value is not used out of scope # # bad # each { |x| # x # } # # # return value is used/assigned # # good # foo = map { |x| # x # } # map { |x| # x # }.inspect # # # The AllowBracesOnProceduralOneLiners option is allowed unless the # # EnforcedStyle is set to `semantic`. If so: # # # If the AllowBracesOnProceduralOneLiners option is unspecified, or # # set to `false` or any other falsey value, then semantic purity is # # maintained, so one-line procedural blocks must use do-end, not # # braces. # # # bad # collection.each { |element| puts element } # # # good # collection.each do |element| puts element end # # # If the AllowBracesOnProceduralOneLiners option is set to `true`, or # # any other truthy value, then one-line procedural blocks may use # # either style. (There is no setting for requiring braces on them.) # # # good # collection.each { |element| puts element } # # # also good # collection.each do |element| puts element end # # @example EnforcedStyle: braces_for_chaining # # bad # words.each do |word| # word.flip.flop # end.join("-") # # # good # words.each { |word| # word.flip.flop # }.join("-") # # @example EnforcedStyle: always_braces # # bad # words.each do |word| # word.flip.flop # end # # # good # words.each { |word| # word.flip.flop # } # # @example BracesRequiredMethods: ['sig'] # # # Methods listed in the BracesRequiredMethods list, such as 'sig' # # in this example, will require `{...}` braces. This option takes # # precedence over all other configurations except AllowedMethods. # # # bad # sig do # params( # foo: string, # ).void # end # def bar(foo) # puts foo # end # # # good # sig { # params( # foo: string, # ).void # } # def bar(foo) # puts foo # end # # @example AllowedMethods: ['lambda', 'proc', 'it' ] (default) # # # good # foo = lambda do |x| # puts "Hello, #{x}" # end # # foo = lambda do |x| # x * 100 # end # # @example AllowedPatterns: [] (default) # # # bad # things.map { |thing| # something = thing.some_method # process(something) # } # # @example AllowedPatterns: ['map'] # # # good # things.map { |thing| # something = thing.some_method # process(something) # } # class BlockDelimiters < Base include ConfigurableEnforcedStyle include AllowedMethods include AllowedPattern include RangeHelp extend AutoCorrector ALWAYS_BRACES_MESSAGE = 'Prefer `{...}` over `do...end` for blocks.' BRACES_REQUIRED_MESSAGE = "Brace delimiters `{...}` required for '%s' method." def on_send(node) return unless node.arguments? return if node.parenthesized? return if node.operator_method? || node.assignment_method? node.arguments.each do |arg| get_blocks(arg) do |block| # If there are no parentheses around the arguments, then braces # and do-end have different meaning due to how they bind, so we # allow either. ignore_node(block) end end end def on_block(node) return if ignored_node?(node) return if proper_block_style?(node) message = message(node) add_offense(node.loc.begin, message: message) do |corrector| autocorrect(corrector, node) end end alias on_numblock on_block private def autocorrect(corrector, node) return if correction_would_break_code?(node) if node.braces? replace_braces_with_do_end(corrector, node.loc) else replace_do_end_with_braces(corrector, node) end end def line_count_based_message(node) if node.multiline? 'Avoid using `{...}` for multi-line blocks.' else 'Prefer `{...}` over `do...end` for single-line blocks.' end end def semantic_message(node) block_begin = node.loc.begin.source if block_begin == '{' 'Prefer `do...end` over `{...}` for procedural blocks.' else 'Prefer `{...}` over `do...end` for functional blocks.' end end def braces_for_chaining_message(node) if node.multiline? if node.chained? 'Prefer `{...}` over `do...end` for multi-line chained blocks.' else 'Prefer `do...end` for multi-line blocks without chaining.' end else 'Prefer `{...}` over `do...end` for single-line blocks.' end end def braces_required_message(node) format(BRACES_REQUIRED_MESSAGE, method_name: node.method_name.to_s) end def message(node) return braces_required_message(node) if braces_required_method?(node.method_name) case style when :line_count_based then line_count_based_message(node) when :semantic then semantic_message(node) when :braces_for_chaining then braces_for_chaining_message(node) when :always_braces then ALWAYS_BRACES_MESSAGE end end def replace_braces_with_do_end(corrector, loc) b = loc.begin e = loc.end corrector.insert_before(b, ' ') unless whitespace_before?(b) corrector.insert_before(e, ' ') unless whitespace_before?(e) corrector.insert_after(b, ' ') unless whitespace_after?