/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const RequestShortener = require("./RequestShortener"); const SizeFormatHelpers = require("./SizeFormatHelpers"); const formatLocation = require("./formatLocation"); const identifierUtils = require("./util/identifier"); const compareLocations = require("./compareLocations"); const { LogType } = require("./logging/Logger"); const optionsOrFallback = (...args) => { let optionValues = []; optionValues.push(...args); return optionValues.find(optionValue => optionValue !== undefined); }; const compareId = (a, b) => { if (typeof a !== typeof b) { return typeof a < typeof b ? -1 : 1; } if (a < b) return -1; if (a > b) return 1; return 0; }; class Stats { constructor(compilation) { this.compilation = compilation; this.hash = compilation.hash; this.startTime = undefined; this.endTime = undefined; } static filterWarnings(warnings, warningsFilter) { // we dont have anything to filter so all warnings can be shown if (!warningsFilter) { return warnings; } // create a chain of filters // if they return "true" a warning should be suppressed const normalizedWarningsFilters = [].concat(warningsFilter).map(filter => { if (typeof filter === "string") { return warning => warning.includes(filter); } if (filter instanceof RegExp) { return warning => filter.test(warning); } if (typeof filter === "function") { return filter; } throw new Error( `Can only filter warnings with Strings or RegExps. (Given: ${filter})` ); }); return warnings.filter(warning => { return !normalizedWarningsFilters.some(check => check(warning)); }); } formatFilePath(filePath) { const OPTIONS_REGEXP = /^(\s|\S)*!/; return filePath.includes("!") ? `${filePath.replace(OPTIONS_REGEXP, "")} (${filePath})` : `${filePath}`; } hasWarnings() { return ( this.compilation.warnings.length > 0 || this.compilation.children.some(child => child.getStats().hasWarnings()) ); } hasErrors() { return ( this.compilation.errors.length > 0 || this.compilation.children.some(child => child.getStats().hasErrors()) ); } // remove a prefixed "!" that can be specified to reverse sort order normalizeFieldKey(field) { if (field[0] === "!") { return field.substr(1); } return field; } // if a field is prefixed by a "!" reverse sort order sortOrderRegular(field) { if (field[0] === "!") { return false; } return true; } toJson(options, forToString) { if (typeof options === "boolean" || typeof options === "string") { options = Stats.presetToOptions(options); } else if (!options) { options = {}; } const optionOrLocalFallback = (v, def) => v !== undefined ? v : options.all !== undefined ? options.all : def; const testAgainstGivenOption = item => { if (typeof item === "string") { const regExp = new RegExp( `[\\\\/]${item.replace( // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape /[-[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, "\\$&" )}([\\\\/]|$|!|\\?)` ); return ident => regExp.test(ident); } if (item && typeof item === "object" && typeof item.test === "function") { return ident => item.test(ident); } if (typeof item === "function") { return item; } if (typeof item === "boolean") { return () => item; } }; const compilation = this.compilation; const context = optionsOrFallback( options.context, compilation.compiler.context ); const requestShortener = compilation.compiler.context === context ? compilation.requestShortener : new RequestShortener(context); const showPerformance = optionOrLocalFallback(options.performance, true); const showHash = optionOrLocalFallback(options.hash, true); const showEnv = optionOrLocalFallback(options.env, false); const showVersion = optionOrLocalFallback(options.version, true); const showTimings = optionOrLocalFallback(options.timings, true); const showBuiltAt = optionOrLocalFallback(options.builtAt, true); const showAssets = optionOrLocalFallback(options.assets, true); const showEntrypoints = optionOrLocalFallback(options.entrypoints, true); const showChunkGroups = optionOrLocalFallback( options.chunkGroups, !forToString ); const showChunks = optionOrLocalFallback(options.chunks, !forToString); const showChunkModules = optionOrLocalFallback(options.chunkModules, true); const showChunkOrigins = optionOrLocalFallback( options.chunkOrigins, !forToString ); const showModules = optionOrLocalFallback(options.modules, true); const showNestedModules = optionOrLocalFallback( options.nestedModules, true ); const showModuleAssets = optionOrLocalFallback( options.moduleAssets, !forToString ); const showDepth = optionOrLocalFallback(options.depth, !forToString); const showCachedModules = optionOrLocalFallback(options.cached, true); const showCachedAssets = optionOrLocalFallback(options.cachedAssets, true); const showReasons = optionOrLocalFallback(options.reasons, !forToString); const showUsedExports = optionOrLocalFallback( options.usedExports, !forToString ); const showProvidedExports = optionOrLocalFallback( options.providedExports, !forToString ); const showOptimizationBailout = optionOrLocalFallback( options.optimizationBailout, !forToString ); const showChildren = optionOrLocalFallback(options.children, true); const showSource = optionOrLocalFallback(options.source, !forToString); const showModuleTrace = optionOrLocalFallback(options.moduleTrace, true); const showErrors = optionOrLocalFallback(options.errors, true); const showErrorDetails = optionOrLocalFallback( options.errorDetails, !forToString ); const showWarnings = optionOrLocalFallback(options.warnings, true); const warningsFilter = optionsOrFallback(options.warningsFilter, null); const showPublicPath = optionOrLocalFallback( options.publicPath, !forToString ); const showLogging = optionOrLocalFallback( options.logging, forToString ? "info" : true ); const showLoggingTrace = optionOrLocalFallback( options.loggingTrace, !forToString ); const loggingDebug = [] .concat(optionsOrFallback(options.loggingDebug, [])) .map(testAgainstGivenOption); const excludeModules = [] .concat(optionsOrFallback(options.excludeModules, options.exclude, [])) .map(testAgainstGivenOption); const excludeAssets = [] .concat(optionsOrFallback(options.excludeAssets, [])) .map(testAgainstGivenOption); const maxModules = optionsOrFallback( options.maxModules, forToString ? 15 : Infinity ); const sortModules = optionsOrFallback(options.modulesSort, "id"); const sortChunks = optionsOrFallback(options.chunksSort, "id"); const sortAssets = optionsOrFallback(options.assetsSort, ""); const showOutputPath = optionOrLocalFallback( options.outputPath, !forToString ); if (!showCachedModules) { excludeModules.push((ident, module) => !module.built); } const createModuleFilter = () => { let i = 0; return module => { if (excludeModules.length > 0) { const ident = requestShortener.shorten(module.resource); const excluded = excludeModules.some(fn => fn(ident, module)); if (excluded) return false; } const result = i < maxModules; i++; return result; }; }; const createAssetFilter = () => { return asset => { if (excludeAssets.length > 0) { const ident = asset.name; const excluded = excludeAssets.some(fn => fn(ident, asset)); if (excluded) return false; } return showCachedAssets || asset.emitted; }; }; const sortByFieldAndOrder = (fieldKey, a, b) => { if (a[fieldKey] === null && b[fieldKey] === null) return 0; if (a[fieldKey] === null) return 1; if (b[fieldKey] === null) return -1; if (a[fieldKey] === b[fieldKey]) return 0; if (typeof a[fieldKey] !== typeof b[fieldKey]) return typeof a[fieldKey] < typeof b[fieldKey] ? -1 : 1; return a[fieldKey] < b[fieldKey] ? -1 : 1; }; const sortByField = (field, originalArray) => { const originalMap = originalArray.reduce((map, v, i) => { map.set(v, i); return map; }, new Map()); return (a, b) => { if (field) { const fieldKey = this.normalizeFieldKey(field); // if a field is prefixed with a "!" the sort is reversed! const sortIsRegular = this.sortOrderRegular(field); const cmp = sortByFieldAndOrder( fieldKey, sortIsRegular ? a : b, sortIsRegular ? b : a ); if (cmp) return cmp; } return originalMap.get(a) - originalMap.get(b); }; }; const formatError = e => { let text = ""; if (typeof e === "string") { e = { message: e }; } if (e.chunk) { text += `chunk ${e.chunk.name || e.chunk.id}${ e.chunk.hasRuntime() ? " [entry]" : e.chunk.canBeInitial() ? " [initial]" : "" }\n`; } if (e.file) { text += `${e.file}\n`; } if ( e.module && e.module.readableIdentifier && typeof e.module.readableIdentifier === "function" ) { text += this.formatFilePath( e.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) ); if (typeof e.loc === "object") { const locInfo = formatLocation(e.loc); if (locInfo) text += ` ${locInfo}`; } text += "\n"; } text += e.message; if (showErrorDetails && e.details) { text += `\n${e.details}`; } if (showErrorDetails && e.missing) { text += e.missing.map(item => `\n[${item}]`).join(""); } if (showModuleTrace && e.origin) { text += `\n @ ${this.formatFilePath( e.origin.