Feature: Index as Table Viewing resources as a table on the index page Scenario: Viewing the default table with no resources Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post """ Then I should see a sortable table header with "ID" And I should see a sortable table header with "Title" Scenario: Viewing the default table with a resource Given a post with the title "Hello World" exists And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post """ Then I should see "Hello World" Then I should see nicely formatted datetimes And I should see a link to "View" And I should see a link to "Edit" And I should see a link to "Delete" Scenario: Customizing the columns with symbols Given a post with the title "Hello World" and body "From the body" exists And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index do column :title column :body end end """ Then I should see a sortable table header with "Title" And I should see a sortable table header with "Body" And I should see "Hello World" And I should see "From the body" Scenario: Customizing the columns with a block Given a post with the title "Hello World" and body "From the body" exists And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index do column("My Title") do |post| post.title end column("My Body") do |post| post.body end end end """ Then I should see a table header with "My Title" And I should see a table header with "My Body" And I should see "Hello World" And I should see "From the body" Scenario: Showing and Hiding columns Given a post with the title "Hello World" and body "From the body" exists And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index do if current_active_admin_user column :title end if current_active_admin_user.nil? column :body end end end """ Then I should see a sortable table header with "Title" And I should not see a table header with "Body" And I should see "Hello World" And I should not see "From the body"