/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "common.h" #include "buf.h" #include "diff.h" #include "diff_file.h" #include "patch_generate.h" #include "futils.h" #include "zstream.h" #include "blob.h" #include "delta.h" #include "git2/sys/diff.h" typedef struct { git_diff_format_t format; git_diff_line_cb print_cb; void *payload; git_str *buf; git_diff_line line; const char *old_prefix; const char *new_prefix; uint32_t flags; int id_strlen; git_oid_t oid_type; int (*strcomp)(const char *, const char *); } diff_print_info; static int diff_print_info_init__common( diff_print_info *pi, git_str *out, git_repository *repo, git_diff_format_t format, git_diff_line_cb cb, void *payload) { pi->format = format; pi->print_cb = cb; pi->payload = payload; pi->buf = out; GIT_ASSERT(pi->oid_type); if (!pi->id_strlen) { if (!repo) pi->id_strlen = GIT_ABBREV_DEFAULT; else if (git_repository__configmap_lookup(&pi->id_strlen, repo, GIT_CONFIGMAP_ABBREV) < 0) return -1; } if (pi->id_strlen > 0 && (size_t)pi->id_strlen > git_oid_hexsize(pi->oid_type)) pi->id_strlen = (int)git_oid_hexsize(pi->oid_type); memset(&pi->line, 0, sizeof(pi->line)); pi->line.old_lineno = -1; pi->line.new_lineno = -1; pi->line.num_lines = 1; return 0; } static int diff_print_info_init_fromdiff( diff_print_info *pi, git_str *out, git_diff *diff, git_diff_format_t format, git_diff_line_cb cb, void *payload) { git_repository *repo = diff ? diff->repo : NULL; memset(pi, 0, sizeof(diff_print_info)); if (diff) { pi->flags = diff->opts.flags; pi->oid_type = diff->opts.oid_type; pi->id_strlen = diff->opts.id_abbrev; pi->old_prefix = diff->opts.old_prefix; pi->new_prefix = diff->opts.new_prefix; pi->strcomp = diff->strcomp; } return diff_print_info_init__common(pi, out, repo, format, cb, payload); } static int diff_print_info_init_frompatch( diff_print_info *pi, git_str *out, git_patch *patch, git_diff_format_t format, git_diff_line_cb cb, void *payload) { GIT_ASSERT_ARG(patch); memset(pi, 0, sizeof(diff_print_info)); pi->flags = patch->diff_opts.flags; pi->oid_type = patch->diff_opts.oid_type; pi->id_strlen = patch->diff_opts.id_abbrev; pi->old_prefix = patch->diff_opts.old_prefix; pi->new_prefix = patch->diff_opts.new_prefix; return diff_print_info_init__common(pi, out, patch->repo, format, cb, payload); } static char diff_pick_suffix(int mode) { if (S_ISDIR(mode)) return '/'; else if (GIT_PERMS_IS_EXEC(mode)) /* -V536 */ /* in git, modes are very regular, so we must have 0100755 mode */ return '*'; else return ' '; } char git_diff_status_char(git_delta_t status) { char code; switch (status) { case GIT_DELTA_ADDED: code = 'A'; break; case GIT_DELTA_DELETED: code = 'D'; break; case GIT_DELTA_MODIFIED: code = 'M'; break; case GIT_DELTA_RENAMED: code = 'R'; break; case GIT_DELTA_COPIED: code = 'C'; break; case GIT_DELTA_IGNORED: code = 'I'; break; case GIT_DELTA_UNTRACKED: code = '?'; break; case GIT_DELTA_TYPECHANGE: code = 'T'; break; case GIT_DELTA_UNREADABLE: code = 'X'; break; default: code = ' '; break; } return code; } static int diff_print_one_name_only( const git_diff_delta *delta, float progress, void *data) { diff_print_info *pi = data; git_str *out = pi->buf; GIT_UNUSED(progress); if ((pi->flags & GIT_DIFF_SHOW_UNMODIFIED) == 0 && delta->status == GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED) return 0; git_str_clear(out); git_str_puts(out, delta->new_file.path); git_str_putc(out, '\n'); if (git_str_oom(out)) return -1; pi->line.origin = GIT_DIFF_LINE_FILE_HDR; pi->line.content = git_str_cstr(out); pi->line.content_len = git_str_len(out); return pi->print_cb(delta, NULL, &pi->line, pi->payload); } static int diff_print_one_name_status( const git_diff_delta *delta, float progress, void *data) { diff_print_info *pi = data; git_str *out = pi->buf; char old_suffix, new_suffix, code = git_diff_status_char(delta->status); int(*strcomp)(const char *, const char *) = pi->strcomp ? pi->strcomp : git__strcmp; GIT_UNUSED(progress); if ((pi->flags & GIT_DIFF_SHOW_UNMODIFIED) == 0 && code == ' ') return 0; old_suffix = diff_pick_suffix(delta->old_file.mode); new_suffix = diff_pick_suffix(delta->new_file.mode); git_str_clear(out); if (delta->old_file.path != delta->new_file.path && strcomp(delta->old_file.path,delta->new_file.path) != 0) git_str_printf(out, "%c\t%s%c %s%c\n", code, delta->old_file.path, old_suffix, delta->new_file.path, new_suffix); else if (delta->old_file.mode != delta->new_file.mode && delta->old_file.mode != 0 && delta->new_file.mode != 0) git_str_printf(out, "%c\t%s%c %s%c\n", code, delta->old_file.path, old_suffix, delta->new_file.path, new_suffix); else if (old_suffix != ' ') git_str_printf(out, "%c\t%s%c\n", code, delta->old_file.path, old_suffix); else git_str_printf(out, "%c\t%s\n", code, delta->old_file.path); if (git_str_oom(out)) return -1; pi->line.origin = GIT_DIFF_LINE_FILE_HDR; pi->line.content = git_str_cstr(out); pi->line.content_len = git_str_len(out); return pi->print_cb(delta, NULL, &pi->line, pi->payload); } static int diff_print_one_raw( const git_diff_delta *delta, float progress, void *data) { diff_print_info *pi = data; git_str *out = pi->buf; int id_abbrev; char code = git_diff_status_char(delta->status); char start_oid[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1], end_oid[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1]; size_t oid_hexsize; bool id_is_abbrev; GIT_UNUSED(progress); if ((pi->flags & GIT_DIFF_SHOW_UNMODIFIED) == 0 && code == ' ') return 0; git_str_clear(out); id_abbrev = delta->old_file.mode ? delta->old_file.id_abbrev : delta->new_file.id_abbrev; if (pi->id_strlen > id_abbrev) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_PATCH, "the patch input contains %d id characters (cannot print %d)", id_abbrev, pi->id_strlen); return -1; } #ifdef GIT_EXPERIMENTAL_SHA256 GIT_ASSERT(delta->old_file.id.type == delta->new_file.id.type); oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(delta->old_file.id.type); #else oid_hexsize = GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE; #endif id_is_abbrev = (pi->id_strlen > 0 && (size_t)pi->id_strlen <= oid_hexsize); git_oid_tostr(start_oid, pi->id_strlen + 1, &delta->old_file.id); git_oid_tostr(end_oid, pi->id_strlen + 1, &delta->new_file.id); git_str_printf(out, id_is_abbrev ? ":%06o %06o %s... %s... %c" : ":%06o %06o %s %s %c", delta->old_file.mode, delta->new_file.mode, start_oid, end_oid, code); if (delta->similarity > 0) git_str_printf(out, "%03u", delta->similarity); if (delta->old_file.path != delta->new_file.path) git_str_printf( out, "\t%s %s\n", delta->old_file.path, delta->new_file.path); else git_str_printf( out, "\t%s\n", delta->old_file.path ? delta->old_file.path : delta->new_file.path); if (git_str_oom(out)) return -1; pi->line.origin = GIT_DIFF_LINE_FILE_HDR; pi->line.content = git_str_cstr(out); pi->line.content_len = git_str_len(out); return pi->print_cb(delta, NULL, &pi->line, pi->payload); } static int diff_print_modes( git_str *out, const git_diff_delta *delta) { git_str_printf(out, "old mode %o\n", delta->old_file.mode); git_str_printf(out, "new mode %o\n", delta->new_file.mode); return git_str_oom(out) ? -1 : 0; } static int diff_print_oid_range( git_str *out, const git_diff_delta *delta, int id_strlen, bool print_index) { char start_oid[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1], end_oid[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1]; if (delta->old_file.mode && id_strlen > delta->old_file.id_abbrev) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_PATCH, "the patch input contains %d id characters (cannot print %d)", delta->old_file.id_abbrev, id_strlen); return -1; } if ((delta->new_file.mode && id_strlen > delta->new_file.id_abbrev)) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_PATCH, "the patch input contains %d id characters (cannot print %d)", delta->new_file.id_abbrev, id_strlen); return -1; } git_oid_tostr(start_oid, id_strlen + 1, &delta->old_file.id); git_oid_tostr(end_oid, id_strlen + 1, &delta->new_file.id); if (delta->old_file.mode == delta->new_file.mode) { if (print_index) git_str_printf(out, "index %s..%s %o\n", start_oid, end_oid, delta->old_file.mode); } else { if (delta->old_file.mode == 0) git_str_printf(out, "new file mode %o\n", delta->new_file.mode); else if (delta->new_file.mode == 0) git_str_printf(out, "deleted file mode %o\n", delta->old_file.mode); else diff_print_modes(out, delta); if (print_index) git_str_printf(out, "index %s..