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) )}`; if (typeof e.originLoc === "object") { const locInfo = formatLocation(e.originLoc); if (locInfo) text += ` ${locInfo}`; } if (e.dependencies) { for (const dep of e.dependencies) { if (!dep.loc) continue; if (typeof dep.loc === "string") continue; const locInfo = formatLocation(dep.loc); if (!locInfo) continue; text += ` ${locInfo}`; } } let current = e.origin; while (current.issuer) { current = current.issuer; text += `\n @ ${current.readableIdentifier(requestShortener)}`; } } return text; }; const obj = { errors: compilation.errors.map(formatError), warnings: Stats.filterWarnings( compilation.warnings.map(formatError), warningsFilter ) }; //We just hint other renderers since actually omitting //errors/warnings from the JSON would be kind of weird. Object.defineProperty(obj, "_showWarnings", { value: showWarnings, enumerable: false }); Object.defineProperty(obj, "_showErrors", { value: showErrors, enumerable: false }); if (showVersion) { obj.version = require("../package.json").version; } if (showHash) obj.hash = this.hash; if (showTimings && this.startTime && this.endTime) { obj.time = this.endTime - this.startTime; } if (showBuiltAt && this.endTime) { obj.builtAt = this.endTime; } if (showEnv && options._env) { obj.env = options._env; } if (compilation.needAdditionalPass) { obj.needAdditionalPass = true; } if (showPublicPath) { obj.publicPath = this.compilation.mainTemplate.getPublicPath({ hash: this.compilation.hash }); } if (showOutputPath) { obj.outputPath = this.compilation.mainTemplate.outputOptions.path; } if (showAssets) { const assetsByFile = {}; const compilationAssets = Object.keys(compilation.assets).sort(); obj.assetsByChunkName = {}; obj.assets = compilationAssets .map(asset => { const obj = { name: asset, size: compilation.assets[asset].size(), chunks: [], chunkNames: [], // TODO webpack 5: remove .emitted emitted: compilation.assets[asset].emitted || compilation.emittedAssets.has(asset) }; if (showPerformance) { obj.isOverSizeLimit = compilation.assets[asset].isOverSizeLimit; } assetsByFile[asset] = obj; return obj; }) .filter(createAssetFilter()); obj.filteredAssets = compilationAssets.length - obj.assets.length; for (const chunk of compilation.chunks) { for (const asset of chunk.files) { if (assetsByFile[asset]) { for (const id of chunk.ids) { assetsByFile[asset].chunks.push(id); } if (chunk.name) { assetsByFile[asset].chunkNames.push(chunk.name); if (obj.assetsByChunkName[chunk.name]) { obj.assetsByChunkName[chunk.name] = [] .concat(obj.assetsByChunkName[chunk.name]) .concat([asset]); } else { obj.assetsByChunkName[chunk.name] = asset; } } } } } obj.assets.sort(sortByField(sortAssets, obj.assets)); } const fnChunkGroup = groupMap => { const obj = {}; for (const keyValuePair of groupMap) { const name = keyValuePair[0]; const cg = keyValuePair[1]; const children = cg.getChildrenByOrders(); obj[name] = { chunks: cg.chunks.map(c => c.id), assets: cg.chunks.reduce( (array, c) => array.concat(c.files || []), [] ), children: Object.keys(children).reduce((obj, key) => { const groups = children[key]; obj[key] = groups.map(group => ({ name: group.name, chunks: group.chunks.map(c => c.id), assets: group.chunks.reduce( (array, c) => array.concat(c.files || []), [] ) })); return obj; }, Object.create(null)), childAssets: Object.keys(children).reduce((obj, key) => { const groups = children[key]; obj[key] = Array.from( groups.reduce((set, group) => { for (const chunk of group.chunks) { for (const asset of chunk.files) { set.add(asset); } } return set; }, new Set()) ); return obj; }, Object.create(null)) }; if (showPerformance) { obj[name].isOverSizeLimit = cg.isOverSizeLimit; } } return obj; }; if (showEntrypoints) { obj.entrypoints = fnChunkGroup(compilation.entrypoints); } if (showChunkGroups) { obj.namedChunkGroups = fnChunkGroup(compilation.namedChunkGroups); } const fnModule = module => { const path = []; let current = module; while (current.issuer) { path.push((current = current.issuer)); } path.reverse(); const obj = { id: module.id, identifier: module.identifier(), name: module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener), index: module.index, index2: module.index2, size: module.size(), cacheable: module.buildInfo.cacheable, built: !!module.built, optional: module.optional, prefetched: module.prefetched, chunks: Array.from(module.chunksIterable, chunk => chunk.id), issuer: module.issuer && module.issuer.identifier(), issuerId: module.issuer && module.issuer.id, issuerName: module.issuer && module.issuer.readableIdentifier(requestShortener), issuerPath: module.issuer && path.map(module => ({ id: module.id, identifier: module.identifier(), name: module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener), profile: module.profile })), profile: module.profile, failed: !!module.error, errors: module.errors ? module.errors.length : 0, warnings: module.warnings ? module.warnings.length : 0 }; if (showModuleAssets) { obj.assets = Object.keys(module.buildInfo.assets || {}); } if (showReasons) { obj.reasons = module.reasons .sort((a, b) => { if (a.module && !b.module) return -1; if (!a.module && b.module) return 1; if (a.module && b.module) { const cmp = compareId(a.module.id, b.module.id); if (cmp) return cmp; } if (a.dependency && !b.dependency) return -1; if (!a.dependency && b.dependency) return 1; if (a.dependency && b.dependency) { const cmp = compareLocations(a.dependency.loc, b.dependency.loc); if (cmp) return cmp; if (a.dependency.type < b.dependency.type) return -1; if (a.dependency.type > b.dependency.type) return 1; } return 0; }) .map(reason => { const obj = { moduleId: reason.module ? reason.module.id : null, moduleIdentifier: reason.module ? reason.module.identifier() : null, module: reason.module ? reason.