#!/usr/bin/env rspec -cfd require_relative '../spec_helper' require 'arborist/client' describe Arborist::Client do let( :client ) { described_class.new } describe "synchronous API", :testing_manager do before( :each ) do @manager_thread = Thread.new do @manager = make_testing_manager() Loggability[ Arborist ].info "Starting a testing manager: %p" % [ @manager ] Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true @manager.run Loggability[ Arborist ].info "Stopped the test manager" end count = 0 until (@manager && @manager.running?) || count > 30 sleep 0.1 count += 1 end raise "Manager didn't start up" unless @manager && @manager.running? end after( :each ) do if @manager @manager.simulate_signal( :TERM ) @manager_thread.join count = 0 while @manager.running? || count > 30 sleep 0.1 Loggability[ Arborist ].info "Manager still running" count += 1 end raise "Manager didn't stop" if @manager.running? end end let( :manager ) { @manager } describe "high-level methods" do it "provides a convenience method for acknowledging" do manager.nodes['sidonie'].update( error: "Clown apocalypse" ) res = client.acknowledge( :sidonie, "I'm on it.", "ged" ) expect( manager.nodes['sidonie'] ).to be_acked end it "provides a convenience method for clearing acknowledgments" do manager.nodes['sidonie'].update( error: "Clown apocalypse" ) res = client.acknowledge( :sidonie, "I'm on it.", "ged" ) res = client.clear_acknowledgement( :sidonie ) expect( manager.nodes['sidonie'] ).to_not be_acked end end describe "protocol-level API" do it "can fetch the status of the manager it's connected to" do res = client.status expect( res ).to include( 'server_version', 'state', 'uptime', 'nodecount' ) end it "can list the nodes of the manager it's connected to" do res = client.list expect( res ).to be_an( Array ) expect( res.length ).to eq( manager.nodes.length ) end it "can list a subtree of the nodes of the manager it's connected to" do res = client.list( from: 'duir' ) expect( res ).to be_an( Array ) expect( res.length ).to be < manager.nodes.length end it "can list a depth-limited subtree of the node of the managed it's connected to" do res = client.list( depth: 2 ) expect( res ).to be_an( Array ) expect( res.length ).to eq( 8 ) end it "can list a depth-limited subtree of the nodes of the manager it's connected to" do res = client.list( from: 'duir', depth: 1 ) expect( res ).to be_an( Array ) expect( res.length ).to eq( 5 ) end it "can fetch all node properties for all 'up' nodes" do res = client.fetch expect( res ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( res.length ).to be == manager.nodes.length expect( res.values ).to all( be_a(Hash) ) end it "can fetch identifiers for all 'up' nodes" do res = client.fetch( {}, properties: nil ) expect( res ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( res.length ).to be == manager.nodes.length expect( res.values ).to all( be_empty ) end it "can fetch a subset of properties for all 'up' nodes" do res = client.fetch( {}, properties: [:addresses, :status] ) expect( res ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( res.length ).to be == manager.nodes.length expect( res.values ).to all( be_a(Hash) ) expect( res.values.map(&:length) ).to all( be <= 2 ) end it "can fetch a subset of properties for all 'up' nodes matching specified criteria" do res = client.fetch( {type: 'host'}, properties: [:addresses, :status] ) expect( res ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( res.length ).to be == manager.nodes.values.count {|n| n.type == 'host' } expect( res.values ).to all( include('addresses', 'status') ) end it "can fetch all node properties for 'up' nodes that don't match specified criteria" do res = client.fetch( {}, properties: [:addresses, :status], exclude: {tag: 'testing'} ) testing_nodes = manager.nodes.values.select {|n| n.tags.include?('testing') } expect( res ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( res ).to_not be_empty() expect( res.length ).to eq( manager.nodes.length - testing_nodes.length ) expect( res.values ).to all( be_a(Hash) ) end it "can fetch all properties for all nodes regardless of their status" do # Down a node manager.nodes['duir'].update( error: 'something happened' ) res = client.fetch( {type: 'host'}, include_down: true ) expect( res ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( res ).to include( 'duir' ) expect( res['duir']['status'] ).to eq( 'down' ) end it "can update the properties of managed nodes", :no_ci do res = client.update( duir: { ping: {rtt: 24} } ) expect( res ).to be_truthy expect( manager.nodes['duir'].properties ).to include( 'ping' ) expect( manager.nodes['duir'].properties['ping'] ).to include( 'rtt' ) expect( manager.nodes['duir'].properties['ping']['rtt'] ).to eq( 24 ) end it "can subscribe to all events" do sub_id = client.subscribe expect( sub_id ).to be_a( String ) expect( sub_id ).to match( /^[\w\-]{16,}/ ) node = manager.subscriptions[ sub_id ] sub = manager.root.subscriptions[ sub_id ] expect( sub ).to be_a( Arborist::Subscription ) expect( sub.criteria ).to be_empty expect( sub.event_type ).to be_nil end it "can subscribe to a particular kind of event" do sub_id = client.subscribe( event_type: 'node.ack' ) expect( sub_id ).to be_a( String ) expect( sub_id ).to match( /^[\w\-]{16,}/ ) node = manager.subscriptions[ sub_id ] sub = manager.root.subscriptions[ sub_id ] expect( sub ).to be_a( Arborist::Subscription ) expect( sub.criteria ).to be_empty expect( sub.event_type ).to eq( 'node.ack' ) end it "can subscribe to events for descendants of a particular node in the tree" do sub_id = client.subscribe( identifier: 'sidonie' ) expect( sub_id ).to