%s\n", start_oid, end_oid); } return git_str_oom(out) ? -1 : 0; } static int diff_delta_format_path( git_str *out, const char *prefix, const char *filename) { if (!filename) { /* don't prefix "/dev/null" */ return git_str_puts(out, "/dev/null"); } if (git_str_joinpath(out, prefix, filename) < 0) return -1; return git_str_quote(out); } static int diff_delta_format_with_paths( git_str *out, const git_diff_delta *delta, const char *template, const char *oldpath, const char *newpath) { if (git_oid_is_zero(&delta->old_file.id)) oldpath = "/dev/null"; if (git_oid_is_zero(&delta->new_file.id)) newpath = "/dev/null"; return git_str_printf(out, template, oldpath, newpath); } static int diff_delta_format_similarity_header( git_str *out, const git_diff_delta *delta) { git_str old_path = GIT_STR_INIT, new_path = GIT_STR_INIT; const char *type; int error = 0; if (delta->similarity > 100) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_PATCH, "invalid similarity %d", delta->similarity); error = -1; goto done; } GIT_ASSERT(delta->status == GIT_DELTA_RENAMED || delta->status == GIT_DELTA_COPIED); if (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_RENAMED) type = "rename"; else type = "copy"; if ((error = git_str_puts(&old_path, delta->old_file.path)) < 0 || (error = git_str_puts(&new_path, delta->new_file.path)) < 0 || (error = git_str_quote(&old_path)) < 0 || (error = git_str_quote(&new_path)) < 0) goto done; git_str_printf(out, "similarity index %d%%\n" "%s from %s\n" "%s to %s\n", delta->similarity, type, old_path.ptr, type, new_path.ptr); if (git_str_oom(out)) error = -1; done: git_str_dispose(&old_path); git_str_dispose(&new_path); return error; } static bool delta_is_unchanged(const git_diff_delta *delta) { if (git_oid_is_zero(&delta->old_file.id) && git_oid_is_zero(&delta->new_file.id)) return true; if (delta->old_file.mode == GIT_FILEMODE_COMMIT || delta->new_file.mode == GIT_FILEMODE_COMMIT) return false; if (git_oid_equal(&delta->old_file.id, &delta->new_file.id)) return true; return false; } int git_diff_delta__format_file_header( git_str *out, const git_diff_delta *delta, const char *oldpfx, const char *newpfx, int id_strlen, bool print_index) { git_str old_path = GIT_STR_INIT, new_path = GIT_STR_INIT; bool unchanged = delta_is_unchanged(delta); int error = 0; if (!oldpfx) oldpfx = DIFF_OLD_PREFIX_DEFAULT; if (!newpfx) newpfx = DIFF_NEW_PREFIX_DEFAULT; if (!id_strlen) id_strlen = GIT_ABBREV_DEFAULT; if ((error = diff_delta_format_path( &old_path, oldpfx, delta->old_file.path)) < 0 || (error = diff_delta_format_path( &new_path, newpfx, delta->new_file.path)) < 0) goto done; git_str_clear(out); git_str_printf(out, "diff --git %s %s\n", old_path.ptr, new_path.ptr); if (unchanged && delta->old_file.mode != delta->new_file.mode) diff_print_modes(out, delta); if (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_RENAMED || (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_COPIED && unchanged)) { if ((error = diff_delta_format_similarity_header(out, delta)) < 0) goto done; } if (!unchanged) { if ((error = diff_print_oid_range(out, delta, id_strlen, print_index)) < 0) goto done; if ((delta->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY) == 0) diff_delta_format_with_paths(out, delta, "--- %s\n+++ %s\n", old_path.ptr, new_path.ptr); } if (git_str_oom(out)) error = -1; done: git_str_dispose(&old_path); git_str_dispose(&new_path); return error; } static int format_binary( diff_print_info *pi, git_diff_binary_t type, const char *data, size_t datalen, size_t inflatedlen) { const char *typename = type == GIT_DIFF_BINARY_DELTA ? "delta" : "literal"; const char *scan, *end; git_str_printf(pi->buf, "%s %" PRIuZ "\n", typename, inflatedlen); pi->line.num_lines++; for (scan = data, end = data + datalen; scan < end; ) { size_t chunk_len = end - scan; if (chunk_len > 52) chunk_len = 52; if (chunk_len <= 26) git_str_putc(pi->buf, (char)chunk_len + 'A' - 1); else git_str_putc(pi->buf, (char)chunk_len - 26 + 'a' - 1); git_str_encode_base85(pi->buf, scan, chunk_len); git_str_putc(pi->buf, '\n'); if (git_str_oom(pi->buf)) return -1; scan += chunk_len; pi->line.num_lines++; } git_str_putc(pi->buf, '\n'); if (git_str_oom(pi->buf)) return -1; return 0; } static int diff_print_patch_file_binary_noshow( diff_print_info *pi, git_diff_delta *delta, const char *old_pfx, const char *new_pfx) { git_str old_path = GIT_STR_INIT, new_path = GIT_STR_INIT; int error; if ((error = diff_delta_format_path(&old_path, old_pfx, delta->old_file.path)) < 0 || (error = diff_delta_format_path(&new_path, new_pfx, delta->new_file.path)) < 0 || (error = diff_delta_format_with_paths(pi->buf, delta, "Binary files %s and %s differ\n", old_path.ptr, new_path.ptr)) < 0) goto done; pi->line.num_lines = 1; done: git_str_dispose(&old_path); git_str_dispose(&new_path); return error; } static int diff_print_patch_file_binary( diff_print_info *pi, git_diff_delta *delta, const char *old_pfx, const char *new_pfx, const git_diff_binary *binary) { size_t pre_binary_size; int error; if (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED) return 0; if ((pi->flags & GIT_DIFF_SHOW_BINARY) == 0 || !binary->contains_data) return diff_print_patch_file_binary_noshow( pi, delta, old_pfx, new_pfx); pre_binary_size = pi->buf->size; git_str_printf(pi->buf, "GIT binary patch\n"); pi->line.num_lines++; if ((error = format_binary(pi, binary->new_file.type, binary->new_file.data, binary->new_file.datalen, binary->new_file.inflatedlen)) < 0 || (error = format_binary(pi, binary->old_file.type, binary->old_file.data, binary->old_file.datalen, binary->old_file.inflatedlen)) < 0) { if (error == GIT_EBUFS) { git_error_clear(); git_str_truncate(pi->buf, pre_binary_size); return diff_print_patch_file_binary_noshow( pi, delta, old_pfx, new_pfx); } } pi->line.num_lines++; return error; } static int diff_print_patch_file( const git_diff_delta *delta, float progress, void *data) { int error; diff_print_info *pi = data; const char *oldpfx = pi->old_prefix ? pi->old_prefix : DIFF_OLD_PREFIX_DEFAULT; const char *newpfx = pi->new_prefix ? pi->new_prefix : DIFF_NEW_PREFIX_DEFAULT; bool binary = (delta->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY) || (pi->flags & GIT_DIFF_FORCE_BINARY); bool show_binary = !!(pi->flags & GIT_DIFF_SHOW_BINARY); int id_strlen = pi->id_strlen; bool print_index = (pi->format != GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH_ID); if (binary && show_binary) id_strlen = delta->old_file.id_abbrev ? delta->old_file.id_abbrev : delta->new_file.id_abbrev; GIT_UNUSED(progress); if (S_ISDIR(delta->new_file.mode) || delta->status == GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED || delta->status == GIT_DELTA_IGNORED || delta->status == GIT_DELTA_UNREADABLE || (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_UNTRACKED && (pi->flags & GIT_DIFF_SHOW_UNTRACKED_CONTENT) == 0)) return 0; if ((error = git_diff_delta__format_file_header(pi->buf, delta, oldpfx, newpfx, id_strlen, print_index)) < 0) return error; pi->line.origin = GIT_DIFF_LINE_FILE_HDR; pi->line.content = git_str_cstr(pi->buf); pi->line.content_len = git_str_len(pi->buf); return pi->print_cb(delta, NULL, &pi->line, pi->payload); } static int diff_print_patch_binary( const git_diff_delta *delta, const git_diff_binary *binary, void *data) { diff_print_info *pi = data; const char *old_pfx = pi->old_prefix ? pi->old_prefix : DIFF_OLD_PREFIX_DEFAULT; const char *new_pfx = pi->new_prefix ? pi->new_prefix : DIFF_NEW_PREFIX_DEFAULT; int error; git_str_clear(pi->buf); if ((error = diff_print_patch_file_binary( pi, (git_diff_delta *)delta, old_pfx, new_pfx, binary)) < 0) return error; pi->line.origin = GIT_DIFF_LINE_BINARY; pi->line.content = git_str_cstr(pi->buf); pi->line.content_len = git_str_len(pi->buf); return pi->print_cb(delta, NULL, &pi->line, pi->payload); } static int diff_print_patch_hunk( const git_diff_delta *d, const git_diff_hunk *h, void *data) { diff_print_info *pi = data; if (S_ISDIR(d->new_file.mode)) return 0; pi->line.origin = GIT_DIFF_LINE_HUNK_HDR; pi->line.content = h->header; pi->line.content_len = h->header_len; return pi->print_cb(d, h, &pi->line, pi->payload); } static int diff_print_patch_line( const git_diff_delta *delta, const git_diff_hunk *hunk, const git_diff_line *line, void *data) { diff_print_info *pi = data; if (S_ISDIR(delta->new_file.mode)) return 0; return pi->print_cb(delta, hunk, line, pi->payload); } /* print a git_diff to an output callback */ int git_diff_print( git_diff *diff, git_diff_format_t format, git_diff_line_cb print_cb, void *payload) { int error; git_str buf = GIT_STR_INIT; diff_print_info pi; git_diff_file_cb print_file = NULL; git_diff_binary_cb print_binary = NULL; git_diff_hunk_cb print_hunk = NULL; git_diff_line_cb print_line = NULL; switch (format) { case GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH: print_file = diff_print_patch_file; print_binary = diff_print_patch_binary; print_hunk = diff_print_patch_hunk; print_line = diff_print_patch_line; break; case GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH_ID: print_file = diff_print_patch_file; print_binary = diff_print_patch_binary; print_line = diff_print_patch_line; break; case GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH_HEADER: print_file = diff_print_patch_file; break; case GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_RAW: print_file = diff_print_one_raw; break; case GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_NAME_ONLY: print_file = diff_print_one_name_only; break; case GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_NAME_STATUS: print_file = diff_print_one_name_status; break; default: git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INVALID, "unknown diff output format (%d)", format); return -1; } if ((error = diff_print_info_init_fromdiff(&pi, &buf, diff, format, print_cb, payload)) < 0) goto out; if ((error = git_diff_foreach(diff, print_file, print_binary, print_hunk, print_line, &pi)) != 0) { git_error_set_after_callback_function(error, "git_diff_print"); goto out; } out: git_str_dispose(&buf); return error; } int git_diff_print_callback__to_buf( const git_diff_delta *delta, const git_diff_hunk *hunk, const git_diff_line *line, void *payload) { git_str *output = payload; GIT_UNUSED(delta); GIT_UNUSED(hunk); if (!output) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INVALID, "buffer pointer must be provided"); return -1; } if (line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADDITION || line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_DELETION || line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT) git_str_putc(output, line->origin); return git_str_put(output, line->content, line->content_len); } int git_diff_print_callback__to_file_handle( const git_diff_delta *delta, const git_diff_hunk *hunk, const git_diff_line *line, void *payload) { FILE *fp = payload ? payload : stdout; int error; GIT_UNUSED(delta); GIT_UNUSED(hunk); if (line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT || line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADDITION || line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_DELETION) { while ((error = fputc(line->origin, fp)) == EINTR) continue; if (error) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "could not write status"); return -1; } } if (fwrite(line->content, line->content_len, 1, fp) != 1) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "could not write line"); return -1; } return 0; } /* print a git_diff to a git_str */ int git_diff_to_buf(git_buf *out, git_diff *diff, git_diff_format_t format) { git_str str = GIT_STR_INIT; int error; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(diff); if ((error = git_buf_tostr(&str, out)) < 0 || (error = git_diff_print(diff, format, git_diff_print_callback__to_buf, &str)) < 0) goto done; error = git_buf_fromstr(out, &str); done: git_str_dispose(&str); return error; } /* print a git_patch to an output callback */ int git_patch_print( git_patch *patch, git_diff_line_cb print_cb, void *payload) { git_str temp = GIT_STR_INIT; diff_print_info pi; int error; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(patch); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(print_cb); if ((error = diff_print_info_init_frompatch(&pi, &temp, patch, GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH, print_cb, payload)) < 0) goto out; if ((error = git_patch__invoke_callbacks(patch, diff_print_patch_file, diff_print_patch_binary, diff_print_patch_hunk, diff_print_patch_line, &pi)) < 0) { git_error_set_after_callback_function(error, "git_patch_print"); goto out; } out: git_str_dispose(&temp); return error; } /* print a git_patch to a git_str */ int git_patch_to_buf(git_buf *out, git_patch *patch) { GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(out, git_patch__to_buf, patch); } int git_patch__to_buf(git_str *out, git_patch *patch) { GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(patch); return git_patch_print(patch, git_diff_print_callback__to_buf, out); }