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) : null, moduleName: reason.module ? reason.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) : null, type: reason.dependency ? reason.dependency.type : null, explanation: reason.explanation, userRequest: reason.dependency ? reason.dependency.userRequest : null }; if (reason.dependency) { const locInfo = formatLocation(reason.dependency.loc); if (locInfo) { obj.loc = locInfo; } } return obj; }); } if (showUsedExports) { if (module.used === true) { obj.usedExports = module.usedExports; } else if (module.used === false) { obj.usedExports = false; } } if (showProvidedExports) { obj.providedExports = Array.isArray(module.buildMeta.providedExports) ? module.buildMeta.providedExports : null; } if (showOptimizationBailout) { obj.optimizationBailout = module.optimizationBailout.map(item => { if (typeof item === "function") return item(requestShortener); return item; }); } if (showDepth) { obj.depth = module.depth; } if (showNestedModules) { if (module.modules) { const modules = module.modules; obj.modules = modules .sort(sortByField("depth", modules)) .filter(createModuleFilter()) .map(fnModule); obj.filteredModules = modules.length - obj.modules.length; obj.modules.sort(sortByField(sortModules, obj.modules)); } } if (showSource && module._source) { obj.source = module._source.source(); } return obj; }; if (showChunks) { obj.chunks = compilation.chunks.map(chunk => { const parents = new Set(); const children = new Set(); const siblings = new Set(); const childIdByOrder = chunk.getChildIdsByOrders(); for (const chunkGroup of chunk.groupsIterable) { for (const parentGroup of chunkGroup.parentsIterable) { for (const chunk of parentGroup.chunks) { parents.add(chunk.id); } } for (const childGroup of chunkGroup.childrenIterable) { for (const chunk of childGroup.chunks) { children.add(chunk.id); } } for (const sibling of chunkGroup.chunks) { if (sibling !== chunk) siblings.add(sibling.id); } } const obj = { id: chunk.id, rendered: chunk.rendered, initial: chunk.canBeInitial(), entry: chunk.hasRuntime(), recorded: chunk.recorded, reason: chunk.chunkReason, size: chunk.modulesSize(), names: chunk.name ? [chunk.name] : [], files: chunk.files.slice(), hash: chunk.renderedHash, siblings: Array.from(siblings).sort(compareId), parents: Array.from(parents).sort(compareId), children: Array.from(children).sort(compareId), childrenByOrder: childIdByOrder }; if (showChunkModules) { const modules = chunk.getModules(); obj.modules = modules .slice() .sort(sortByField("depth", modules)) .filter(createModuleFilter()) .map(fnModule); obj.filteredModules = chunk.getNumberOfModules() - obj.modules.length; obj.modules.sort(sortByField(sortModules, obj.modules)); } if (showChunkOrigins) { obj.origins = Array.from(chunk.groupsIterable, g => g.origins) .reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []) .map(origin => ({ moduleId: origin.module ? origin.module.id : undefined, module: origin.module ? origin.module.identifier() : "", moduleIdentifier: origin.module ? origin.module.identifier() : "", moduleName: origin.module ? origin.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) : "", loc: formatLocation(origin.loc), request: origin.request, reasons: origin.reasons || [] })) .sort((a, b) => { const cmp1 = compareId(a.moduleId, b.moduleId); if (cmp1) return cmp1; const cmp2 = compareId(a.loc, b.loc); if (cmp2) return cmp2; const cmp3 = compareId(a.request, b.request); if (cmp3) return cmp3; return 0; }); } return obj; }); obj.chunks.sort(sortByField(sortChunks, obj.chunks)); } if (showModules) { obj.modules = compilation.modules .slice() .sort(sortByField("depth", compilation.modules)) .filter(createModuleFilter()) .map(fnModule); obj.filteredModules = compilation.modules.length - obj.modules.length; obj.modules.sort(sortByField(sortModules, obj.modules)); } if (showLogging) { const util = require("util"); obj.logging = {}; let acceptedTypes; let collapsedGroups = false; switch (showLogging) { case "none": acceptedTypes = new Set([]); break; case "error": acceptedTypes = new Set([LogType.error]); break; case "warn": acceptedTypes = new Set([LogType.error, LogType.warn]); break; case "info": acceptedTypes = new Set([LogType.error, LogType.warn, LogType.info]); break; case true: case "log": acceptedTypes = new Set([ LogType.error, LogType.warn, LogType.info, LogType.log, LogType.group, LogType.groupEnd, LogType.groupCollapsed, LogType.clear ]); break; case "verbose": acceptedTypes = new Set([ LogType.error, LogType.warn, LogType.info, LogType.log, LogType.group, LogType.groupEnd, LogType.groupCollapsed, LogType.profile, LogType.profileEnd, LogType.time, LogType.status, LogType.clear ]); collapsedGroups = true; break; } for (const [origin, logEntries] of compilation.logging) { const debugMode = loggingDebug.some(fn => fn(origin)); let collapseCounter = 0; let processedLogEntries = logEntries; if (!debugMode) { processedLogEntries = processedLogEntries.filter(entry => { if (!acceptedTypes.has(entry.type)) return false; if (!collapsedGroups) { switch (entry.type) { case LogType.groupCollapsed: collapseCounter++; return collapseCounter === 1; case LogType.group: if (collapseCounter > 0) collapseCounter++; return collapseCounter === 0; case LogType.groupEnd: if (collapseCounter > 0) { collapseCounter--; return false; } return true; default: return collapseCounter === 0; } } return true; }); } processedLogEntries = processedLogEntries.map(entry => { let message = undefined; if (entry.type === LogType.time) { message = `${entry.args[0]}: ${entry.args[1] * 1000 + entry.args[2] / 1000000}ms`; } else if (entry.args && entry.args.length > 0) { message = util.format(entry.args[0], ...entry.args.slice(1)); } return { type: (debugMode || collapsedGroups) && entry.type === LogType.groupCollapsed ? LogType.group : entry.type, message, trace: showLoggingTrace && entry.trace ? entry.trace : undefined }; }); let name = identifierUtils .makePathsRelative(context, origin, compilation.cache) .replace(/\|/g, " "); if (name in obj.logging) { let i = 1; while (`${name}#${i}` in obj.logging) { i++; } name = `${name}#${i}`; } obj.logging[name] = { entries: processedLogEntries, filteredEntries: logEntries.length - processedLogEntries.length, debug: debugMode }; } } if (showChildren) { obj.children = compilation.children.map((child, idx) => { const childOptions = Stats.getChildOptions(options, idx); const obj = new Stats(child).toJson(childOptions, forToString); delete obj.hash; delete obj.version; if (child.name) { obj.name = identifierUtils.makePathsRelative( context, child.name, compilation.cache ); } return obj; }); } return obj; } toString(options) { if (typeof options === "boolean" || typeof options === "string") { options = Stats.presetToOptions(options); } else if (!options) { options = {}; } const useColors = optionsOrFallback(options.colors, false); const obj = this.toJson(options, true); return Stats.jsonToString(obj, useColors); } static jsonToString(obj, useColors) { const buf = []; const defaultColors = { bold: "\u001b[1m", yellow: "\u001b[1m\u001b[33m", red: "\u001b[1m\u001b[31m", green: "\u001b[1m\u001b[32m", cyan: "\u001b[1m\u001b[36m", magenta: "\u001b[1m\u001b[35m" }; const colors = Object.keys(defaultColors).reduce( (obj, color) => { obj[color] = str => { if (useColors) { buf.push( useColors === true || useColors[color] === undefined ? defaultColors[color] : useColors[color] ); } buf.push(str); if (useColors) { buf.push("\u001b[39m\u001b[22m"); } }; return obj; }, { normal: str => buf.push(str) } ); const coloredTime = time => { let times = [800, 400, 200, 100]; if (obj.time) { times = [obj.time / 2, obj.time / 4, obj.time / 8, obj.time / 16]; } if (time < times[3]) colors.normal(`${time}ms`); else if (time < times[2]) colors.bold(`${time}ms`); else if (time < times[1]) colors.green(`${time}ms`); else if (time < times[0]) colors.yellow(`${time}ms`); else colors.red(`${time}ms`); }; const newline = () => buf.push("\n"); const getText = (arr, row, col) => { return arr[row][col].value; }; const table = (array, align, splitter) => { const rows = array.length; const cols = array[0].length; const colSizes = new Array(cols); for (let col = 0; col < cols; col++) { colSizes[col] = 0; } for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < cols; col++) { const value = `${getText(array, row, col)}`; if (value.length > colSizes[col]) { colSizes[col] = value.length; } } } for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < cols; col++) { const format = array[row][col].color; const value = `${getText(array, row, col)}`; let l = value.length; if (align[col] === "l") { format(value); } for (; l < colSizes[col] && col !== cols - 1; l++) { colors.normal(" "); } if (align[col] === "r") { format(value); } if (col + 1 < cols && colSizes[col] !