## Version 1.5.0 /2010-02-19

Warning, some deprecations in this version.

* Remove `wti fetch` and `wti upload`. It was deprecated in 1.4.7 in favour of `wti pull` and `wti push` respectively.
* `wti push` now only pushes the master language file. Use `wti push --all` to push all or `wti push -l [locale]` to push a specific locale.
* `wti pull` now only pulls the target language files. Use `wti pull --all` to pull all or `wti pull -l [locale]` to pull a specific locale.
* Increase read timeout to 40s — Required for very large projects.
* Bug fix: `wti autoconf` now create directory if it doesn't exist.
* Bug fix: `wti autoconf` now ask the user where are the locale files.

## Version 1.4.7 /2010-02-05

* Add deprecation warning for `wti --fetch`, `wti -f`. These commands will be deprecated in favour of `wti pull`.
* Add deprecation warning for `wti --upload`, `wti -u`. These commands will be deprecated in favour of `wti push`.
* Add -c parameter to specify a configuration file at a custom location.
* Add -l parameter to specify a specific language file to pull or push (only works with `wti pull` and `wti push`).
* Add --force parameter to force Web Translate It to send the language files again, regardless if the current 
  language file version is current (this makes `wti pull` very much slower).
* Add `wti autoconf` command to automatically configure your project for Web Translate It.

## Version 1.4.6 /2010-02-04

* Add feedback when using the `wti command`.
* Fix bug where fetch requests were not using the conditional get requests feature.

## Version 1.4.5 /2010-02-02

* Improved documentation
* Web Translate is now an executable: `wti`

## Version 1.4.4 / 2010-02-01

* Add generator to automatically configure your project, given a Web Translate It API key.
* Remove rake trans:config, as configuration is now handled by the generator.

## Version 1.4.3 / 2010-01-09

* Remove colour outputs as it increases code complexity and doesn't add any value.
* Rack middleware now write to the application’s log file instead of just puts-ing
* Better error messages for misconfigured projects

## Version 1.4.2 / 2010-01-07

* Bug fix for `rake trans:config` which was not installing the translation.yml file properly.

## Version 1.4.1 / 2010-01-07

* Rename `rake trans:send[fr_Fr]` to `rake trans:upload[fr_FR]`
* Remove `rake trans:version` task. Instead, version number is displayed in the welcome banner.
* Code refactoring
* More tests

## Version 1.4.0 / 2010-01-06

* The plugin is now a gem

## Version 1.3.0 / 2010-01-05

* Add rack middleware to automatically fetch your translations
* Remove `autofetch` parameter in configuration file as it is better off to leave it to the user to
  include the rack middleware in each environment file.
* Add example of rack middleware for setting up I18n.locale

## Version 1.2.1 / 2010-01-04

* Add some documentation
* More feedback on file upload

## Version 1.2 / 2010-01-04

* New: Ability to **update** language files via PUT requests. Upload brand new language files is not possible at the moment.

## Version 1.1.1 / 2010-01-04

* Fix: locales in exclude list are no longer autofetched when browsing the app in these locales.

## Version 1.1 / 2010-01-04

* Support for multi-files projects.
* Deprecate `rake translation:*` in favour of the shorter form `rake trans`.
* Add task `rake trans:fetch[en_US]` to fetch files locale by locale.
* Add task `rake trans:fetch:all` to fetch all the files for all locales defined in Web Translate It’s web interface.

## Version 1.0.0 / 2009-11-02

* Better support for exceptions.

## Version 0.9.0 / 2009-10-26

* First version, plugin only support download of strings. Strings upload will be available in a later version.