be_a( String ) expect( sub_id ).to match( /^[\w\-]{16,}/ ) node = manager.subscriptions[ sub_id ] sub = node.subscriptions[ sub_id ] expect( node.identifier ).to eq( 'sidonie' ) expect( sub ).to be_a( Arborist::Subscription ) expect( sub.criteria ).to be_empty expect( sub.event_type ).to be_nil end it "can subscribe to events of a particular type for descendants of a particular node" do sub_id = client.subscribe( identifier: 'sidonie', event_type: 'node.delta' ) expect( sub_id ).to be_a( String ) expect( sub_id ).to match( /^[\w\-]{16,}/ ) node = manager.subscriptions[ sub_id ] sub = node.subscriptions[ sub_id ] expect( node.identifier ).to eq( 'sidonie' ) expect( sub ).to be_a( Arborist::Subscription ) expect( sub.criteria ).to be_empty expect( sub.event_type ).to eq( 'node.delta' ) end it "can subscribe to events matching one or more criteria" do sub_id = client.subscribe( criteria: {type: 'service'} ) expect( sub_id ).to be_a( String ) expect( sub_id ).to match( /^[\w\-]{16,}/ ) node = manager.subscriptions[ sub_id ] sub = node.subscriptions[ sub_id ] expect( node.identifier ).to eq( '_' ) expect( sub ).to be_a( Arborist::Subscription ) expect( sub.criteria ).to eq( 'type' => 'service' ) expect( sub.event_type ).to eq( nil ) end it "can unsubscribe from events using a subscription ID" do sub_id = client.subscribe res = client.unsubscribe( sub_id ) expect( res ).to be_truthy expect( manager.subscriptions ).to_not include( sub_id ) end it "returns nil without error when unsubscribing to a non-existant subscription" do res = client.unsubscribe( 'a_subid' ) expect( res ).to be_nil end it "can prune nodes from the tree" do res = client.prune( 'sidonie-ssh' ) expect( res ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( res ).to include( 'identifier' => 'sidonie-ssh' ) expect( manager.nodes ).to_not include( 'sidonie-ssh' ) end it "returns nil without error when pruning a node that doesn't exist" do res = client.prune( 'carrigor' ) expect( res ).to be_nil end it "can graft new nodes onto the tree" do res = client.graft( 'breakfast-burrito', type: 'host' ) expect( res ).to eq({ 'identifier' => 'breakfast-burrito' }) expect( manager.nodes ).to include( 'breakfast-burrito' ) expect( manager.nodes['breakfast-burrito'] ).to be_a( Arborist::Node::Host ) expect( manager.nodes['breakfast-burrito'].parent ).to eq( '_' ) end it "can graft nodes with attributes onto the tree" do res = client.graft( 'breakfast-burrito', type: 'service', parent: 'duir', port: 9999, tags: ['yusss'] ) expect( res ).to eq({ 'identifier' => 'duir-breakfast-burrito' }) expect( manager.nodes ).to include( 'duir-breakfast-burrito' ) expect( manager.nodes['duir-breakfast-burrito'] ).to be_a( Arborist::Node::Service ) expect( manager.nodes['duir-breakfast-burrito'].parent ).to eq( 'duir' ) expect( manager.nodes['duir-breakfast-burrito'].port ).to eq( 9999 ) expect( manager.nodes['duir-breakfast-burrito'].tags ).to include( 'yusss' ) end it "can modify operational attributes of a node" do res = client.modify( "duir", tags: 'girlrobot' ) expect( res ).to be_truthy expect( manager.nodes['duir'].tags ).to eq( ['girlrobot'] ) end end end describe "asynchronous API" do it "can make a raw status request" do req = client.make_status_request expect( req ).to be_a( CZTop::Message ) header, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( req ) expect( header ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( header ).to include( 'version', 'action' ) expect( header['version'] ).to eq( Arborist::Client::API_VERSION ) expect( header['action'] ).to eq( 'status' ) end it "can make a raw list request" do req = client.make_list_request expect( req ).to be_a( CZTop::Message ) header, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( req ) expect( header ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( header ).to include( 'version', 'action' ) expect( header ).to_not include( 'from' ) expect( header['version'] ).to eq( Arborist::Client::API_VERSION ) expect( header['action'] ).to eq( 'list' ) end it "can make a raw fetch request" do req = client.make_fetch_request( {} ) expect( req ).to be_a( CZTop::Message ) header, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( req ) expect( header ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( header ).to include( 'version', 'action' ) expect( header['version'] ).to eq( Arborist::Client::API_VERSION ) expect( header['action'] ).to eq( 'fetch' ) expect( body ).to eq([ {}, {} ]) end it "can make a raw fetch request with criteria" do req = client.make_fetch_request( {type: 'host'} ) expect( req ).to be_a( CZTop::Message ) header, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( req ) expect( header ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( header ).to include( 'version', 'action' ) expect( header['version'] ).to eq( Arborist::Client::API_VERSION ) expect( header['action'] ).to eq( 'fetch' ) body = body expect( body.first ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body.first ).to include( 'type' ) expect( body.first['type'] ).to eq( 'host' ) end it "can make a raw update request" do req = client.make_update_request( duir: {error: "Something happened."} ) expect( req ).to be_a( CZTop::Message ) header, body = Arborist::TreeAPI.decode( req ) expect( header ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( header ).to include( 'version', 'action' ) expect( header['version'] ).to eq( Arborist::Client::API_VERSION ) expect( header['action'] ).to eq( 'update' ) expect( body ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( body ).to include( 'duir' ) expect( body['duir'] ).to eq( 'error' => 'Something happened.' ) end end end