== 0) { colors.normal(splitter || " "); } } newline(); } }; const getAssetColor = (asset, defaultColor) => { if (asset.isOverSizeLimit) { return colors.yellow; } return defaultColor; }; if (obj.hash) { colors.normal("Hash: "); colors.bold(obj.hash); newline(); } if (obj.version) { colors.normal("Version: webpack "); colors.bold(obj.version); newline(); } if (typeof obj.time === "number") { colors.normal("Time: "); colors.bold(obj.time); colors.normal("ms"); newline(); } if (typeof obj.builtAt === "number") { const builtAtDate = new Date(obj.builtAt); colors.normal("Built at: "); colors.normal( builtAtDate.toLocaleDateString(undefined, { day: "2-digit", month: "2-digit", year: "numeric" }) ); colors.normal(" "); colors.bold(builtAtDate.toLocaleTimeString()); newline(); } if (obj.env) { colors.normal("Environment (--env): "); colors.bold(JSON.stringify(obj.env, null, 2)); newline(); } if (obj.publicPath) { colors.normal("PublicPath: "); colors.bold(obj.publicPath); newline(); } if (obj.assets && obj.assets.length > 0) { const t = [ [ { value: "Asset", color: colors.bold }, { value: "Size", color: colors.bold }, { value: "Chunks", color: colors.bold }, { value: "", color: colors.bold }, { value: "", color: colors.bold }, { value: "Chunk Names", color: colors.bold } ] ]; for (const asset of obj.assets) { t.push([ { value: asset.name, color: getAssetColor(asset, colors.green) }, { value: SizeFormatHelpers.formatSize(asset.size), color: getAssetColor(asset, colors.normal) }, { value: asset.chunks.join(", "), color: colors.bold }, { value: asset.emitted ? "[emitted]" : "", color: colors.green }, { value: asset.isOverSizeLimit ? "[big]" : "", color: getAssetColor(asset, colors.normal) }, { value: asset.chunkNames.join(", "), color: colors.normal } ]); } table(t, "rrrlll"); } if (obj.filteredAssets > 0) { colors.normal(" "); if (obj.assets.length > 0) colors.normal("+ "); colors.normal(obj.filteredAssets); if (obj.assets.length > 0) colors.normal(" hidden"); colors.normal(obj.filteredAssets !== 1 ? " assets" : " asset"); newline(); } const processChunkGroups = (namedGroups, prefix) => { for (const name of Object.keys(namedGroups)) { const cg = namedGroups[name]; colors.normal(`${prefix} `); colors.bold(name); if (cg.isOverSizeLimit) { colors.normal(" "); colors.yellow("[big]"); } colors.normal(" ="); for (const asset of cg.assets) { colors.normal(" "); colors.green(asset); } for (const name of Object.keys(cg.childAssets)) { const assets = cg.childAssets[name]; if (assets && assets.length > 0) { colors.normal(" "); colors.magenta(`(${name}:`); for (const asset of assets) { colors.normal(" "); colors.green(asset); } colors.magenta(")"); } } newline(); } }; if (obj.entrypoints) { processChunkGroups(obj.entrypoints, "Entrypoint"); } if (obj.namedChunkGroups) { let outputChunkGroups = obj.namedChunkGroups; if (obj.entrypoints) { outputChunkGroups = Object.keys(outputChunkGroups) .filter(name => !obj.entrypoints[name]) .reduce((result, name) => { result[name] = obj.namedChunkGroups[name]; return result; }, {}); } processChunkGroups(outputChunkGroups, "Chunk Group"); } const modulesByIdentifier = {}; if (obj.modules) { for (const module of obj.modules) { modulesByIdentifier[`$${module.identifier}`] = module; } } else if (obj.chunks) { for (const chunk of obj.chunks) { if (chunk.modules) { for (const module of chunk.modules) { modulesByIdentifier[`$${module.identifier}`] = module; } } } } const processModuleAttributes = module => { colors.normal(" "); colors.normal(SizeFormatHelpers.formatSize(module.size)); if (module.chunks) { for (const chunk of module.chunks) { colors.normal(" {"); colors.yellow(chunk); colors.normal("}"); } } if (typeof module.depth === "number") { colors.normal(` [depth ${module.depth}]`); } if (module.cacheable === false) { colors.red(" [not cacheable]"); } if (module.optional) { colors.yellow(" [optional]"); } if (module.built) { colors.green(" [built]"); } if (module.assets && module.assets.length) { colors.magenta( ` [${module.assets.length} asset${ module.assets.length === 1 ? "" : "s" }]` ); } if (module.prefetched) { colors.magenta(" [prefetched]"); } if (module.failed) colors.red(" [failed]"); if (module.warnings) { colors.yellow( ` [${module.warnings} warning${module.warnings === 1 ? "" : "s"}]` ); } if (module.errors) { colors.red( ` [${module.errors} error${module.errors === 1 ? "" : "s"}]` ); } }; const processModuleContent = (module, prefix) => { if (Array.isArray(module.providedExports)) { colors.normal(prefix); if (module.providedExports.length === 0) { colors.cyan("[no exports]"); } else { colors.cyan(`[exports: ${module.providedExports.join(", ")}]`); } newline(); } if (module.usedExports !== undefined) { if (module.usedExports !== true) { colors.normal(prefix); if (module.usedExports === null) { colors.cyan("[used exports unknown]"); } else if (module.usedExports === false) { colors.cyan("[no exports used]"); } else if ( Array.isArray(module.usedExports) && module.usedExports.length === 0 ) { colors.cyan("[no exports used]"); } else if (Array.isArray(module.usedExports)) { const providedExportsCount = Array.isArray(module.providedExports) ? module.providedExports.length : null; if ( providedExportsCount !== null && providedExportsCount === module.usedExports.length ) { colors.cyan("[all exports used]"); } else { colors.cyan( `[only some exports used: ${module.usedExports.join(", ")}]` ); } } newline(); } } if (Array.isArray(module.optimizationBailout)) { for (const item of module.optimizationBailout) { colors.normal(prefix); colors.yellow(item); newline(); } } if (module.reasons) { for (const reason of module.reasons) { colors.normal(prefix); if (reason.type) { colors.normal(reason.type); colors.normal(" "); } if (reason.userRequest) { colors.cyan(reason.userRequest); colors.normal(" "); } if (reason.moduleId !== null) { colors.normal("["); colors.normal(reason.moduleId); colors.normal("]"); } if (reason.module && reason.module !== reason.moduleId) { colors.normal(" "); colors.magenta(reason.module); } if (reason.loc) { colors.normal(" "); colors.normal(reason.loc); } if (reason.explanation) { colors.normal(" "); colors.cyan(reason.explanation); } newline(); } } if (module.profile) { colors.normal(prefix); let sum = 0; if (module.issuerPath) { for (const m of module.issuerPath) { colors.normal("["); colors.normal(m.id); colors.normal("] "); if (m.profile) { const time = (m.profile.factory || 0) + (m.profile.building || 0); coloredTime(time); sum += time; colors.normal(" "); } colors.normal("-> "); } } for (const key of Object.keys(module.profile)) { colors.normal(`${key}:`); const time = module.profile[key]; coloredTime(time); colors.normal(" "); sum += time; } colors.normal("= "); coloredTime(sum); newline(); } if (module.modules) { processModulesList(module, prefix + "| "); } }; const processModulesList = (obj, prefix) => { if (obj.modules) { let maxModuleId = 0; for (const module of obj.modules) { if (typeof module.id === "number") { if (maxModuleId < module.id) maxModuleId = module.id; } } let contentPrefix = prefix + " "; if (maxModuleId >= 10) contentPrefix += " "; if (maxModuleId >= 100) contentPrefix += " "; if (maxModuleId >= 1000) contentPrefix += " "; for (const module of obj.modules) { colors.normal(prefix); const name = module.name || module.identifier; if (typeof module.id === "string" || typeof module.id === "number") { if (typeof module.id === "number") { if (module.id < 1000 && maxModuleId >= 1000) colors.normal(" "); if (module.id < 100 && maxModuleId >= 100) colors.normal(" "); if (module.id < 10 && maxModuleId >= 10) colors.normal(" "); } else { if (maxModuleId >= 1000) colors.normal(" "); if (maxModuleId >= 100) colors.normal(" "); if (maxModuleId >= 10) colors.normal(" "); } if (name !== module.id) { colors.normal("["); colors.normal(module.id); colors.normal("]"); colors.normal(" "); } else { colors.normal("["); colors.bold(module.id); colors.normal("]"); } } if (name !== module.id) { colors.bold(name); } processModuleAttributes(module); newline(); processModuleContent(module, contentPrefix); } if (obj.filteredModules > 0) { colors.normal(prefix); colors.normal(" "); if (obj.modules.length > 0) colors.normal(" + "); colors.normal(obj.filteredModules); if (obj.modules.length > 0) colors.normal(" hidden"); colors.normal(obj.filteredModules !== 1 ? " modules" : " module"); newline(); } } }; if (obj.chunks) { for (const chunk of obj.chunks) { colors.normal("chunk "); if (chunk.id < 1000) colors.normal(" "); if (chunk.id < 100) colors.normal(" "); if (chunk.id < 10) colors.normal(" "); colors.normal("{"); colors.yellow(chunk.id); colors.normal("} "); colors.green(chunk.files.join(", ")); if (chunk.names && chunk.names.length > 0) { colors.normal(" ("); colors.normal(chunk.names.join(", ")); colors.normal(")"); } colors.normal(" "); colors.normal(SizeFormatHelpers.formatSize(chunk.size)); for (const id of chunk.parents) { colors.normal(" <{"); colors.yellow(id); colors.normal("}>"); } for (const id of chunk.siblings) { colors.normal(" ={"); colors.yellow(id); colors.normal("}="); } for (const id of chunk.children) { colors.normal(" >{"); colors.yellow(id); colors.normal("}<"); } if (chunk.childrenByOrder) { for (const name of Object.keys(chunk.childrenByOrder)) { const children = chunk.childrenByOrder[name]; colors.normal(" "); colors.magenta(`(${name}:`); for (const id of children) { colors.normal(" {"); colors.yellow(id); colors.normal("}"); } colors.magenta(")"); } } if (chunk.entry) { colors.yellow(" [entry]"); } else if (chunk.initial) { colors.yellow(" [initial]"); } if (chunk.rendered) { colors.green(" [rendered]"); } if (chunk.recorded) { colors.green(" [recorded]"); } if (chunk.reason) { colors.yellow(` ${chunk.reason}`); } newline(); if (chunk.origins) { for (const origin of chunk.origins) { colors.normal(" > "); if (origin.reasons && origin.reasons.length) { colors.yellow(origin.reasons.join(" ")); colors.normal(" "); } if (origin.request) { colors.normal(origin.request); colors.normal(" "); } if (origin.module) { colors.normal("["); colors.normal(origin.moduleId); colors.normal("] "); const module = modulesByIdentifier[`$${origin.module}`]; if (module) { colors.bold(module.name); colors.normal(" "); } } if (origin.loc) { colors.normal(origin.loc); } newline(); } } processModulesList(chunk, " "); } } processModulesList(obj, ""); if (obj.logging) { for (const origin of Object.keys(obj.logging)) { const logData = obj.logging[origin]; if (logData.entries.length > 0) { newline(); if (logData.debug) { colors.red("DEBUG "); } colors.bold("LOG from " + origin); newline(); let indent = ""; for (const entry of logData.entries) { let color = colors.normal; let prefix = " "; switch (entry.type) { case LogType.clear: colors.normal(`${indent}-------`); newline(); continue; case LogType.error: color = colors.red; prefix = " "; break; case LogType.warn: color = colors.yellow; prefix = " "; break; case LogType.info: color = colors.green; prefix = " "; break; case LogType.log: color = colors.bold; break; case LogType.trace: case LogType.debug: color = colors.normal; break; case LogType.status: color = colors.magenta; prefix = " "; break; case LogType.profile: color = colors.magenta; prefix = "

"; break; case LogType.profileEnd: color = colors.magenta; prefix = "

"; break; case LogType.time: color = colors.magenta; prefix = " "; break; case LogType.group: color = colors.cyan; prefix = "<-> "; break; case LogType.groupCollapsed: color = colors.cyan; prefix = "<+> "; break; case LogType.groupEnd: if (indent.length >= 2) indent = indent.slice(0, indent.length - 2); continue; } if (entry.message) { for (const line of entry.message.split("\n")) { colors.normal(`${indent}${prefix}`); color(line); newline(); } } if (entry.trace) { for (const line of entry.trace) { colors.normal(`${indent}| ${line}`); newline(); } } switch (entry.type) { case LogType.group: indent += " "; break; } } if (logData.filteredEntries) { colors.normal(`+ ${logData.filteredEntries} hidden lines`); newline(); } } } } if (obj._showWarnings && obj.warnings) { for (const warning of obj.warnings) { newline(); colors.yellow(`WARNING in ${warning}`); newline(); } } if (obj._showErrors && obj.errors) { for (const error of obj.errors) { newline(); colors.red(`ERROR in ${error}`); newline(); } } if (obj.children) { for (const child of obj.children) { const childString = Stats.jsonToString(child, useColors); if (childString) { if (child.name) { colors.normal("Child "); colors.bold(child.name); colors.normal(":"); } else { colors.normal("Child"); } newline(); buf.push(" "); buf.push(childString.replace(/\n/g, "\n ")); newline(); } } } if (obj.needAdditionalPass) { colors.yellow( "Compilation needs an additional pass and will compile again." ); } while (buf[buf.length - 1] === "\n") { buf.pop(); } return buf.join(""); } static presetToOptions(name) { // Accepted values: none, errors-only, minimal, normal, detailed, verbose // Any other falsy value will behave as 'none', truthy values as 'normal' const pn = (typeof name === "string" && name.toLowerCase()) || name || "none"; switch (pn) { case "none": return { all: false }; case "verbose": return { entrypoints: true, chunkGroups: true, modules: false, chunks: true, chunkModules: true, chunkOrigins: true, depth: true, env: true, reasons: true, usedExports: true, providedExports: true, optimizationBailout: true, errorDetails: true, publicPath: true, logging: "verbose", exclude: false, maxModules: Infinity }; case "detailed": return { entrypoints: true, chunkGroups: true, chunks: true, chunkModules: false, chunkOrigins: true, depth: true, usedExports: true, providedExports: true, optimizationBailout: true, errorDetails: true, publicPath: true, logging: true, exclude: false, maxModules: Infinity }; case "minimal": return { all: false, modules: true, maxModules: 0, errors: true, warnings: true, logging: "warn" }; case "errors-only": return { all: false, errors: true, moduleTrace: true, logging: "error" }; case "errors-warnings": return { all: false, errors: true, warnings: true, logging: "warn" }; default: return {}; } } static getChildOptions(options, idx) { let innerOptions; if (Array.isArray(options.children)) { if (idx < options.children.length) { innerOptions = options.children[idx]; } } else if (typeof options.children === "object" && options.children) { innerOptions = options.children; } if (typeof innerOptions === "boolean" || typeof innerOptions === "string") { innerOptions = Stats.presetToOptions(innerOptions); } if (!innerOptions) { return options; } const childOptions = Object.assign({}, options); delete childOptions.children; // do not inherit children return Object.assign(childOptions, innerOptions); } } module.exports = Stats;