(b) corrector.replace(b, 'do') if (comment = processed_source.comment_at_line(e.line)) move_comment_before_block(corrector, comment, loc.node, e) end corrector.replace(e, 'end') end def replace_do_end_with_braces(corrector, node) loc = node.loc b = loc.begin e = loc.end corrector.insert_after(b, ' ') unless whitespace_after?(b, 2) corrector.replace(b, '{') corrector.replace(e, '}') corrector.wrap(node.body, "begin\n", "\nend") if begin_required?(node) end def whitespace_before?(range) /\s/.match?(range.source_buffer.source[range.begin_pos - 1, 1]) end def whitespace_after?(range, length = 1) /\s/.match?(range.source_buffer.source[range.begin_pos + length, 1]) end def move_comment_before_block(corrector, comment, block_node, closing_brace) range = block_node.chained? ? end_of_chain(block_node.parent).source_range : closing_brace corrector.remove(range_with_surrounding_space(comment.loc.expression, side: :right)) remove_trailing_whitespace(corrector, range, comment) corrector.insert_after(range, "\n") corrector.insert_before(block_node, "#{comment.text}\n") end def end_of_chain(node) return end_of_chain(node.block_node) if with_block?(node) return node unless node.chained? end_of_chain(node.parent) end def remove_trailing_whitespace(corrector, range, comment) range_of_trailing = range.end.join(comment.loc.expression.begin) corrector.remove(range_of_trailing) if range_of_trailing.source.match?(/\A\s+\z/) end def with_block?(node) node.respond_to?(:block_node) && node.block_node end def get_blocks(node, &block) case node.type when :block, :numblock yield node when :send get_blocks(node.receiver, &block) if node.receiver when :hash # A hash which is passed as method argument may have no braces # In that case, one of the K/V pairs could contain a block node # which could change in meaning if do...end replaced {...} return if node.braces? node.each_child_node { |child| get_blocks(child, &block) } when :pair node.each_child_node { |child| get_blocks(child, &block) } end end def proper_block_style?(node) return special_method_proper_block_style?(node) if special_method?(node.method_name) case style when :line_count_based then line_count_based_block_style?(node) when :semantic then semantic_block_style?(node) when :braces_for_chaining then braces_for_chaining_style?(node) when :always_braces then braces_style?(node) end end def special_method?(method_name) allowed_method?(method_name) || matches_allowed_pattern?(method_name) || braces_required_method?(method_name) end def special_method_proper_block_style?(node) method_name = node.method_name return true if allowed_method?(method_name) || matches_allowed_pattern?(method_name) return node.braces? if braces_required_method?(method_name) end def braces_required_method?(method_name) braces_required_methods.include?(method_name.to_s) end def braces_required_methods cop_config.fetch('BracesRequiredMethods', []) end def line_count_based_block_style?(node) node.multiline? ^ node.braces? end def semantic_block_style?(node) method_name = node.method_name if node.braces? functional_method?(method_name) || functional_block?(node) || (procedural_oneliners_may_have_braces? && !node.multiline?) else procedural_method?(method_name) || !return_value_used?(node) end end def braces_for_chaining_style?(node) block_begin = node.loc.begin.source block_begin == if node.multiline? (node.chained? ? '{' : 'do') else '{' end end def braces_style?(node) node.loc.begin.source == '{' end def correction_would_break_code?(node) return unless node.keywords? node.send_node.arguments? && !node.send_node.parenthesized? end def functional_method?(method_name) cop_config['FunctionalMethods'].map(&:to_sym).include?(method_name) end def functional_block?(node) return_value_used?(node) || return_value_of_scope?(node) end def procedural_oneliners_may_have_braces? cop_config['AllowBracesOnProceduralOneLiners'] end def procedural_method?(method_name) cop_config['ProceduralMethods'].map(&:to_sym).include?(method_name) end def return_value_used?(node) return unless node.parent # If there are parentheses around the block, check if that # is being used. if node.parent.begin_type? return_value_used?(node.parent) else node.parent.assignment? || node.parent.call_type? end end def return_value_of_scope?(node) return unless node.parent conditional?(node.parent) || array_or_range?(node.parent) || node.parent.children.last == node end def conditional?(node) node.if_type? || node.or_type? || node.and_type? end def array_or_range?(node) node.array_type? || node.range_type? end def begin_required?(block_node) # If the block contains `rescue` or `ensure`, it needs to be wrapped in # `begin`...`end` when changing `do-end` to `{}`. block_node.each_child_node(:rescue, :ensure).any? && !block_node.single_line? end end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength